AuthorTopic: Chapter 121  (Read 106663 times)

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #300 on: July 16 2006, 05:52 am »
Hahaha, I sleep the same way too. My friend once thought I had fainted when I slept over at her house cos my face is always stuck in my pillow. She couldn't figure out how I don't die in my sleep XD

I don't know if it takes practice either, but I guess it's something you get used to after a long time sleeping that way, because my friend promptly tried to imitate how I sleep and was like gasping for air  :surprised:

Well, I'll report tomorrow morning (or maybe then it's evening for you? :surprised:) if i suffocated or sufficed in sleeping that way :keke:
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #301 on: July 16 2006, 06:03 am »
LOL, what's going on in here? XD We're trying to imitate Fai's sleeping habits? XD

Now I may love watching Fai sleep, especially if I have a camera and he doesn't know I'm watching him, but shouldn't we be talking about Chapter 121 in here? XD
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #302 on: July 16 2006, 06:12 am »
LOL, what's going on in here? XD We're trying to imitate Fai's sleeping habits? XD

Now I may love watching Fai sleep, especially if I have a camera and he doesn't know I'm watching him, but shouldn't we be talking about Chapter 121 in here? XD

Do you honestly think he'd sleep if he felt unwatched? There'd be not only Fye but also Kurogane on your tape :hehe:

Ahem, back to topic. Poor Fye! (<-- enough on topic? :sweatdrop:)
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #303 on: July 16 2006, 06:21 am »
Do you honestly think he'd sleep if he felt unwatched? There'd be not only Fye but also Kurogane on your tape :hehe:

Ahem, back to topic. Poor Fye! (<-- enough on topic? :sweatdrop:)

XD OMG!!! Now come on, dear, you know Fai isn't so naughty!! He'd NEVER do something like THAT! XD XD XD (Heh, no.. We KF fans know the truth. He is. He SO is.)

And yes, that's enough on topic!! I feel horrible for him!! TT__TT In fact, maybe THAT'S why he slept face-down! XD He knew Syaoran was going to try to eat his eyes in his sleep! XD XD
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #304 on: July 16 2006, 06:31 am »
XD OMG!!! Now come on, dear, you know Fai isn't so naughty!! He'd NEVER do something like THAT! XD XD XD (Heh, no.. We KF fans know the truth. He is. He SO is.)

Nah, only joking. Fye's always been Mr Nice-guy, he wouldn't do something like that. Never. Nah. (But we KF fans all know that's just another facade, don't we?)

And yes, that's enough on topic!! I feel horrible for him!! TT__TT In fact, maybe THAT'S why he slept face-down! XD He knew Syaoran was going to try to eat his eyes in his sleep! XD XD

Aaaah, you're right! He must have known it all the time!
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #305 on: July 18 2006, 12:58 pm »
(But I wonder how he manages to breath like that?)

I sleep like that sometimes, though not because I'm crying or angsting, just because it's comfortable, haha.

Well, technically I tend to roll around and sleep in a whole bunch of positions, but when you sleep like that it's like it's basically just like breathing through your nose. The way your nose sticks out of your face kind of pushes the pillow away and gives you room to breathe. Even if you push yourself really tightly against the pillow, it's not like it's a solid, so if worst comes to worst you can probably just breathe through the fabric.

That, or you scooch down so that the pillow ends around your filtrum area (that's like, the space between your upper lip and nose for those who aren't savvy with the anatomy slang, lol) so you can breathe because there's a space between your mouth and the mattress.

On a completely unrelated note, I hate sleeping on my back. YEAH!

But to stay on topic: Only two more days until 122! And I have to work tomorrow... bleeeh.

EDIT: Oh! And in regards to the omake clue, I remember people thinking it was weird that they didn't show a picture of Syaoran sleeping like the others! Guess now we know why.
« Last Edit: July 18 2006, 01:10 pm by Emiko »
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #306 on: July 18 2006, 01:55 pm »
I wonder what sort of cliffhanger we'll be left with this time? CLAMP loves them so much.   They're probably saving a big cliffhanger (like Subaru and Sakura waking up) for the next time they decide to have a break in between releases.

On a completely unrelated note, I hate sleeping on my back. YEAH!

