AuthorTopic: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)  (Read 555288 times)

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #520 on: August 26 2010, 12:01 pm »
WWE NXT Results: 8-24-10

Result courtesy of (direct link to Twilling's complete report). Condensed here to the only match that took place and it did not involve any NXT rookies.

1. Cody Rhodes defeated MVP in 23:58. MVP worked on the shoulder of Rhodes and scored a nearfall after a suplex and float over into a cover. MVP closelined Cody to the floor. He then slingshot himself into a high cross body on Cody...

Cody was in control coming back from the break. MVP came back though and scored a nearfall with a closeline. Cole and Mathews argued about wrestling websites. Cole said "wrestling dirt sheets" are always wrong.

The match just became back and forth with no extended selling of anything. Many, many nearfalls but none of them were believable. Cody locked in a crossface and the show went to commercial again...

Rhodes hit a huge dropkick coming out of the break for a two count. Cody locked a leg scissors around MVP's head. MVP stood up and hit an electric chair. Two more nearfalls.

Both men fought to the top rope. Cody hit a superplex and MVP was still able to kick out. Cody locked in a modified surfboard into a neckbreaker submission. MVP fought out, hit a closeline, and both men were down.

MVP hit the ballin' elbow. He went for the play of the day, but Cody hit an Alabama slam. Cody then hit Cross Rhodes and scored the clean pinfall victory...

Twill's Two Cents: Long match. Good match. Not a great match. The ebb and flow and changes in control during the match were not horribly smooth, nor were the nearfalls believable. However, the action was solid and it was a nice, long main event between two veteran guys.

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #521 on: August 29 2010, 02:08 am »
WWE Superstars results: 8-26-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Regal and Goldust locked up as Cole talked up the Six-Pack Challenge match booked for Night of Champions. Again, he came across disingenuous promoting the match since he's a heel some of the time. Regal worked over Goldust, who Cole mocked. Cole called him a "goof" wearing his outfit. "Come on, it's been about a decade now," he said. Regal knocked Goldust to the outside and they cut to a break.

Back from break, Goldust suplexed Regal off the apron back into the ring. Cole said he can't believe they're celebrating the 900th episode of Raw this Monday. Goldust lambasted Regal with right hands, then Regal begged off from his knees. Goldust polled the crowd, then stomped on Regal's hand. Regal came back with a clothesline, though, and sold the injured hand. Regal transitioned into using his knee for a knee drop to score a nearfall. Regal then settled into a reverse chinlock wearing down Goldust as Cole noted he looks better without the face paint.

Goldust came to his feet and they traded bombs, with Goldust getting the better of Regal with an uppercut and running clotheslines. Goldust hit a bulldog, then made a cover for a two count. Cole called it an "important match-up here on Superstars." Suddenly, Regal came out of nowhere with a running knee smash to the face in of the corner. Goldust was KO'ed and Regal made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Regal in 11:00. Good, solid TV match between two experienced veterans. Regal picked up a good win, for once, and Goldust looked sharp on offense. There's value in using them in separate programs working with younger wrestlers that are built-up and given TV attention on Raw, e.g. Goldust pushing Sheamus on ECW. (**)


Striker suggested there is actually a formula to determine who's next in line for a tag title shot based on victories, quality of opponents, and degree of difficulty. It certainly would be useful if that was a reality and didn't just exist in Striker's mind. Dudebusters worked from underneath as Leather & Hair worked them over using a size and speed combination. Barreta made a spirited comeback and tried to knock down Archer, who absorbed punishment before being taken off his feet with a springboard missile dropkick. Hawkins broke up a pin and the action broke down. The action settled down when Archer attempted a clothesline on Barreta. Archer tried to follow with a standing Black Hole Slam, but Barreta countered into a run-the-ropes swinging DDT center ring. Barreta made the pin for the win.

