AuthorTopic: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined  (Read 121291 times)

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #480 on: November 10 2007, 11:41 am »
"You should like their going to drop a damn nuke on your ***," Ryoshine said and folded his hands behind his neck and stared up at the sky.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #481 on: November 10 2007, 11:44 am »
Franz smiled wryly as he pulled out his flask again.  After taking a swing, he offered some to Ryoshine.  Matter of factly he replied, "No, not THAT deadly, but pretty close to it."

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #482 on: November 10 2007, 12:02 pm »
Ryoshine shook his head and grabbed the flask and took a sip before handing it back to Franz. "Uh huh... well.. let's get to the cafeteria and eat breakfast, once we're done we'll father everyone in the briefing room," he said to Franz and started for the exit.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #483 on: November 10 2007, 12:08 pm »
The two men walked swiftly into the cafeteria.  He grabbed a roll and waited until Ryoshine finished grabbing what he wanted to eat.  They wordlessly sat at a table and began eating.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #484 on: November 10 2007, 12:17 pm »
Ryoshine wasn't that hungry and so all he had was a peice of toast with butter and a cup of coffee. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Guiseppe and Jean sitting with their charges.

"Giorgia, after breakfast, head straight to the briefing room alright," he told her and didn't wait for an answer before walking over to Guiseppe and Jean and telling them the same things.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #485 on: November 10 2007, 12:38 pm »
After finishing, Giorgia met up with Franz brightly and Franz smiled back.   "Shall we go?"  Giorgia nodded and the pair walked off to the briefing room.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #486 on: November 16 2007, 11:39 am »
In the briefing room Ryoshine waited; his hands in his pockets and his eyes fixed on the window. Outside he saw several military vehicles roll up to main building and began to load up their gear.

When he saw Franz and Giorgia walk in, followed a few seconds later by Henrietta, Triela, and Rico he smiled and walked toward the center of the room. "As you all know, we had to move up our departure time," he said and looked over at Franz before looking back at the group. "We'll be leaving for the airport in an hour, while I wanted to make sure we went unarmed so not to spook the native, I'm afraid recent information has told me that we'll have to go armed. Each of you will carry a pistol, thankfully we now have weapons that will 'not' be detected by the airports metal detectors," he said.

His mind raced with other idea's to get this done, but he realized that the only way to get to America now was to act casually. "I want all of you to dress in casual clothing, nothing that will identify you as apart of this organization. Unlike before where you wore camo-fatigues, this time you won't.

"We'll look way to suspisous if we go as we are, because of that I've taken the libety to have the director order some new clothing for our girls here to wear. You all will look like your going on a class trip to another country, and in fact that's what it's suppose to appear. Myself, Guiseppe, Jean, along with the rest of us will wear business attire to look like teachers," he said. He got a noticable annoying look from Jean, but he just shook his head. "Get back to your dorm rooms, get dressed, meet outside in ten minutes, any questions you can ask in the van," he said.

As he glanced back out the window a worried expression came over him. This mission will turn into a life or death situation... and I can't help but worry that we'll be the one's incuring the most deaths...

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #487 on: November 16 2007, 01:31 pm »
Franz got up, as did Giorgia.  They walked silently out together, and then went their separate ways.

Hilshire, who had been in the room, had seen Franz and his face was that of loathing.  He muttered something under his breath as he realized that German was going a long and brusquely walked off.

In Giorgia's room, she realized that the clothes that Ryoshine had asked her from the director had already arrived.  She grimaced at the prospect of putting on a dress.  She sighed as she put the dress on.

In his room, Franz put on a suit with a blue tie.  He put on black loafers, and put on his colored contacts.  He gelled back his hair and put his watch on.  He also put his glasses on for added measure.  As he walked out of his own room, he lit a ciggarette before meeting Giorgia half way.  Smiling slightly, he patted her on the back, seeing her disgruntled expression.  They walked outside into the bright sunshine.  Such a normal day, not even a hint of blood shed... 

Taking another inhale of his cigarette, the pair met Ryoshine who was already at the van.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #488 on: November 16 2007, 03:45 pm »
Ryoshine had headed back to his office and put on a cleaner pair of pants and a suit; his choose a bow tie instead of a normal tie. His bow tie had a name etched into the fabric that could only be seen upclose. The name was that of his daughter, "Madison.... I wish you were still here," he said as he looked into the mirror.

He had promised himself he'd never smoke; but he had to put on an appearance. He walked over to his desk and pulled out a ciger box and placed it in his pocket, he then pulled out one of the sweet smelling cigs and placed it in his mouth, but didn't light it. He then grabbed his suitcase and put on a pair of glasses and placed two hairing aids in his ears.

As he walked out of the building and toward the van he wondered if all would indeed go well when they arrived at the airport. "Let's just hope no one get's any funny ideas," he said as he walked over to the van and leaned up against the door. A seconds later two men came by and placed a large trunk in the pack of the van. "These it?" he asked.

"Colt 49s, specially modified with material so they'll get through the metal detectors. Their clip size is smaller and their rate of fire is impacted, but you shouldn't have to worry. All your other weapons will be at the hotel when you arrive," the man said and closed shut the trunk and then the back door.

Ryoshine just nodded and stood there; waiting for the others. As they approuched he threw open the door and waited for everyone to get in. He noticed Giorgia in her dress and couldn't help but crack a smile.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #489 on: November 17 2007, 10:54 am »
Gioriga climbed aboard, still scowling with the fact of wearing a dress.  Franz watched her go in, but went in front of Ryoshine.  He hesitated, but then stated his worry.