Ditto.  I can't sleep on my back.  I can sleep sitting up but not on my back.
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #307 on: July 18 2006, 01:59 pm »
I wonder what sort of cliffhanger we'll be left with this time? CLAMP loves them so much. They're probably saving a big cliffhanger (like Subaru and Sakura waking up) for the next time they decide to have a break in between releases.

Ditto. I can't sleep on my back. I can sleep sitting up but not on my back.

Yup. I have to be either on my side or on my front. I've never tried sleeping sitting up before.

And I'm pretty sure we'll get a cliffhanger. Some sort of battle-related one or conceivably Sakura and Subaru waking up.
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #308 on: July 18 2006, 04:22 pm »
i sleep in all opostitins really, most comfortably on my side, ocassionaly on my stomache, but with my head turned to the side. i only sleep on my back if i have a headache or my back hurts.

gyah! atyleast there arent any breaks for some time. no more unbearable waiting. just slightly impatientness ^^;;
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #309 on: July 18 2006, 04:42 pm »
(By the way, what does the Z in ZOMG mean?)
Nothing, its just because Z is next to the shift key so originaly it was just pressed by accident when people typed fast. Now people do it on purpose cos its funny :P and "ZOMG!" is fun to say ^-^. wikipedia has an article on it O.o.

....I dont think Fai-kun's gonna be sleeping on his face anytime soon. x.o

Wanna draw a pic of Subaru and Sakura in bubble :) pitty I cant draw.

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #310 on: July 18 2006, 07:56 pm »
This is the weirdest discussion... XD

Hey, tomorrow is the day! Chapter 122! =D

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #311 on: July 19 2006, 05:41 am »
it's gonna be great !!!
will Fye finish the serie shady???

my gosh,i already miss his beautiful blue eyes,i would without hesitation give him my left eye but unfortunately it is brown ^^!but after all i'm sure it will do a sublime contrast !

if ever Fye is condemned to be one eyed Kurogane better take good care of him if he doesn't want him to collide with walls or trees ^__^

(peharps that CLAMP will drawn Fye with locks of hair concealing his left socket!)

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #312 on: July 19 2006, 06:20 am »
I miss Fai's eyes too, but good could potentially come from him being one-eyed. People can call him One-Eyed Fai. It'd be like a pirate name. And the possibility of KuroFai moments to come ain't bad either.
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #313 on: July 19 2006, 07:03 am »
arg,you really want to kill his magician reputation ???

poor Fye,if CLAMP keep on beheading him,he will only serve to fill the empty space T_T

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #314 on: July 19 2006, 10:11 am »
It's really bad for your back to sleep on your front....all the better so Kuro-mune can give him a back massage....

My mind is so in the gutter.
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #315 on: July 19 2006, 12:53 pm »
It's really bad for your back to sleep on your front....all the better so Kuro-mune can give him a back massage....

My mind is so in the gutter.

XD That's ok. Everyone's a little bit in the gutter, it's only that few people admit it. It better serves the KuroFai that way.
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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #316 on: July 19 2006, 08:52 pm »
Chapter 122 is out, and I kinda can't wait for the scanlations... Byebye, Chapter 121... XD

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #317 on: July 19 2006, 08:52 pm »
Chapter 122 is out, and I kinda can't wait for the scanlations... Byebye, Chapter 121... XD

WHERE IS IT?! O.O ...Squeeeeee....*wants to read it*

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #318 on: July 19 2006, 09:00 pm »
Must... read... 122!

Oh, a little late, but... I always sleep on my sides. When I sleep on my back, I get nightmares, and when I sleep on my stomach, I get back pains.
How many times have we actually seen Fai sleep on his front? Just that time in Outo, right? Cause Fai normally sleeps  sitting up, with his back against the wall... Or is that just in the anime?

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Re: Chapter 121
« Reply #319 on: July 19 2006, 09:04 pm »
Must... read... 122!

Oh, a little late, but... I always sleep on my sides. When I sleep on my back, I get nightmares, and when I sleep on my stomach, I get back pains.
How many times have we actually seen Fai sleep on his front? Just that time in Outo, right? Cause Fai normally sleeps  sitting up, with his back against the wall... Or is that just in the anime?
in outo i think he was sleeping on his side, tho it was very dark and an oni attacked them ^^, other than that we saw them camping out before going to that G-D awful fai-chi ep, when he awoke from the ashrua nightmare.
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