WINNERS: Dudebusters in 5:00. Fine match creating more tension among the remaining tag teams in WWE to set up who might be next in line for a tag title shot at Night of Champions. (*1/4)


Masters bounced out to the ring after the break and McIntyre met him with a great, heelish "I'm not buying the flexing facade" look. McIntyre leaned against the ropes waiting for Masters to finish showing off, then the bell sounded to begin the match. Striker threw out the over-used "evolving" word to describe McIntyre's in-ring style changing as he's gained more experience in the ring. Masters teased the Masterlock one minute in, and McIntyre grabbed the ropes for a break. Masters smashed Mac with forearms in the corner, then came off the second rope with a flying shoulder tackle. He clotheslined McIntyre over the top rope to the floor and Mac bumped his head on the announce table. Striker said they spend a lot of time talking up Mac and Cody Rhodes, but what about Masters?

Masters followed on the outside with an attempted powerslam, but Mac slipped out and ran Masters into the ringpost. McIntyre then smashed Masters's shin into the ringpost to pick a body part to work over. Masters avoided a ten count re-entering the ring,then Mac went to work on the left leg and shin to cut off Masters. Striker talked up Masters's "muscle mass" as Mac continued to wear down the left leg with submission holds. McIntyre remained in control as they cut to a break.

Back in the arena, Mac was still working over Masters's lower left leg as Masters sold agony from the pain. MacIntyre posed for the fans and cockily proclaimed, "All day long." McIntyre then applied a spinning toe hold to continue working the leg. Masters finally got some breathing room flinging Mac to the outside. Mac frustratingly ran back into the ring and Masters answered with a desperation Samoan Drop. Masters pulled himself to his feet and fought back with his good leg before making his comeback. Masters hit a spinebuster, sold the leg, paused, and made a cover for a two count. They reversed control against the ropes and McIntyre landed a neckbreaker for another nearfall.

Mac yanked down Masters's knee pad and stomped on the patella. McIntyre teased the Future Shock, but Masters countered into a small package for a two count. Mac then charged off the ropes and Masters responded with a powerslam. Masters hobbled to his feet and teased the Masterlock, but McIntyre dragged them through the ropes to the outside. Masters re-applied, but Mac pushed them hard into the guardrail, with Masters eating the guardrail. Back in the ring, Mac stomped the knee and nailed the Future Shock DDT center ring. McIntyre with the pin for the win. After a replay of the highspots from the match, the show concluded with a close-up shot of a confident McIntyre celebrating the victory with a smirk for the crowd.

WINNER: McIntyre in 15:00. That was a strong TV match. Good showing for McIntyre. They continue to get sympathy on Masters rather than just presenting him as a one-dimensional babyface, so it's a sign, at least anecdotally, they might actually have plans for Masters beyond the Smackdown cameo and occasional match on Thursday nights. (**1/4)

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"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #522 on: August 29 2010, 02:09 am »
TNA Impact! Results: 8-26-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Wilkenfeld's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Joe hits some quick jabs to start. Jordan falls back into the corner, where Joe stomps a mud-hole into him. He whips Jordan into the opposite corner, charges into him, and hits his version of a Pele. Joe goes for a Kokido Clutch, but Jordan backs him into the corner and slithers sensually. While Joe's distracted Jordan whacks him in the head with an elbow. He hits a series of stomps and punches. Joe falls back into a corner. Jordan hits some mounted punches. He grabs a chain with Joe's action figure and licks it. Joe takes him down with an Inverted Atomic Drop off the top rope. He hits a series of clotheslines and a T-Bone Suplex. Joe sets Jordan on the top rope, hits the Muscle Buster, and gets the three count.

WINNER: Samoa Joe in about 2 minutes.


