Oh how Fate hated it when she was right. Oh he** no. It was far from over. Focusing on the energy coming her way, she could sense at least 20 magical orbs coming in her direction. She concentrated and the force field grew stronger. However, it wasn't enough! The orb withheld the first 10 orbs, but not the next 10! Bracing herself for the worst, Fate took ahold of Bardiche and shot a beam straight at the orbs. She shot a few of them, but unfortunately missed, and one of the orbs struck her left leg with a shattering pain dispelling throughout it. Giving a short yelp in pain, Fate fell to the ground and stared helplessly at her predicament...all she could do now was hope that one of her friends would see her and could help her out.
"She always beats me! Why why why?!" Chrono grumbled like an intolerant 5 year old. He couldn't believe he lost the chess match to Amy again. Oh well, he'd just have to revamp his strategy. Of course, now wasn't the time. There was a large siren going off in the wheel room! Running towards the sound, Chrono noticed that there was noone in there.
'Must be on lunch break,' he thought. Oh well, he'd figure it out for the time being. He turned on the screen and saw a large amount of magical energy forming in...Nanoha's hometown...eyes widening he realized that they needed to get down there quickly. He didn't have time to inform the captain, so he merely left a note. She'd understand later. That said, Chrono prepared a shuttle to Earth. He only hoped he wasn't too late....