AuthorTopic: Chapter 155  (Read 9121 times)

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #20 on: June 08 2007, 02:08 pm »
Well then, how come CCS!Sakura, being the most powerful magician in her world, haven't come chasing after FWR for kidnapping her boyfriend yet, then? :wink:

I just had a random thought that maybe R!Syaoran's Sakura (who maybe is CCS) died (since he does look very sad) and maybe he went dimension traveling to look for her soul or something and ended up in that dimension (somehow being little again because of the dimension's powers) and ends up being kidnapped, yada yada, gives C!Syaoran part of his heart, watches Sakura through his left eye...feels*stops rambling* ...ignore me...

I'm confused about the name thing me, Fai will always be Fai...

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #21 on: June 08 2007, 02:36 pm »
No, CCS Sakura and CCS Sayoran are still alive. Yuko said so in XXXHolic Book #1.

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Yui took his brothers name Fay. That is about it for now untill CLAMP says other wise. Fushigi Yugi had the same thing, Nuriko took on the name of his dead sister "Kourin", so that she could live on, at least for him mentaly, because at that time Nuriko was not ready to let his sister go. Yui could be doing the same thing?

I'm still waiting for my...."At least your not Subaru--Fay/Yui" Shirt.

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #22 on: June 08 2007, 06:35 pm »

 Fay... Yuui... it doesn't matter when is the same cuteness ^___^

 We know CLAMP, then we will figure it out in some later chapters... OMG I can't wait.

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #23 on: June 09 2007, 11:28 am »
About the Syaoran debate... I have the feeling that the CCS world snd the xxxholic world is the same because Watanuki was saying that there was a Sakura and Syaoran in that world and he was wondering if he was ever going to meet them (though he might be reffering to a different S&S I have a feeling that it's CCS S&S)...

And R!Syaoran can't be CCS!Syaoran because after Syaoran's business in HK he came back at the end of the manga remember and if my estimation is righ when he came back to Tomoeda he'll be about 13-15 years old so R!Syaoran can't be CCS!Syaoran... :D R!Syaoran is either from another dimension altogether or he's the Syaoran from Clow country.....

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OMG... CLAMP almost killed me when they decided to pay homage to 'The Ring' :o (I've watched the movies like 3 years ago and I'm still scared but maybe that's because I kinda went through the manga... hehehe.... :lol:)

CLAMP has gotten us (or maybe it's just me...) confused with the Fai/Yuui names... I'll refer to Yuui as Fai and Fai as Yuui since we are more used to Fai as Fai (Aw! did that make sense?) Besides everytime I say Yuui it reminds me of Yui from Fushigi Yuugi and that Yui is a girl... I say Yuui is dead because he could've grown older if he was still alive ne? Nevertheless Fai and Yuui are sooooo kawaii!!! I don't know how they can be so heartless to such cute and innocent twins!
Fate is a funny thing, it can always surprise you somehow. Just when you thought everything in your world is fantastic and wonderful. It would turn your world into a nightmare the next morning you woke up. Just when you thought you world was ending, turning upside down. Fate will put someone special into your life and guide you through the darkness when you were lost. Cheer you up when you are in despair. - from the fafiction "A Crazy thing called Love." by Aisaki Sumi

There is not such thing as coincidences just hitsuzen - Clow Reed from Card Captor Sakura and Yuuko from XXXHolic/Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #24 on: June 09 2007, 02:37 pm »
CCS!Syaoran is not R!Syaoran
Timelines: IMHO
R!Syaoran caught by FWR, approx 7 years old. R!Syaoran improsioned for approx 7 years. Clonie created.
CCS!Syaoran 10-11 years old, events of CCS and the master of the clow arc
CCS!Syaoran goes home
CCS!Syaoran middle school ~13-16 returns from Hong Kong
Approx 7 years pass for clonie/real syaoran. The gang set out to collect the feathers. TRC!Syao/Sakura approx 14 years old

The ages dont match people!
Also Yuuko mentions Sakura and Syaoran back in volume 1.
We have 3 syaorans
CCS!Syaoran - in the same world as Watanuki, "this" world
Real!Syaoran - Imprisioned by FWR for most of his childhood. We dont know what world he came from, but he is a decendent of Clow and was likely raised as such. He knows the same magic as CCS!Syaoran who was also decended from clow and raised to use his magic. Likely from a world similar to that of CCS
Clone!Syaoran - Made from Real!Syaoran

Sorry if that was confusing :).
Also i find it interetsing that time passes differently in Fai/Yuui's tower. Who know how long the kids were trapped there. Yuuko also mentioned that Fai's [yuui] life is longer than normal due to his magic.

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #25 on: June 09 2007, 05:44 pm »
i am SO behind on the chapters. ive only read spoilers, not read the actual past 2 chapters yet, only cuz im so coaught up wtih Gravitation. once i rewatch the whole anime one more time ill CATCH UP. >__<
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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #26 on: June 11 2007, 01:51 am »
This chapter! When is the next coming out?

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #27 on: June 11 2007, 02:37 am »
no breaks the entire month of june =D
When you fall in love, gender does not matter. You can't help who your heart chooses, it just HAPPENS. So don't try to fight it, you'll only end up hurt.

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #28 on: June 13 2007, 04:42 am »
Who-a! That's pretty looooooong!

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Re: Chapter 155
« Reply #29 on: June 14 2007, 10:23 am »
fai and yui are ADORABLE!!