Nash slides a chair into the ring. Jarrett steps on it to keep Nash from picking it up, but that lets Kevin pull Jarrett to the outside. He whips him into the guard rail, and Jarrett goes into the front row. He pulls Jarrett back and slams his head against the apron a couple times. They go back into the ring. Nash floors Jarrett twice with straight right hands, then works him over in the corners with knees to the gut. Nash hits a couple elbows to the side of Jarrett's head. Nash gets the chair and lays it in the middle of the ring. He drops the straps, but referee Brian Hebner gets rid of the chair. While Hebner's back is turned, Nash exposes the steel turnbuckle. He looks for a Snake Eyes, but Jarrett slips out and shoves Nash into it. The crowd is dead. Jarrett steps on Nash against the ropes. He hits a double sledge off the top, but when he goes for a second he gets goozled. Jarrett tries to get away with elbows, so Nash shoves him back first into the exposed steel ring turnbuckle. Jarrett falls into a Choke Slam for 1,! Jeff ducks a clothesline and goes Princess Bride on Nash, jumping on his back and choking him. Nash backs him into the turnbuckle, but the ref gets between them and the steel and takes the brunt of the damage. Jarrett drives Nash's head into the turnbuckle, then hits the Stroke. There's no ref to make the count though. Sting runs down in red face-paint and nails Jarrett a couple times with the baseball bat. Nash rolls into the cover just as Hebner comes to, and Jarrett's down for 3.

WINNER: Kevin Nash in 6 minutes. This was easily the best WCW Nitro main event I've seen in ages.


If either Fortune or EV 2.0 interfere they'll be fired. Storm nails a Back Stabber on Tony Mamaluke, who falls into a clothesline from Roode. Little Guido's in now, eating a Superkick. Roode comes in, knocks Mamaluke off the apron, and nails a Full Nelson Slam on Guido. Guido gets a quick Small Package for two, then makes the tag. Tony Mamaluke flies in off the top rope, but right into a Spine Buster. Storm tags in and hits the DWI for the win.

WINNER: Beer Money in under 2 minutes.

Guido continues the fight after the bell, so Storm breaks a beer bottle on his head. Roode picks Mamaluke up for a Last Call Superkick. Storm busts open Guido, then they hit a mean DWI on him.

Non-Title Match

Sabin and Jeremy lock up to start. Jeremy goes for a quick roll up, but doesn't get one. He tries to shoulder block Sabin down, but Sabin stays on his feet and hits one of his own. Jeremy gets a Mahistrol Cradle for one. Max tags in, and they hit stereo dropkicks to Sabin. Shelley breaks the cover up right away. He tags in, and they hit their Front Face Lock Drop Kick on Max. Shelley kicks Max in the gut and hits a Body Slam. After some struggling, Shelley gets Max into a cool Single Leg Boston Crab/Lion Tamer, but Max gets to the ropes right away. Sabin tags in, and he nails a Shelton Benjami-style Leap-frog Arm Breaker. He drives Max's head into Shelley's boot, then tags Shelley in. A couple of quick covers get two. Max tries to reach for a tag, but Shelley stands on his hand. He cinches in a sort of neck vise. Max starts to power out, so Shelley tags in Sabin, who comes in with a Springboard Double Axe Handle. Sabin charges Max in the corner, but eats an elbow. Shelley charges and gets elevated out and onto the floor. Max wants to tag out, but Sabin grabs his leg. Sabin tries to transition into a German Suplex, but Max reverses into a Victory Roll into a tag. Jeremy comes in firing. Shelley kicks him from the outside and tries to hold him, but he fights out. He goes to the apron and hits a crazy Slingshot Facebuster that drives Sabin's head vertically into the mat for a long two. Sabin rolls to the outside. Both Guns are on the outside, so Max flies out with a flying Baseball Slide. Jeremy then elevates Max a bit so he can in turn catapult Jeremy onto the top rope, where he somehow turns 180 degrees and hits an Asai Moonsault. Holy shit. Sabin comes back in. Max Spears him, then nails a Standing Moonsault as Jeremy simultaneously comes in with a Slingshot Frog Splash. Shelley is back up on the apron, so Jeremy flips upside down as if to hit a Hurricanra, but then Max runs up his back and kicks Shelley in the head. Max hits an Oklahoma Roll. Jeremy goes for a 450 Splash, but Sabin gets his knees up. Sabin then holds Jeremy in place while an unsuspecting Max follows up with a Moonsault and ends up hitting his brother. The crowd is going ballistic by now. Shelley is back, and he nails a standing Sliced Bread #2 on Max. They hit Skull & Bones on Jeremy, and that's it.