"I saw one of your...collegues look at me as if he..." He smiled faintly, "Well, as if he were out to kill me."  He gestured to himself.  "I know that you still do not trust me, and I know that even if I change my appearance, like I have done right now, you'll always see me as a murderer."  He put his hands in his pocket.  "But if I have to work a long with you men, then I'd...I'd appreciate it if he'd keep his loathing to a minimum." Franz shrugged, his 'green' eyes reflecting off the light.  "He has every reason to despise me.  He can talk behind my back if he wants, have plans to torture me.  But at least.  Extend-"

It was then that Hilshire walked up and roughly grabbed Franz shoulder.  "Listen here, jerk.  I don't trust you.  Don't like you.  Don't want anything to do with you." Hilshire changed his grip to the man's collar.  "If you do anything...try anything, or screw anythingup, then I'll personally be the one dealing with you."  He glowered at Franz.  Franz being a little taller than him, merely just stared at Hilshire.  Hilshire's hand, still on his collar.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #490 on: November 17 2007, 12:32 pm »
Ryoshine shook his head and turned to Hillshire. "Weather you like it or not, we need him for this mission. You do anything to him and it's not just him who could die, but all of us," he said in a low tone so the cyborgs wouldn't hear, but he some-how knew it wouldn't matter thanks to their heightened senses.

"How can you trust this man so explicetly?" Hillshire asked, shooting him a look. Ryoshine sighed and placed his hand on Hillshires, releasing Franz's collar from the mans grip. "If you have a problem with him take it up with me later but not right now," he said and turned slightly. "Remember - you harm him then you potentially harm the integrity of this mission, and the director would rather not get word that several of his best agents are dead all because one of them held a grudge against someone," he said. The words made Hillshire scowl, but he knew Ryoshine was right. "Fine... but if compromise's this mission I'm holding you responsible," he said and got into the van.

He shook his head and looked at Franz. "Get into the van, we can talk more later," he said and got into the drivers seat.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #491 on: November 17 2007, 01:53 pm »
Franz calmly got in next to Giorgia.  The trip to the airport was a boring one.  Franz tried to cheer Giorgia up that she looked fine in the dress by complimenting her, but it seemed not to help.  In about two hours they arrived at the airport.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #492 on: November 17 2007, 02:57 pm »
The airport was a bustle of activity. People running to their gates, some grabbing their luggage and others checking in. As the van rolled up to one of the doors Ryoshine got out and walked toward the back. "Everyone back here," he called out and waited until everyone was there. "I'm sure most of you know what this is," he said as he opened up the lid on a trunk and pulled out a colt 45. "These are special, they won't let off the metal dector," he said and handed on to Hillshire. "Hide them some place that security made not pat you down at," he said.

He then handed one to Giorgia, Henrietta, Guiseppe, Jean, Triela, and Rico.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #493 on: November 17 2007, 03:01 pm »
Giorgia took the gun.  It felt light in her hands.  She hid it underneath her dress, as did most of the other cyborgs.  Franz merely stood to the side, watching this spectacle.  The group took a deep breath, tense, and went through security.  Security hardly payed attention.  Franz arched his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.  Hilshire signaled to their group.  "There's a couple of cars waiting in the back parking lot for us.  We'll have to go in different groups.  Split up...however you like.  Ryoshine?"

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #494 on: November 18 2007, 05:05 am »
"Upon arrivals we'll split up while heading to the hotel, just in case we have anyone who's more than curious about our presence," Ryoshine said as he stared at the flight information being displayed on a computer screen. "Henrietta, Triela, Rico, Giorgia. You four will sit together, try and act natural though ok?" Ryoshine said and got a few nods.

As he talked with them two men were keeping a close eye on them; occasionally looking up from their newspapers and speaking into a hidden mic.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #495 on: November 21 2007, 03:49 pm »
Franz merely stood, casting an eye around the place.  He noticed two men, dressed to fit in with the crowd.  Franz hadn't been a military man and an assasin for years to not know this.  They were getting spyed on.  He figured something like this would happen.  However, if he moved too quickly, they would notice.  Too slow, and they'd probably end up dead.  Timing was everything.  As the two men continued to "read" the newspaper, Franz sidled up to Ryoshine as if he were commenting on the weather.

With a fake smile on his lips Franz talked.  "Don't look.  About a meter away.  Two men.  I daresay around their 30's.  Just nod and smile as if I've told you something funny.  We're getting spyed on.  I figured something like this would happen, but not this soon.  We have to move quickly."

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #496 on: November 21 2007, 06:39 pm »
Ryoshine nodded and cracked a smile. "Ok kids, we have a plane to catch," he said and waved them toward the security check in. As he watched he wondered if it was possible to take out the two men, he didn't want to risk doing it in a pubic area, so he hoped that they would lose the two men in the crowd.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #497 on: November 22 2007, 08:30 am »
The group walked at a moderately fast pace.  Franz checked his watch once in a while to make it look like they were late.  He glanced over at the two men.  He was right.  They had gotten up and started to mix with the crowd.  He grabbed Giorgia's hand and tilted his head towards Ryoshine. They were arriving at the cars to take them to the right terminal.  So close...

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #498 on: November 23 2007, 09:14 am »
Ryoshine watched as Hillshire and Triela, along with Jean and Rico moved into one car while Guiseppe, Henrietta and Giorgia got into their own. He stopped briefly and looked up at Franz, acting as if he was confused, "they still behind us?" he asked Franz and opened the door.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #499 on: November 23 2007, 10:46 am »
Franz gritted his teeth.  "Yes."  Was his simple reply.  As soon as they got into the car, Franz took the wheel instead; paying the driver to stay silent.  He took the lead and in about 5 minutes, broke all the driving rules ever created.  However, they arrived at their terminal, and headed out.