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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #60 on: October 26 2006, 07:33 am »
I'll upload it to Megaupload for those who can't find a slot. :)

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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #61 on: October 26 2006, 07:37 am »
The chapter was beautiful. Everyone looks wonderful, specially Kurogane and Fye!Poor Fye... his past must've been something traumatizing. I bet his childhood was the darkest of all four...

Did anyone notice or was it just me? :spoilers: Fye's little hands were... skeletical- I bet he not only suffered of thirst and severe cold, but of starvation too. I mean.. just look at his fingers! Gangrene caused by the cold, thirst and lack of food.. let's not even talk about how lonely it must've been... no wonder the little guy wanted to die... :/spoilers:

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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #62 on: October 26 2006, 07:42 am »
*dies of happiness* now I can finally sleep through the night.

People, about the hair - it depends on what kind of a person he is, too. For example, even if for one person it took 4 years to grow it out that long, for another person (aka, me) I've been growing my hair out all my life (14 years) and it's only down to my butt. Think genetics. We really can't guess depending on ourselves, because everyone is different.

But I'm soooooo glad that this is out. I'm glad Yuuko's finally sharing some share-able info. And I'm not so worried aobut Sakura adn Fai falling in love, because it's different, adn besides, Mommy's and Daughters gotta stick up for each other, right?

Though now, I expect a flood of fanfics about Ashura and Fai's relationship again. ^____^''

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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #63 on: October 26 2006, 07:50 am »
Oh, MY!

Well THIS chapter was certainly a shock! I dunno what I was expecting little Fai to look like, but that sure as heck wasn't it!!! LOOK at that LONG hair! (Ha ha; take THAT Tsubasa Ending Sequence 2! No happy rainbows and foxes for THIS little Fai!)

WOW. That's all I can say is WOW. And I REALLY hope CLAMP lets us see that past. Watch, those two pages will be all we see of it for six months or so.. XD That'd be bad.. Really, I don't think that'll happen, though! I'm just kidding. XD (I hope..)
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #64 on: October 26 2006, 07:51 am »
*cries* i wish i could read japanese :(

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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #65 on: October 26 2006, 07:58 am »
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This chapter manages to add a few more pieces of information we didn't know before. So, we've got little Fai being locked up, but nothing else on the backstory front *sigh* Since that was at the end of the summary I thought it might be leading in to more flashback, but I guess not.

In one translation, something about how certain people have to maintain the balance in the universes - presumably Yuuko, Clow, and other powerful people. I wonder if that relates to why so many people in different dimensions knwo of Yuuko - are they also ones who must maintain the balance? And I wonder how Tomoyo, and above all real!Syaoran, came to know about Fei-Wang's plan. It looks like it's up to our heroes to find out what FWR's wish is for us, though.

Sakura's power is a little hazy - so she can store in her body a "memory" of any world she visits? And the point of scattering the feathers was so that she would travel to many different worlds? So eventually her body would become like a catalogue of worlds, or something? What's the use of that? *ponders*
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #66 on: October 26 2006, 08:12 am »
Fai sure needs a haircut !
according to his little height and the lenght of his hair we can assure that he has ALWAYS been kept captive since he was born,so that he has NEVER seen the outside world and even a single human,not knowing either why he has been isolated from the world  :(!
imagine how rude it must have been for a little child to have grown alone in the darkness,and since he has got a long life because of his magical power he may have been jailed for an eternity  :sad5:!
thats probably why he loves and chereishes hisfreindship with the others, he;s also very afriad to lose them because of him, so he tries to push them away at the same time.  (reminds me of hat episode this season, where their on the boat with "good ryanban" (whatever his name is)  and chibi-fujitaka...when wyaoran fell was FAI who yelled the loudest... maybe beetrain had something there :S)
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #67 on: October 26 2006, 08:29 am »
I think he's gorgeous with his long hair!
lol@Fai/Chi fans

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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #68 on: October 26 2006, 09:28 am »
I love this chapter!!! Now i can sleep with a real happy smile^^
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #69 on: October 26 2006, 09:29 am »
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Wow, this chapter sure ushers the story along. I've been suspecting since I first got introduced to TRC, back in May, that our bad guy Fei Wang's situation was similar Zagato's in Magic Knights Rayearth. Both willing to destroy a world, or worlds in FW's case, for the sake of love. Begging us to ask, is it evil of him to do all this (imprison Syaoran *and Fai?*, clone Syaoran, scatter Sakura through time and space, kill Kurogane's mother, etc.) to bring back the person he loves? Clamp seems to like to reuse their themes alot. I don't have a problem with that, I like meeting Clamp's new creations like Kurogane and Fai. Anyone else notice on the gothic/lolita splash pages that Fai and Kurogane's poses very similar to Kazahaya and Rikuo's of Legal Drug chapter 4?

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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #70 on: October 26 2006, 09:55 am »
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This chappie was really revealling. Fai was a prisioner? Like whoa. o_O;; Also he was repeating "i want to die" wasn't he? Hmm. So I was right. Fai is suicidal.

I'm shocked.Nothing else to say. o.o;
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #71 on: October 26 2006, 12:49 pm »
Jamie has her translation up.

A few thoughts now that I've thought about the chapter.
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I've expected for a good long time that Kurogane's mother and father were killed to get Kurogane to go on the journey. I'm glad that was confirmed. ^_^

The memories of the body concept actually isn't new in TRC- if you remember, Mokona actually first mentioned it in Shurano, when Sakura kissed Syaoran on the eye.

