
Should Tsubasa be made into a live action movie?

No, it shouldn't!
38 (57.6%)
It would be nice
13 (19.7%)
Don't care...
3 (4.5%)
Yes, definetly!
1 (1.5%)
11 (16.7%)

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AuthorTopic: Tsubasa as a live action movie?  (Read 22362 times)

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Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« on: July 25 2006, 02:57 am »
I don't know if this topic brought up, but here it goes...

I was reading (a long time ago) a news article (from a newsletter that I receive from the website Loop, I think) that FOX bought the right to do a live action movie of Tsubasa, I don't know it it is true (and I doubt if it is), but maybe they did it because they think that Tsubasa is going to be a hit, when it reaches the United States.

Personally, I think Tsubasa shouldn't be made into a live action movie!! Imagine how lame it would be! Ugh!  -_-

What do you think?

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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #1 on: July 25 2006, 03:39 am »
I don't really care. The anime is pretty much dead to me, and nothing Bee Train, or any other producing company, could do would change my mind. It will never be better than the manga in my opinion, and there's really not much reason for me to continue watching, except for my overwhelming curiousity of what kind of ending they'll have. -_-

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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #2 on: July 25 2006, 04:30 am »
Ah, no! It'd be too weird for me. x_x; I rather they didnt....

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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #3 on: July 25 2006, 05:11 am »
i've never seen a live action movie but i know it's reputation so i hope they don't make one , the anime is dead already...why can't they just let it rest in peace?!
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #4 on: July 25 2006, 05:47 am »
Ha ha,  I doubt they'd ever find anyone tall and lanky enough to be Fai or Yuuko! XD So I doubt it'd work.

I mean, I was against the Sailor Moon live action and I ended up loving it, so maybe this wouldn't be AWFUL, but with Mokona I bet it'd be weird.

Although it'd be interesting, I doubt it'd be good! XD I'd watch it, anyway, though! XD Just to see what happens! XD
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #5 on: July 25 2006, 05:58 am »
I don't like the idea.  I don't like it when anime/manga get made into live action.  I dunno I just feel like part of the magic gets lost when it becomes live action.

Although I have heard that the Death Note live action movie is good and will probably see it at some point as soon as it gets subbed.
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #6 on: July 25 2006, 11:24 am »
No, and no. Especially if it's with American actors. I think I  discussed this with a bunch of people in IRC, when we first heard about it. Some anorexic teen idol would play Sakura, Jesse Mc-whatever (that dude from Summerland? *shrug*) would play Syaoran, Fai would be just plain.... not pretty DX, and Kurogane would be either too old, or too caucasian.

I won't even begin to describe the horrible disaster that Mokona would be.
Since anime isn't exactly the hippest of hip, in comparisson to rap, for example, it'd be low budget, so it'd look ridiculously fake, as CGI is more expensive than a manga autographed by CLAMP. (note, I haven't confirmed this, so who knows. xD;;;)

The japanese might do a better job than us stupid Europeans and Americans, as it's based off of something extremely popular there. Then again, CGI is still expensive, and it could just turn into a series of cut-corners, similar to what seems to be happening to the TRC anime. ~_~
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #7 on: July 25 2006, 11:40 am »
I don't really care. The anime is pretty much dead to me, and nothing Bee Train, or any other producing company, could do would change my mind. It will never be better than the manga in my opinion, and there's really not much reason for me to continue watching, except for my overwhelming curiousity of what kind of ending they'll have. -_-

Don't be that way, I know Bee Train has done some horrible fillers, but maybe...I hope...that maybe the anime could get better...Maybe... :dodge:

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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #8 on: July 25 2006, 11:45 am »
I think it wouldn't work. Properly rendering the settings would use up the budget on its own, let alone the inter-dimensional travel, strange creatures, magic, fighting, things getting blown up, and, you know, actors to play all those characters. Live-action just couldn't deal with the huge element of fantasy.
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #9 on: July 25 2006, 11:49 am »
No actor could play Fai. There isn't one that is as beautiful as he is!  :hello2: And Kurogane, mmm...no one can play him either.  :hehe:

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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #10 on: July 25 2006, 11:55 am »
Don't be that way, I know Bee Train has done some horrible fillers, but maybe...I hope...that maybe the anime could get better...Maybe... :dodge:

Not in my opinion, and while I would like to discuss this, I'd be getting off topic. I'm going to start a thread so we, and hopefully others, will continue it there.

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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #11 on: July 25 2006, 12:06 pm »
There's so much that a live action movie just can't convey properly, such as facial expressions and the physical appearences of the characters (look at how small Sakura is in comparison to Kurogane, for example) that I can't see a live action movie being overly sucessful. Though, I've been proven wrong before, so if it's made I'll watch it with an open-mind.
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #12 on: July 25 2006, 04:43 pm »
unless CLAMp is FULLY invo,leved, NO. imean, have you SEEN what Saban tried to do to sailor moon !? now, the japanese La version of sailor moon was pretty good....

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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #13 on: July 25 2006, 05:15 pm »
Live action movie sounds cool as long as the story is faithful to the source.  fantasy elements are not a problem with the aid of computer effects.  However, i would still prefer a live action musical.  I like to see sakura syaoran kuro and fai singing.

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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #14 on: July 25 2006, 05:20 pm »
Live action movie sounds cool as long as the story is faithful to the source.  fantasy elements are not a problem with the aid of computer effects.  However, i would still prefer a live action musical.  I like to see sakura syaoran kuro and fai singing.
*tries to picture a powerful ninja like kuro singing X-3*

a musical wouldnt be such a ad idea. Sailor Moon has dozens of sucessful musicals.
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #15 on: July 25 2006, 05:50 pm »
*tries to picture a powerful ninja like kuro singing X-3*

a musical wouldnt be such a ad idea. Sailor Moon has dozens of sucessful musicals.

[off topic]
A powerful ninja singing?  I've seen clips from Azumi, Naruto and Bleach musical ( those titiles had lots of powerful ninja and samurai characters in the story) and it turn out to be decent. But don't worry chances for having a musical is low because its not a shounen jump title.
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #16 on: July 25 2006, 06:25 pm »
I don't think anyone's good-looking enough to take on Syaoran's role. *cough* Eh, If they are going to hire anyone other than Japanese to act, I don't think it'll be convincing enough... And where are they going to find someone with black hair and red eyes? And even if they do, that guy will look... weird... o_o; It's just that certain things that look real nice in the anime/manga may not be appealing in real life. >.< Like a manjuu-shaped bunny.
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #17 on: July 25 2006, 06:58 pm »
^ right, the eyes would be the hardest thing to master. kuro has beady red eyes, fai has LaRGE blue eyes, and sakura has bright emerald eyes :S
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #18 on: July 25 2006, 08:02 pm »
No actor could play Fai. There isn't one that is as beautiful as he is!  :hello2: And Kurogane, mmm...no one can play him either.  :hehe:
Viggo Mortensen as Kurogane would work. Orlando Bloom as Fai too, now that I think of it. And Elijah Wood as Syaoran. On that note, the entire cast of LOTR fits the Tsubasa thing so well. XD Except for Sakura. I dunno who will play Sakura. XD
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Re: Tsubasa as a live action movie?
« Reply #19 on: July 25 2006, 11:52 pm »
Red eyes don't show up well on film, it's too difficult to capture emotion in them and they end up looking weird.  That's why in the Harry Potter movies, they didn't give Voldemort red eyes.  So if there were a TRC movie, I doubt Kuro would have red eyes. [/film major mode]
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