WINNERS: Motor City Machine Guns in 7 minutes, but with action packed tightly enough to make it seem like 25. Holy shit that was great. After the match the Guns raise Generation Me's hands.

8-man Tag Match

Anderson and Kazarian lock up to start, then trade wrist locks. Kazarian slaps Anderson in the face and gets a side head lock. He comes off the ropes with a shoulder block, but then walks into an Arm Drag. Anderson follows up with a Body Slam and a slap, then tags in Pope. Kazarian rakes the eyes and tags in AJ. AJ hits a running forearm, but then walks into a forearm from Pope. Pope jukes and jives into some elbows, then hits a big right hand for two. AJ backs Pope into his corner, where he gets quadruple-teamed. Fortune quickly tag in and out, hitting Pope as they go. AJ ends up back in there with Pope. He Snapmares him down and kicks him in the back. He tags in Morgan. Pope slips out of his grasp, but doesn't go for the tag. Morgan signals that he wants Hardy though, so Pope obliges. Morgan is amused by the height difference. Jeff gets a waistlock from behind, but Morgan elbows him off. Morgan corners Hardy, but whiffs on a charge. Hardy beats down Morgan in the corner, nailing the delayed dropkick. He hits a running forearm, but AJ catches his leg from the outside. He slips away from AJ and knocks down Kazarian before he can interfere, but then turns around into a clothesline from Morgan. Morgan chokes Hardy in the corner, then tags in AJ. AJ hits a Body Slam and his high knee drop. The crowd is cheering for AJ. Morgan tags back in, and hits his series of elbows in the corner. Now the crowd's behind Hardy. Matt hits a straight Suplex, which gets two. Williams tags in, and tosses Hardy throat first onto the top rope. Even though Williams is already in control, Flair trips Hardy. While the ref is trying to restrain Hardy's team Flair rolls him out and nails him with a low blow. They roll him back in, where Williams gets a cover for two. AJ tags back in. Hardy gets off a couple of shots, but AJ nails an elbow to the back of his head and tags in Williams. Williams works a neck vise. Hardy powers out, but Williams stops him with a head-butt to the gut. Hardy comes right back with a Flashback. Kazarian and Angle tag in. Angle pops Morgan off the apron, then takes down Kazarian with a series of clotheslines. AJ runs in, and runs right into a Belly-to-Belly Overhead Suplex. Kurt locks in an Angle Lock, but AJ nails him with a flying forearm off the top rope. Pope takes AJ down with an STO, then turns into a T-Bone from Williams, who turns into an Oklahoma Roll from Anderson, who turns into a Decapitator Clothesline from Morgan, who eats a Whisper in the Wind from Hardy, who gets a Wave of the Future from Kazarian, who nails an Olympic Slam on Kazarian as Pope blind tags himself in. Pope makes the cover for the win.

WINNERS: Anderson, Pope, Hardy & Angle in 9 minutes. It was a nice touch that instead of everyone hitting their finishers at the end, they hit other signature moves—it added a bit of variety to the usual formula.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #523 on: August 29 2010, 02:11 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 8-27-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Park's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


The announcers discussed possible injuries Mysterio may be dealing with after his match against the debuting Alberto Del Rio last week. Usually when a match of this caliber starts the show, you can count on something screwy happening that will have an effect on the rest of the show. Kane threw Mysterio out of the ring under the bottom rope and draped him throat-first over the ringside barricade. After tossing Mysterio back into the ring, Kane went under the ring and grabbed a kendo stick. Mysterio kicked at Kane’s leg on his way back into the ring, then used the stick on them. However, Mysterio ran into a big boot. Pin attempt got two. Hard whip into the buckle by Kane. Neck vice applied to Mysterio. He got free and was going to springboard off the top from the apron, but he was booted down in mid-air and found himself prone outside the ring. Mysterio with a drop toe-hold on Kane on the steps. Off the announce table with a seated senton went Rey. They took a break about 3:30 into the match.

