AuthorTopic: Chapter 127  (Read 100946 times)

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #40 on: August 30 2006, 03:43 am »
Of course. ^_~

Ahh...that makes more sense.
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Sense changes, I think Arashi can do but not see the future.

Actually, I think they were referring to Arashi from Hanshin republic. If I remember correctly, they said that she used to be a priestess. (miko)

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #41 on: August 30 2006, 03:43 am »
Goregous spalsh page, absolutely beautiful. Yarr, me hearties!! I'd pay to see that coloured by CLAMP.

But nothing else really exciting. Nice S/S moment but I was really hoping for something a bit more dramatic than that. I mean...after all the insane twin action going on only to wake up in Syaoran's arms again....I was hoping for a bit of mistaken identity angst and so on.

And no KxFness. ;__; Oh well, hopefully we'll get plenty in the next chapter. If not then soon.
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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #42 on: August 30 2006, 03:48 am »
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I don't think that Sakura and Syaoran were making eyes at each other so I don't see that page as being particularly S/S.  I think Sakura is more sorrowful, because she knows he isn't HER Syaoran and Syaoran is rueful because HE knows he isn't HER Syaoran.

I still stand by my Sakura/C!Syaoran stance though, so I might be biased!

I really can't see Clamp pushing Sakura off onto R!Syaoran.  They haven't really broken up any couples once they've started with them (unless they always had someone else-like Yumi in Chobits-although they hinted between her and Hideki, she always had Ueda-san from the beginning.  Or if they had magical based crushes!)

I will be sad to see them leave Tokyo, if only because I have a large chunk of Fuuma/Kamui attached to my X-Obsession and because Seishirou hasn't showed up.  I suppose that if Kamui and Subaru travel with the gang for a while then I may not mind so much!

Not really much to comment on with this chapter.

Although I do find that Fye-patch fugly.  In fact, I think the whole splash page is Clamp taking the mick out of the 'GayVampirePirate!' thing.

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #43 on: August 30 2006, 04:04 am »
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I'll admit to screaming out Fyepatch!Vampfyer!! and being incoherent for several minutes, but CLAMPs garrish detailed things do make such wonderful splash pages. x3 If Fye wore that normally it'd be a different story.

Aaaand KxF goes into the background again. The look between R!Syao and Saku was gorgeous, but I'd agree with selenityshiroi, it seemed more a sorrowful look than 'making eyes at eachother'.

The FuumaxKamui moments were so sweet. x3

Thanks babypiggy for the set!! <3

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #44 on: August 30 2006, 04:06 am »
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I think my suspicion that she may not even want to gather the feathers anymore may be right.  She may have left that one because it would help, but her "it's fine" that she doesn't get her memory back makes me wonder if she still wants to collect them.  Either way, they'll be changing worlds soon.

Since the whole Kamui/Subaru/Seishirou situation isn't resolved, those two shouldn't completely disappear (not with Mokona still on Kamui...).  Sad that we won't see Fuuma again, I love him.  He looked a little sad that Kamui is leaving, there goes his sparring partner. If you're a major character of a series, there tends to only be one of you in this series (unless you're Syaoran, and since he was a clone I don't know if that counts as two).

Poor Watanuki did all the work again!  This means though that Yuuko knew what was going to happen, as she had planned ahead of time.  The sad thing is that she can't really interfere, so all of this had to happen. -_-

Still though, the DOE and DOH living together is pretty interesting.  They always were kinda civil with each other in X (emphasis on kinda), but this is overkill.  :XD:


I just noticed Karen being cute with Kazuki, after what happened in X, that just gets me.  She was Nataku's mother figure, so now that she has the actual child Kazuki, how sweet. :keke:
« Last Edit: August 30 2006, 04:52 am by nefadol »

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #45 on: August 30 2006, 04:10 am »
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I don't think that Sakura and Syaoran were making eyes at each other so I don't see that page as being particularly S/S. I think Sakura is more sorrowful, because she knows he isn't HER Syaoran and Syaoran is rueful because HE knows he isn't HER Syaoran.

I agree, but that moment was really beautiful and i think that miss him so much and R!Syaoran remember to him in the moment that she wake :3, however "she knows he isn't her Syaoran and Syaoran is rueful because he knows he isn't her Syaoran" T-T
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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #46 on: August 30 2006, 04:41 am »
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Since the whole Kamui/Subaru/Seishirou situation isn't resolved, those two shouldn't completely disappear (not with Mokona still on Kamui...).  Sad that we won't see Fuuma again, I love him. 

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Fuuma might show up again.  As you said, the Kamui/Subaru/Seishirou thing is still going on and CLAMP could still add him into that plotline. Just as Subaru deserves a happy ending with Seishirou for once, Kamui deserves one with Fuuma (since I can't see X ending happily).  So there's still hope!
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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #47 on: August 30 2006, 04:50 am »
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Fuuma might show up again. As you said, the Kamui/Subaru/Seishirou thing is still going on and CLAMP could still add him into that plotline. Just as Subaru deserves a happy ending with Seishirou for once, Kamui deserves one with Fuuma (since I can't see X ending happily). So there's still hope!

