AuthorTopic: Chapter 128  (Read 61326 times)

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Chapter 128
« on: September 13 2006, 01:34 am »


edit for thoughts:
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D8 HE PUT FAI DOWN *mock outrage* XD It was a bit wtf that Fai was randomly lying on a rock at the end, but that's not really the point.
Subaru + Kamui + Fuuma interaction is good~ And Sakura being all independant is good too (albeit less interesting - no, actually, it's awesome she's finally getting to do something. *nods*), and the second-to-last page with Kuro!Daddy and uh.. Daughter!Sakura was sweet ='D
*looks forward to the translation to find out what theyre saying*
« Last Edit: September 13 2006, 01:59 am by Znuese »

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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #1 on: September 13 2006, 01:36 am »
Ehehehe I knew it'd be leaked!

*goes off to read*

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Fuuma sorta molests Kamui, yay.

Sigh. Looks like the spoilers were true. Oh well. I guess Sakura needed something to do. And she got a cute new outfit. Hopefully Clamp flashes back to the group so we can see how they're getting along while Sakura's off doing whatever. I wonder if Sakura doing this pays for the water, or will just ensure that the water is clean? Because Kurogane just wished for water, not CLEAN water, so it follows that he'll still have to pay. But it looks like his price hasn't been revealed yet either, or else, y'know, he'd probably say something other than whatever it was he said to Sakura at the end. (I'm guessing some kind of 'take care of yourself' message)

What the frig is Fai laying on? A rock? Lolz.
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #2 on: September 13 2006, 02:02 am »

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Oh my god, I don't think ANYTHING is quite as awesome as the expression on Kamui's face during the Fuuma glomp! He looks like he's thinking: "My GOD it's been YEARS since I've been forced into doing this and the minute I'm put into another manga, it happens AGAIN! GOD!" XD

Well, I'm happy. The only reason I started reading Tsubasa a bit over a year ago was waiting for some Kamui and Fuuma scenes. Now I've got a couple! XD And I'd say for stuff published in a shounen magazine, it's pretty darn good! XD

What's even better is right when Fuuma lets him go, he jumps over to Subaru in "protective" position again when Subaru is pretty much the one who just helped KAMUI by telling Fuuma to let go of him! XD Then, within ONE panel, Kamui's got his wimpy face all over again! It's JUST like X! YAY!!! XD

Anyway, Sakura sure got all X-esque, didn't she? XD As soon as she stuck that outfit on she started doing Kamui facial expressions! XD That's a bit.. OOC.. But alright! (Well, looking back, it's not all the time. But there's at least two panels where she is acting in a very Kamui-esque way...)
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #3 on: September 13 2006, 02:04 am »
Hmm... I don't quite get it.
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Where is Sakura going?

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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #4 on: September 13 2006, 02:09 am »
The spoilers said that
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She was going to go do something in order to make sure the water stays purified and isn't tained by the acid rain or something.
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #5 on: September 13 2006, 02:12 am »
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Is Fuuma really Seishirou's brother? Damn, they really ARE lot alike! XD And seeing Subaru so angrily protective?!! That's quite something!
And i must say Sakura looks VERY pretty here ^^
 Well, wherever she's going it doesn't seem like the price for the water
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #6 on: September 13 2006, 02:22 am »
Ack! no matching sig. x_x
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #7 on: September 13 2006, 02:24 am »
As much as I hoped to get out of X world, this is some nice character development though. Looks like the spoilers were true.

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But, again no KuroFai ;___; (We've been totally spoiled by CLAMP lately, now we can't live without it... Ohmygawd, they make us dependant...)
Sakura looks great in her new outfit and though I really hoped to get away from there, I like the turn the story has now. She's finally growing up and doing something by herself. I'm glad she's finally being tough!
But - WTF was Fai lying on that ROCK?!


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Look at this:

Sakura: Kurogane-san, please get your wounds treated. Please look after Fay-san.

I'm SO sure she's fangirling them XD
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #8 on: September 13 2006, 02:35 am »
Thanks fer the link to that translation, kudan n_n
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"Fuuma: Hello, Yuuko-san. What's the time over there?
Yuuko: It's almost night time."

Huh, but.. in Holic wasnt she talking to them in the morning, when Watanuki left for school? So then.. this is taking place the night before HOLiC 117? Or.. in the evening after 118.. D:?

"Sakura: Kurogane-san, please get your wounds treated. Please look after Fay-san."
*squee* ~<3

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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #9 on: September 13 2006, 02:36 am »
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Awe, is everyone except for me sick of X Land? XD I wanna stay there FOREVER! XD I just want Seishirou to prance on in and we can have some F/K and S/S interactions, THEN we can go. But with this new Super Sakura thing, that isn't seeming very likely! I predict we'll be in X Land for at LEAST 5 more chapters.. I mean, there's a lot left to do, now that this Sakura thing has come up and with the possibility of Seishirou coming..

(And by F/K and S/S I meant "Fuuma/Kamui and Sei/Subaru..." Not "Fay/Kurogane and Syao/Sakura..." I just realized that was probably confusing!)
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #10 on: September 13 2006, 02:36 am »
About Fuuma's weapon...
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Is he a dowser? (I haven't read the title where he came from, so I'm not so sure if he used it before in that previous title. ^^; ) That weapon resembles the one used by Lyserg from Shaman King, who uses it for dowsing. ^^ The clear damond, the string, the way it is used, it really looks like it. :X It also resmebles the pendulum used in real life by people for pin pointing locations on maps too, though it isn't scientifically proven to be correct.

