AuthorTopic: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~  (Read 177667 times)

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #60 on: August 17 2007, 02:05 pm »
The two soldiers looked at him. "Officers?" the female soldier said and smiled. "I am, but my brother isn't." she said

"Corporal Manson and Leutinant Lurea," the male soldier said, gesturing to his sister when he said her name. "You two look like you have questions," he said and stared at them. Lurea also stared, but no one not even the nurse had noticed that her eyes were slightly different in color, her left eye was white while her right eye was al ighter shade of white.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #61 on: August 17 2007, 02:09 pm »
Andy's smile widened.
 "Whoaaaaaa..  Yes sir.  You see, my buddy Finny-Er, Phineas and I...we wanna join the military."

Phineas had not said anything, but his eyes were eager.  However, he unlike Andy, had noticed the woman's eyes.  They were of two different colors...just like himself and Andy..

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #62 on: August 17 2007, 02:54 pm »
The male soldier laughed. "We appriciate your patriotism, but your to young. The military would never allow a child to join, no matter how much they would want to. You're better off staying in school, once you start high school you can join the military's junior training program, but until then the only thing you can do is keep your grade's up," Manson said and placed his hand on Andy's shoulder.

"Don't be in a rush to join the military," Lurea said. "I'm sorry, but while you two look very strong and able to handle your own, the training we had to go through was very tough and even my brother here, who was a five year gold medal athletic for this academy, had trouble getting through some of the training." she said, she wasn't trying to discourage them, but rather tried to explain that its not a walk in the park.

The two soldiers knew they had other questions and waited.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #63 on: August 17 2007, 02:56 pm »
"Oh..." replied Andy glumly, his smile sliding off his face. 

Phineas looked up.  "No other....other way at all?"

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #64 on: August 17 2007, 03:23 pm »
"Nope, thats how the military runs. Trust me, you two aren't the only one's who have wanted to enter the military at such a young age, but we value a person's childhood which is why we don't let kids join," Lurea said.

Sakura shook her head and turned in the bed, she closed her eyes and soon went to sleep.

Above them, the bell to end school rang.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #65 on: August 17 2007, 03:25 pm »
Andy stood still for a moment, his head whizzing.  He then asked a totally ridiculous question that even Phinas gawked at him.

"What if..." he hesiated.  "What if I don't want to be a kid anymore? What if I want to grow up right now?"

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #66 on: August 17 2007, 03:32 pm »
For once, both of them burst out laughing. They laughed so hard the nurse came out wondering what was going on, Lurea shook her hand and tried to tell her it was nothing but wasn't able to speak.

After a few minute's the two had calmed down and told the nurse that it was nothing. "Y.... you want to grow up? Trust me, adult life isn't as easy as it looks..." Lurea said. "She's right, we wanted to grow up when we were your age, but when we discovered just how hard life is right now, heck, sis and I would rather be your age again," he said.

Manson sighed. Of course, technically sis 'can' revert to a younger body... but thats only because she has that ability to shape shift her or anyone she wants.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #67 on: August 17 2007, 03:38 pm »
Andy, not abashed at all, looked up at them.  As he blinked, his blue eye gleamed for prehaps a split second.  The room was immediately filled with a seriousness, that Andy himself was shocked by.  Phineas felt it, but didnt immediately draw into it.  The nurse however, looked very serious indeed.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #68 on: August 17 2007, 03:48 pm »
Lurea narrowed her eyes and stared at Andy. Sooooo... he's one of us.... his powers are manifesting... but I wonder if he'll be able to control it... she thought and folded her arms.

The nurse stared at Andy and Phineas. "School's over you two, I think its best you head home right now," she said in all seriousness. Behind her, Yoko and Yuki stood wearing their new uniform. Lurea instantly fell in love with it, her brother shook his head. "God she's a stickler for cute things," he said.

Yoko blushed and rubbed her hands together. "Y-you think?" she said, knowing exactly what her sister was thinking.

Yuki rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest.

Sakura had been awoken by the laughing. "You know," she said and looked over at Yuki. "It's best if you just enjoy the time you have here, don't look all serious, if you do then you'll not be able to enjoy yourself."

"Yea? And why should I believe someone like you," he said in a harsh tone.

Lurea snarled, Manson grumbled. "Yuki!" Lurea shouted, causing the nine year old to jump. "Apologize this instant!"

Yuki looked genuiningly afraid of his big sister, he turned away from her and sighed. "Sorry...." he said, but the way he said it made Sakura realize that he wasn't being truly apologetic.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #69 on: August 17 2007, 03:51 pm »
Andy knew when his welcome was worn out.  He quickly walked out, leaving Phineas behind.  He told the two soldiers, "Sorry about him...he just really wants to help."

