AuthorTopic: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined  (Read 121084 times)

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #420 on: September 10 2007, 06:58 am »
Outside the garage a truck was being loaded up with supplys. "Hurry it up!" Ryoshine shouted as some of the new guys were carrying crates full of stuff and placing them on the bed of the truck.

He sighed. "I could load all this up in a matter of minutes," grumling he walked over to one of the crates and picked it up and placed it in the truck. He kept this up until only three minutes had passe and the truck was loaded, "get the other crates out of the armory," he said. The men nodded and ran off.

Shaking his head he said, "sheesh..."

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #421 on: September 10 2007, 07:36 am »
Giorgia looked up.  It was slightly past the hour.  "Oops." She murmured to herself.  She stowed her book in her bag and ran to Ryoshine's door.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #422 on: September 12 2007, 04:26 pm »
In his room, Ryoshine had fallen asleep, his head on the keyboard and snoring a loud.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #423 on: September 13 2007, 06:15 am »
Giorgia knocked on the door gently.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #424 on: September 13 2007, 12:29 pm »
Ryoshine snored soundlessly, not able to hear the door.

Down the hall a security guard was smoking a cigerrate when he noticd Giorgia. He put the cig out and walked over to her, "can I help you?" he asked her.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #425 on: September 13 2007, 01:02 pm »
Giorgia looked up at the tall security guard.  "Erm, yes.  Well, you see, I was supposed to be in Mr.Ryoshine's room, but he's not answering..."
A couple of hallways down, Franz was making his way back to the room.  However, unbeknowst to quite a bit of people, Franz had a bad heart.  That is, physically.  He staggered side ways as his head started spinning...

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #426 on: September 13 2007, 02:29 pm »
"Huh..." the officer said and knocked on the door. "Mr. Ryoshine, you there?" he shouted but got no response. He sighed and took out a key and unlocked the door, when he pushed it open he found Ryoshine asleep at his computer. "Ahh.. .seem's he's asleep. I do know he's been rather busy lately," he said to Giorgia and moved aside just enough for her to see him.


Down the hall from Franz, two guards were finishing up their coffee when they noticed Frazn staggering. "Oi oi, man's had to much to drink!" one guard said and got up from his chair to assist Franz.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #427 on: September 14 2007, 09:25 am »
Giorgia smiled slightly, amused.  "Oh, should I come back later then?"

Franz grimaced slightly.  He could hardly breathe.  The guard who was assisting Franz placed him in a chair.  The only thing Franz could think of before he slumped down was, Idioten...

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #428 on: September 14 2007, 10:12 am »
The two guards caught Franz before he could hit the ground. "He don't look so good," his half drunken partner said. "Let's get him to the infirmary, drunk as can be the man passes out," the other guard said.


"I think it'll be fine, go ahead and sit on the couch there, he should wake up in a few," the security guard told her.

For Ryoshine, he mumbled something in his sleep.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #429 on: September 14 2007, 10:15 am »
The two guards stumbled with Franz in between them.  What should have taken them 5 minutes, took them 15.  The doctor arched his eyebrows as they carried the man in.  The doctor peered down at Franz, not knowing who he was.

"Is he new?"

The guards shrugged.  "We're thinkin he might be drunk y'see.  He passed out."  The guards laughed.  "Guess the guy can't hold his liquor.  Take care of him Doc." And the two guards trudged off.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #430 on: September 17 2007, 04:33 pm »
The doctor sighed. "Drunk eh?" he said and looked at Franz, "I wonder."


Ryoshine awoke to the sound of a wind chine near his window. He streatched his arms, yawning in the process, he scanned the room before noticing a figure sitting on the sofa - it took him a minute to realize that it was Giorgia. "G-Giorgia?! W-how long have you been here?" he asked nervously.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #431 on: September 18 2007, 11:31 am »
The doctor shook his head before he listened to Franz heart.  All of a sudden, his face paled as Franz'z heartbeat was way slower than it was supposed to be.  He quickly hooked him up to an oxygen mask and grabbed some other necessities to use on Franz.  The doctor tried to find I.D on him, but couldn't find any.

Giorgia grinned mischiveously.  "Ah...not long.  About well....10 minutes or so."

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #432 on: September 18 2007, 03:19 pm »
Ryoshine's face turned red. "Err... so.. you heard me talking in my sleep huh..." he asked nervously.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #433 on: September 19 2007, 09:21 am »
Giorgia grinned.  "A bit, sir.  Not too much really."

The doctor watched the man's heartbeat slow down and back up again.  "Jesus...I need to stableize his heart before he goes into cardiac arrest for a second time..."

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #434 on: September 19 2007, 03:56 pm »
He was naturally embarassed, he couldn't find the right words to say to possibly undo what was done so instead he said, "So.. er.... have you studied that book I gave you?" he asked her.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #435 on: September 20 2007, 11:55 am »
She grinned.  "Yes!"

The doctor wiped his brow.  The heart wasn't stabalizing.  He checked Franz's vitals and quickly wrote them down.  He needed to alert somebody about this.  He injected another liquid in.  It helped slightly to calm his heart down.  The doctor ran down the hallway.  The first one he was able to come to was Ryoshine's.  He breathed heavily

"There...guy....brown eyes...stubbles....heart....attack....n ot calming down."

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #436 on: September 20 2007, 03:45 pm »
Ryoshine was just about to ask Giorgia to take a test when the doctor barged into his office; he didn't have time to ask before the doctor told him why he was there. He turned around and picked up his cell and ran out of his office, leaving Giorgia behind.

He dialed a number and got a hold of someone he knew back in town. "Get your *** here now," was all he said before hanging up and running into the infirmary. "Doctor what did you administer so far?" he asked the doctor, who had followed him back and was breathing even more heavily now than before.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #437 on: September 21 2007, 09:56 am »
The doctor took a deep breath and said, "I've used shock therapy, and I've also injected some fluids that have least for now, his heart rate.  His heart rate cannot be too fast or too slow.  We have to do something before it gets worse.  This man doesn't even have any I.D. on him so I don't have a contact number either.  Do you know who this is, by chance?"

Giorgia heard the doctor's words ringing in her ears.  She knew that to be the description of Franz in disguise.  She ran out after Ryoshine and stopped at the door of the infirmary.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #438 on: September 21 2007, 02:44 pm »
"His name is Franz, a person we had initially arrested, but now working for us, for awhile anyway. We don't know anything about his past, medical or otherwise, so there is little I can do to help. A friend of mine who works at a hospital is on his way here to see if he can be of assistance, but... from what you have already stated..." Ryoshine said, his voice grim.

He sighed and stared at the man. "There isn't much we can do but wait..." Ryoshine said.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #439 on: September 22 2007, 02:54 pm »
Giorgia was in a state of shock.  Franz...he couldn't be dying... could he?  He was so strong, he wouldn't let this let him down.  She stood by the doorway not moving.  She could hear Ryoshine and the doctor mutter in low voices about Franz.