« Last Edit: September 13 2006, 03:07 am by kudan »
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #11 on: September 13 2006, 03:00 am »
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While it isn't a full out KuroxFai moment, on page 21 he is standing right next to Fai. So he's not leaving his side, even for a moment.  Very sweet!  =)

   As much as I would like to see them move on...I really like the fact that Sakura is going through some real character development here. It's almost like her awakening from the dream was a metaphor for her character awakening. Suddenly she has beome serious and determined.
  I also wonder, if perhaps, Clamp is trying to show that while C!S was a wonderful "knight in shining armor"...perhaps he was stifling Sakura's own desires and abilities to stand up for herself.  Or perhaps, it is his loss that caused her to really stand up.

  I haven't read or seen any of the X through TRC is the first I've seen of these characters.  While the way it plays out doesn't cause me to lose much in the current TRC makes me wonder how much of the nuances I'm loosing behind the characters and their interaction with each other.

  Bah!  I'll get the spoiler part right one of these tries!

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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #12 on: September 13 2006, 03:22 am »
Wai wai!!!!!

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Kamui/Fuuma!!!!!!!!  Yeay!  Oh, Clamp...even after all these years, you can still move a fangirls heart with a few pages of molestation!  And uber protective Subaru!  I don't think we've ever seen him THAT angry before!  And then, to make my weekly Tsubasa dosage complete, they dropped in Seishirou's NAME!  (and he's cool is that!).  Looks like Seishirou has told his ototo all about his boyfriend, anyway!

As for the ACTUAL cast...

Sakura looks so cool!  I hope she gets some good development!  She deserves only the best.  And Kurogane acting all parental...aww!

Sakura's face, just before she turns to leave...I think that is the best she has looked all manga!  The seriousness is fantastic...and then the way she is striding off...

I don't think we have to worry about Sakura being boring...she has ME intrigued, anyway.

I LOVE Subaru's expression when Fuuma greet's Yuuko!  It's the best 'WTF' face Clamp have ever drawn!

And I think I'm gonna fangirl Sakura's new outfit some more...maybe after watching Fuuma molest Kamui again...just because it's been awhile!

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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #13 on: September 13 2006, 03:25 am »
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Pfft, Fuuma molested Kamui.  He is indeed his X self, loves to torture him.  Except now Subaru stops the molesting.  Loved the wtf faces, so cute.  I'm glad Sakura's going to get some character development, she needs it.

Need to process the chapter now. :keke:

[edit] - Read translation.  So they are brothers, so the spoilers were true.  I love how Yuuko said that they were trouble makers, Fuuma says "that's just brother" and she says he is too.  Like a kid, I swear.  Subaru angry, only seen him with that face once in Tokyo Babylon, and the situation definately called for it.
« Last Edit: September 13 2006, 07:21 am by nefadol »

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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #14 on: September 13 2006, 03:36 am »
ksfjdlsjdflkjldjkljfdl;jdj LOVELY DAY

Yuki my darling sister-in-law comes back, and we get a new chapter with Fuuma molesting Kamui! <3333333333333 And other loveliness! Dammit,  I wish I were at home at the moment so I could download the chapter... but I've got class for the next two and a half hours. T_T Ah well.

Sakura getting character development= good.
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #15 on: September 13 2006, 03:39 am »
Hrmm, interesting.
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I really want see Sakura kick some effing ***, I'm bored of her being all lame and damselish. Her outfit rocks my socks off. And...why the hell is Fai on a rock?! Kurogane, baby! That's cold!
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #16 on: September 13 2006, 03:57 am »
Some of my thoughts about the chapter
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Fun to see Sakura being tough(her new outfit was cool), and she looked so mature! That spoiler talk about Sakura going on a journey of some sort was true...No KuroFai this time though :(. Wow Fuuma is Seishiros brother, and seeing Subaru mad was suprising. The fight between Fuuma and Kamui reminded me much of X, maybe clamp misses X and thats why they stay so long in this world :D.
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #17 on: September 13 2006, 04:26 am »

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Oh my god, I don't think ANYTHING is quite as awesome as the expression on Kamui's face during the Fuuma glomp! He looks like he's thinking: "My GOD it's been YEARS since I've been forced into doing this and the minute I'm put into another manga, it happens AGAIN! GOD!" XD

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That pretty much sums it up! XD

I'm loving Fuuma in this chapter, his expressions are so sneaky.  Yep, he was possessed alright in X, yeah right.  This is his true nature, it was just supressed for the early part of X.  Kamui needs a wake up call there.

So Fuuma said that "Being a hunter, we are asked to find valuable things. Sometimes it's something we want as well. There are all sorts.".  This probably means that Seishirou is hunting Subaru for himself.  Subaru didn't look too happy to find out that Fuuma knew about him, he looked rather horrified.

I loved Kurogane telling Sakura to go because she wouldn't listen otherwise.  It's kinda like in Piffle, he understands that she is strong willed.  So, Sakura development next week.  There's no breaks this month, so all is well. :keke:

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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #18 on: September 13 2006, 04:27 am »
dont have time to read all the spoilers posted so far, but ill leae my comment:

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looks like the spoielrs were right again :S oh well.

heh...looks like you kamui/fuuma shippers got your wish tho ^^

i ageree with angry subaru is a scary one o.o

T_T kuro put fai down on the rubble :(

im confused as to what the translation said from kuro at the end "you were talking the whole time so you wont listen"? care to elaborate? i have to do the scanslations for the msn group and tha confuses me O_o
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Re: Chapter 128
« Reply #19 on: September 13 2006, 04:28 am »
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Yay Kamui molestation! It made me feel all nostalgic :'3

Sakura's outfit looks cute, but shorts don't look like they're very practical when there's acid rain all over the place XD

I'm glad she's not sleeping anymore