Once outside, Andy kicked the ground.  He grumbled furiously.  "I'm old enough!" he shouted to no one in particular

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #70 on: August 17 2007, 03:56 pm »
Lurea sighed. "We know, there are a lot of people here who want to help. We know he could turn out to be a great soldier, and trust me if it was within our power we would gladly run you two through the entrance test... but its not in our power, the only one's who would allow such a thing are very busy with the war currently going on... they'd never allow kids to get involved in this war, they have kids as well..." Lurea said, head low and looking at the ground.

"That kid is stupid..." Yuki said, causing Sakura to throw the sheets off her and out of bed, but she stumbled and fell to the ground, hitting her elbow on the table, she let out a small yelp, tears in her eyes. "He is NOT stupid!" Sakura shouted, tears choking her throat.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #71 on: August 17 2007, 03:59 pm »
Phineas, slightly alarmed, quickly went over to Sakura. 

Soothingly, he replied. "It's alright.  Don't listen to him. You know Andy, how he really is."  He helped her back in the bed and turned to glare ferociously at Yuki.

"Don't you dare insult my best friend in front of me."

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #72 on: August 17 2007, 04:07 pm »
Yuki grumbled. "Want a peice of me short stuff?" he said before Lurea walked between them and slapped Yuki across the face, leaving a red print. The boy didn't cry, but was very surprised.

Behind Yuki, Yoko was very nervous. "S-stop it..." she said to Yuki, who looked at her and noticed how scared she was. He blinked and turned back toward the student who had helped Sakura, he looked toward the floor before leaving the nurse's office along with Manson.

Lurea sighed. "I'm sorry," she said and looked at Phineas. "He's not usually this rude to people, but today he's been acting rather strangely," he said. Sakura looked at her but didn't respond.

"Ummm... Lurea?" Yoko looked up at her big sister. "Can I stay awhile?" she asked.

"Sure, I'll be right outside," Lurea said and walked out of the room. She walked toward the bed and bowed to Phineas, "I'm sorry about my brothers attitude," Yokosaid, even though her big sister had already apologized. She lifted her head and looked at the young girl before looking at the young boy. "What's your name?" she asked him.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #73 on: August 17 2007, 04:11 pm »
Phineas just nodded.  His face had returned emotionless.  He turned to Yoko.  "I am Phineas.  Phineas Williams."

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #74 on: August 17 2007, 04:14 pm »
Yoko smiled. "My name's Yoko, Yoko Transgemine," she said and smiled at Phineas and looked at Sakura. "What's your name?" she asked her.

"S.... S... Sakura Ramie.." Sakura said, she never did like introductions, which was why every new school year when they had first day introductions it was always a big hastle for her to talk. "N-nice to meet you," she said to Yoko.

Again, Yoko smiled. "Nice to meet the both of you," she said and bowed. "Umm..." she said and noticed their different eyes colors. "What's with your eyes?"

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #75 on: August 17 2007, 04:18 pm »
Phineas arched an eyebrow.
  "Our eyes?  I'm not's always been like this.  But...I don't mean to be rude...I just...never seen anything like it before but...your eye is black..and no...well...pupil.."  Phineas hesitated.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #76 on: August 17 2007, 04:22 pm »
Yuki's expression turned to sadness. "Thats.... because I'm blind in my right eye... something happened a few years ago...." she said and looked toward the ground. "An... accident when my older brother was training in my old home town.. he made a mistake and... well...." she tried to say that he his shot had gone wild and hit the wooden boards behind her, causing splinters to fly into her face, one peirced her right eye causing instant blindness, but she couldn't bring put it into words.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #77 on: August 17 2007, 04:24 pm »
Phineas frowned slightly, and in his smooth velvet voice, replied, "It's alright.  I understand."

Andy, finally finished raging, turned around to see Lurea looking curiously at him.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #78 on: August 17 2007, 04:27 pm »
"I know what you are thinking," Lurea said and walked toward him. Behind her, Yuki and Manson stayed behind, Manson was scolding Yuki on how he acted toward Sakura.

"However, why are you in such a hurry to grow up?" he asked him. "Don't you have a loving mother and father?"

Nurse's office

Sakura smiled. "I may look young, but I do understand that sometimes there are things in life that we want to forget," she said and looked at Yoko, who looked surprised to hear such a thing coming from a young girl. "We can only do so much...." Sakura said and laid her head against the pillow.

Yuko nodded. "I... don't understand what you mean... but I have been trying to forget it..." she said.

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Re: Lomachislots War - Lost Childhood (Original) ~
« Reply #79 on: August 17 2007, 04:33 pm »
Andy quickly put a smile on his face.  "Sure I do.  That's exactly why I want to join.  I want them to be proud of me."
Phineas couldn't have agreed more with Sakura's words.