Uppercut by Kane upon return, and he got a two-count from it. Still in control, Kane put Rey in a chin-lock. Once Rey broke out, he ran into a sidewalk slam. Kane retrieved a steel chair from ringside. Mysterio got his feet up and knocked the chair out of Kane’s hands. Seated senton off the top, then a headscissors into the 619 position. On the attempt, Kane caught him by the throat. Rey wouldn’t allow the chokeslam and went after Kane’s knee. He jammed the top of the chair into the back of Kane’s knee, then gave him a shot to the back. Another 619, this one connected. Springboard, but right into a chokeslam on the chair. Kane hooked the leg and was awarded the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Kane, at 9:28. This doesn’t hurt Rey much, as despite not being on offense a lot, he had the built-in excuse for the loss, with the arm injured by Del Rio. The announcers made very sure to get that point across throughout the match.

2 – CM PUNK vs. JTG

The entire Straight Edge Society accompanied Punk, including the since-released Serena. Striker noted it looked like she was wearing Cpl. Kirschner’s pants. Couple of quick pin attempts by JTG, but Punk pounded him down. He kicked away at JTG in the corner, then clotheslined him after a whip into the opposite turnbuckle. Knees to the gut and shots to the back from the SES leader. Running knee in the corner, followed up by the bulldog. Go To Sleep connected, but then locked in the long-forgotten Anaconda Vice for the tap-out win.

WINNER: Punk, by submission, at 1:56. Pretty much a squash for Punk.


Striker said Kingston’s jaw is still slightly dislocated after last week. Kicks in the corner by Kingston and Ziggler took an early break on the outside. It didn’t last long as Kingston clotheslined him down. Roll-up by Kofi, who smartly shifted his legs out from underneath the bottom rope. Unfortunately, the referee had to re-position himself and the challenger only got a one-count. Trouble in Paradise attempt, but Ziggler held onto the ropes. Flip roll-up by Kingston, the move he won the title with, but that only got two. Ziggler’s title appeared to be in jeopardy as they went to break.

Back-and-forth action was what viewers saw out of break. Kofi fired away with rights, attacking Ziggler in the corner. Ziggler got a boot up that floored Kingston. Cover got two. Jumping elbowdrop to the back of Kingston’s head for a two-count. Rear chin-lock with Ziggler sitting on Kingston’s back. Kingston fought back and again Ziggler held onto the ropes on a Trouble in Paradise attempt. Kingston then hit the same flip roll-up from earlier. The ref counted three, but Ziggler grabbed the bottom rope at two. Referee Chad Patton immediately waved off the pinfall. Kingston was visibly upset, and went for another pin that got two. Kingston missed a shoulder charge in the corner. Cover by Ziggler for two. Running neck-snap by Ziggler, shades of Mr. Perfect. Big neckbreaker followed that up. Kingston missed wildly with a right hand and the champion locked in a sleeper. Kofi got to the ropes and Vickie slapped Kofi behind the ref’s back. Ziggler was understandably mad and told Vickie not to screw this up for him. Lots of near-falls by Ziggler here.

Kofi fought back to a vertical base and went for a dropkick, but Ziggler caught him and catapulted him into the corner. Kofi landed on the middle rope and came off with a big punch for two. Kingston telegraphed his flip kick, but it connected anyway. He went to the top and landed a cross-body for two. Crowd was really into it at this point. Fireman’s carry take-over by Ziggler for a very near fall. Zig Zag attempt but Kofi held on to the top rope. Dropkick sent Ziggler outside the ring. Vickie stood in Kofi’s way as he tried to land on Kingston, so he stepped aside and hit a cross-body from the apron. Double-clothesline on the outside. Both men crawled toward the ring, and as they attempted to get in at the nine-count, Vickie held Ziggler back. That allowed Kingston to win by count-out and Ziggler to retain the title.