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I hope you're right.  It would be rather sad if Subaru goes off with Seishirou and Kamui's left all alone.  Although I can't see that happening, they seem rather attached to each other here. Fuuma does deserve more than two chapters and two last pages of chapters to feature him. He should be featured in the next chapter though. :XD:

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #48 on: August 30 2006, 04:53 am »
Yay! A gorgeous slashpage of Fai and his sexiness! Too bad Kurogane wasn't in it. It would totally make my week. But even though there's no KuroFai in it, at least we get to see Fai being very close to Kuro. And on page 14, it seems like Fai was kissing Kuro on his cheeks!

And yay for Fuuma being as cool as always and the sweet SxS moments. Loving them. I feel bad about Sakura. She looks very depressed all the chapter.

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #49 on: August 30 2006, 05:06 am »
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I think my suspicion that she may not even want to gather the feathers anymore may be right. 
   Mmm, good point.
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I think this might be the case, and Clamp pulling a role-reversal thing- the two cheerful ones have given up, so it's up to the grumpy ninja to improve their fortunes, maybe?  But yeah, if I were in Sakura's position, then I might also think, What's the point of remembering it all, if it only causes pain?  As to Fuuma, maybe he'll tag along.  And I liked fai's outfit...

Ooh, I wanna color the splash...I'm really bad at it, but what colors do you think it should be?
« Last Edit: August 30 2006, 05:17 am by Kirtai »

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #50 on: August 30 2006, 05:22 am »
Regarding the splashpage:
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Love the Fye splashpage! My chinese is awfully rusty, but the tagline, when translated literally, goes something like " What does this man wish for - is it to live in sadness, or to die in peace?"..... or something to that effect, maybe someone with better chinese skills will be able to translate it more accurately  :sweatdrop:
awww T_T thats amazing...

who else was drooling over it? :heh:

btw, looks like a couple of those spoilers, like the 2nd one, came true :P

dont have much time online ATM, so ill read the trad later ^^
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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #51 on: August 30 2006, 05:50 am »
Ooh, I wanna color the splash...I'm really bad at it, but what colors do you think it should be?

hum,to my point of view i think that the most harmonious colors would be blue,red,white,and black:
blue symbol of sadness for his chemise,red symbol of blood for his coat,white symbol of purity for his pants,and black symbol of mystery for his boots  :keke:.

now i officially claim that  "the contest of the most beautiful colored splashpage of Fai" is open to everyone,so you have two weeks until chapter 128 to show us how skillful you are  :okay:

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #52 on: August 30 2006, 06:21 am »
*having no skill with colouring herself, sits back and gets ready to swoon her socks off at everyone else's colourings*

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This chapter was a little on the dull side but only because of the way the previous four or five have been filled from the first page to the last with momentuous bits and pieces. The current chapter did take us back a little to the course (thank Elbereth we were strayed from the path but it was only natural for the story to get back!).

A few people already mentioned how Sakura's actions and demeanor in this chapter made her more mature and more likeable. I agree! It is much easier to take her seriously and like and emphatise with her this way. The whole drama with cloney is the key that has made me get truly interested in her and her fate.

It was sweet to see her with R!Syao, as of yet, there seems to be more of sadness, remembrances and compassion than any romantic feelins in their looks.

Mokona's care for Sakura is admirable! It will be hard to separate him/her/it from the rest after the journeying is done.
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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #53 on: August 30 2006, 06:42 am »
hum,to my point of view i think that the most harmonious colors would be blue,red,white,and black:
blue symbol of sadness for his chemise,red symbol of blood for his coat,white symbol of purity for his pants,and black symbol of mystery for his boots :keke:.

now i officially claim that "the contest of the most beautiful colored splashpage of Fai" is open to everyone,so you have two weeks until chapter 128 to show us how skillful you are :okay:

What splashpage of Fai? I want to participate! ^o^

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #54 on: August 30 2006, 06:47 am »
now i officially claim that  "the contest of the most beautiful colored splashpage of Fai" is open to everyone,so you have two weeks until chapter 128 to show us how skillful you are  :okay:

Eeee x'D I was gonna colour this one anyway (Faaai=♥),
hhm~ but I think I'll wait til we get the 'proper' scans, from ladydarkmoon tomorrow, to start *nods*

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #55 on: August 30 2006, 07:14 am »
Fai's parrot on the splash page = Kenpachi from Bleach?

I mean, the spiky feathers with the little bells at the ends XD


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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #56 on: August 30 2006, 07:18 am »
WOW, 127 has been published so soon and spoiler has been confirmated!!

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I love S&S page!!! what a moment!!!! I' vey sure that they'll not be late to feel something about each other!!!
But  Sakura wasn't so shocked as before when Clone was gone. I believed that she'd cry again... :heh:
besides, Sakura is very convinced to give her feather...all a sacrifice...I think she doesn't want remind things about Clone, although she didn't know who was that person...

I think so. We only have to long??? :confused:

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #57 on: August 30 2006, 07:26 am »
*I hope I can put this here...*
I know it's not a full CG, but at least I made a banner from that amazing splash page.
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Feel free to use if you like.^^

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #58 on: August 30 2006, 07:33 am »
wahoo! my little bit of chinese came in handy ^^! How nice of sakura ^^.

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Re: Chapter 127
« Reply #59 on: August 30 2006, 07:58 am »
Am I the only one who thinks the splash page is slightly ugly?

Oh well, have started to colour it anyway (openCanvas rules me!).  Won't finish it tonight though, it's 23:00 here and I have to be up at 6:00 tomorrow.