With Fai being held captive for apparently years, there seem to be some interesting parallels between Fai and R!Syaoran's past. I hope Clamp does something with that.
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #72 on: October 26 2006, 01:07 pm »
erm.. i have some problem downloading the scans! does anyone of u have the same prob? and is there another source?

siggie made by Moon-Li.. thanz lots! aikoi^^


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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #73 on: October 26 2006, 01:18 pm »
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The memories of the body concept actually isn't new in TRC- if you remember, Mokona actually first mentioned it in Shurano, when Sakura kissed Syaoran on the eye.

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It's not quite the same. What Mokona talked about in Shura was sort of an elaboration on "muscle memory" - that Sakura's body remembers actions it has performed, so she can repeat them and remember in that way. This is Sakura's body remembering things that she has never experienced, and things unrelated to its own movements - the worlds it's in when it's asleep. It's related, but a different idea, I think.
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #74 on: October 26 2006, 01:45 pm »
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It's not quite the same. What Mokona talked about in Shura was sort of an elaboration on "muscle memory" - that Sakura's body remembers actions it has performed, so she can repeat them and remember in that way. This is Sakura's body remembering things that she has never experienced, and things unrelated to its own movements - the worlds it's in when it's asleep. It's related, but a different idea, I think.
Hmm, well, this is what Mokona says:

"There are two types of memory. What the conscious mind remembers and what the body remembers. The conscious mind is very important, but the body is really important too. Sometimes when the mind forgets, the body remembers for it."

There is a diference between her body repeating the actions it once took and making memories of the world she's been in, but they clearly both fall under the 'body memories' concept Clamp introduces here, which is really what I meant. All in all, the scene was definitely foreshadowing for the explanation in this chapter. (Besides, even if she's asleep, she's still experiencing being in that world, isn't she?)
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #75 on: October 26 2006, 01:55 pm »
There is a diference between her body repeating the actions it once took and making memories of the world she's been in, but they clearly both fall under the 'body memories' concept Clamp introduces here, which is really what I meant. All in all, the scene was definitely foreshadowing for the explanation in this chapter. (Besides, even if she's asleep, she's still experiencing being in that world, isn't she?)

It's definitely foreshadowing, and they are in the same category, I agree. The idea that the body remembers worlds just by being in them in is still about +6 magical wonkyness from Sakura kissing Syaoran's eye because her body remembers having done that (or something like it) before, in my opinion.
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #76 on: October 26 2006, 02:01 pm »
It's definitely foreshadowing, and they are in the same category, I agree. The idea that the body remembers worlds just by being in them in is still about +6 magical wonkyness from Sakura kissing Syaoran's eye because her body remembers having done that (or something like it) before, in my opinion.
Lol yeah, it's a pretty big stretch in a way. It still hasn't been explained exactly what use the body memories can be though, obviously, so there are still a huge amount of unanswered questions about the concept. The phrase '+6 magical wonkiness'- I must remember that.
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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #77 on: October 26 2006, 02:15 pm »
*wibbles* So much love for the mommy+daughter snuggliness in this chapter!
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Oh, poor little Fay! He looked so tiny and frail, with the snow pouring in and his little arms reaching for the bars of a window he was to short to even see out of... :sad5:
Other than that, the plot development was great in this chapter. It's nice to finally be clued in to what FWR's been doing. And Yuuko was beautiful in that first cover page.

So how many more chapters before Kuro passes out from exhaustion and blood-loss and the stench of that old, old shirt?

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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #78 on: October 26 2006, 02:40 pm »
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Im glad that the scans are out.Hmm...this chapitre is a bit sad...Im also glad that Kurogane's mother murderer was solved.DA*N Fei Wong Reed!!He knew that R!Syaoran knew that is his doing!!So,thats why he kidnapped R!Syaoran...and created another Syaoran...Umm!!Was Fye cried??Anyone guess what little Fye want to say???I think he gonna say "I want someone to...kill me"  :sweatdrop: And Sakura remember her father!!I thought she didn't remember...And all of them(R!Syaoran,Kurogane,Fye) became Sakura's also "hitsuzen" I might think that Fei Wong Reed dream is to counquer the Clow Country...Oh no!!What happened to Watanuki???I haven't download xxxHOLiC manga!!Now,thats the spoiler of xxxHOLiC!! >_<

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Re: Chapter 133 scans are available now. :D
« Reply #79 on: October 26 2006, 02:53 pm »
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Im glad that the scans are out.Hmm...this chapitre is a bit sad...Im also glad that Kurogane's mother murderer was solved.DA*N Fei Wong Reed!!He knew that R!Syaoran knew that is his doing!!So,thats why he kidnapped R!Syaoran...and created another Syaoran...Umm!!Was Fye cried??Anyone guess what little Fye want to say???I think he gonna say "I want someone to...kill me" :sweatdrop: And Sakura remember her father!!I thought she didn't remember...And all of them(R!Syaoran,Kurogane,Fye) became Sakura's also "hitsuzen" I might think that Fei Wong Reed dream is to counquer the Clow Country...Oh no!!What happened to Watanuki???I haven't download xxxHOLiC manga!!Now,thats the spoiler of xxxHOLiC!! >_<

What happened to Watanuki was
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that he fell out of a second story window due to Himawari's bad luck.  She took on his scars, Doumeki gave blood, and we still don't know what Syaoran gave exactly or how he has a close tie to him.
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