WINNER: Kingston, by count-out, at 14:09. One of the better matches these two have had as of late, thanks in part to the good story it told.


Grisham explained the rules and Swagger and MVP were given headgear. MVP threw his into the crowd. Swagger practice a couple times before locking up. Swagger taunted MVP, so MVP slapped him. Swagger took MVP down with ease to get an early 1-0 lead. Swagger invited MVP to take his leg, so MVP did so. A reversal by Swagger put MVP on the mat. 2-0. Crowd started chanting for MVP. Swagger went low and got a rear waist-lock. MVP blocked a take-down and performed a standing switch. Swagger picked MVP up and gave him almost a spinebuster to go up 3-0. Front face-lock by Swagger and MVP started to get frustrated, so he slapped Swagger, drawing the DQ.

WINNER: Swagger, via DQ, at 2:04.


Sanchez even got an entrance. Well, kind of, as they showed Del Rio’s attack on Mysterio through most of it. Sanchez was billed as being from Fresno and Striker claimed he was a state grappling champion and that his family was on hand for this. Del Rio worked over Sanchez in the corner, then connected on a belly-to-back suplex. Rear chinlock by Del Rio, and the fans seemed particularly hot for Sanchez. He elbowed out, and Del Rio missed a splash in the corner. Del Rio got tired of Sanchez’s punches and grabbed him, sitting him on the top rope. Del Rio winked at him, then pushed him over to the outside. Ouch. Back in, he flipped the jobber over and hooked in the cross arm-breaker for the win.

WINNER: Del Rio, by submission, at 2:29.


Punk was conspicuous by his absence from the rest of the SES. Slaps to the chest of Gallows by Show, then a slap to the back. He tossed Gallows across the ring with ease. Joseph Mercury tried to get involved, but Show chased him away. Show slapped Gallows as he laid across the announce table. Serena started to get near Show, so Kelly jumped her. Gallows kicked at Show’s knee back in the ring, then to his face. Show put him down again (he was wearing his t-shirt during the match, by the way). Show sized up Gallows and nailed him with a right hand.

WINNER: Show, at 2:22. Based on this and Serena’s firing, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a reset on the SES next week.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #524 on: September 10 2010, 10:55 am »
Way behind on the results and reports here but all you need to do is go to the Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread or to my TOKYOPOP blog link under my sig pic to get caught up to date with all the results and news.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #525 on: September 13 2010, 06:34 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 9-9-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


The announcers had their talking point for the first-half of the match discussing Regal's rap attempt. Truth cut off Regal's offense throughout the opening part of the match, with Regal ending up on the floor as they cut to an early break.

Back from break, Regal was in control of the proceedings pounding on Truth with classic Regal offense. Cole then interjected: "Regal will use every part of his body as a weapon." I'm going to leave that one alone. A crawler then came across the screen announcing that next week, WWE Superstars "moves to a new time," one hour later on WGN America. The first hour of Impact has wrestling competition now. As for Regal vs. Truth, Truth suddenly scored a roll up center ring to secure a three count for the win.

WINNER: R-Truth in 10:00. Basic match that had no chance to overtake Regal's rap as the highlight of the first 15 minutes. (*)

2 -- GOLDUST & GAIL KIM (w/Aksana)

Goldust and Primo went to work early on. Goldust landed an early butt bomb, which Cole had trouble calling in the play-by-play. Gail then tagged in and worked over Jillian. Primo suddenly re-entered and Gail opted to landed a dropkick on him despite the gender-on-gender rules. The action broke down, taking the ref out of the action. Primo then assisted in Gail spilling out of the ring to the floor to give Jillian control. Primo and Goldust eventually took tags to re-enter, leading to Goldust landing signature offense. I imagine we'll be seeing a lot of this Goldust-Primo interaction Tuesday nights on NXT. Jillian then broke up a pin attempt, which stopped Goldust in his tracks. Jillian slapped Goldust, Goldust freaked, then he dropped Primo with the Final Cut. Goldust with the pin for the win. Goldust then hugged it out with Aksana before getting his hand raised with Gail.

WINNERS: Goldust & Gail. Fine tag match getting over Goldust and attempting to create interest in NXT Season 3 without anyone trying to dance. (*)


Striker called Hawkins and Archer the "Sons of Chaos," as opposed to the hipper Sons of Anarchy from FX. After some back-and-forth tag action, they went to the finish with Barreta hitting a DDT on Archer for the win. Hawkins was just a hair late to make the save. WWE piped in a babyface crowd reaction, with some fans shown applauding the Dudes, who taunted Hawkins with the victory in hand.

WINNERS: Dudebusters in 4:00. No clarity here on who might face Hart Dynasty for the tag titles at Night of Champions. If WWE is trying to get over Dudebusters as babyface, it wouldn't make sense to match up two lukewarm babyface tag teams in a PPV title match. (*)

4 -- BIG SHOW vs. LUKE GALLOWS (w/Joseph Mercury)

The crawler came across the screen again reminding viewers that Superstars moves back an hour starting next week. Striker noted Joseph's storyline injury at the hands of Big Show while Show dominated Luke early on. The match moved to the floor where Show smashed Luke's chest with a frying pan-like chop to the chest. Back in the ring, Luke tried to fight back, but Show cut him off. Show cocked the big right hand for the KO Punch and he connected in the jaw. "Lights Out Luke," Grisham said. Show then slowly rolled over Luke to make the pin for the win. Joseph simply lowered his head in shame as they showed jubilant kids in the crowd celebrating Show's victory.

WINNER: Show in 3:00. Dominant victory for Show to build up Night of Champions vs. Punk. Show vs. Luke could be a strong attraction down the road if Luke is protected for a lengthy period of time picking up a series of convincing victories where it would seem like a big deal to see Show vs. Luke. That's basic pro wrestling. (*)

Post-match: Show took the mic and said the only fat-trimming going on here in WWE is him pledging to rid the WWE Universe of SES. The crowd popped for the proclamation. "Good luck, boys," Show said in conclusion. Grisham then gave a final plug for Smackdown with Taker's first match in four months vs. Punk. Show put his bandana back on and hugged a youngster ringside as the show ended.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #526 on: September 13 2010, 06:35 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 9-10-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Park's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Swagger with an amateur take-down, going back to what brought him to the dance. Corner charge missed and MVP followed it with a lariat. Big kick to the head sent Swagger out of the ring. Drop toe-hold by MVP, then a running knee to the back of the head. Swagger responded with a clothesline himself. Forearm to the back of the head by Swagger. Cover got a two-count. He stretched the arms of MVP behind his back. At this point, they went to break.

Back with Swagger booting MVP in the jaw, showing a lot of light. Vader Bomb, but MVP lifted his knees. Overhead throw by MVP, then a running boot in the corner. Swagger kicked out on a pin attempt though. Shot to the throat by MVP, then a “Ballin’!” elbowdrop. Swagger ducked out of the ring, and kicked the steel steps into MVP’s legs. He slammed MVP’s leg into the ring post. Swagger locked in the ankle lock back inside the ring. MVP tapped immediately.

WINNER: Swagger, at 8:04. Lasted a little longer than I expected. Maybe MVP is out of the doghouse.


They showed a clip of Del Rio’s celebration from last week, which was interrupted by Christian. Del Rio got the advantage aggressively to start, but Hardy bulldogged him down for two. Del Rio missed a kick and flew outside the ring. As Hardy came back to the apron, Del Rio landed an enziguiri, sending Matt to ringside.

Del Rio had Hardy in a chinlock out of break. Some choking of Hardy on the middle rope by Del Rio, then he continued to wear him down. Spinebuster by Del Rio, then a running knee. Another cover for only two, as Del Rio appeared to get frustrated. Hardy hit a Side Effect for a near-fall, then another. Moonsault by Hardy off the top for two. Del Rio to the top, but Hardy met him there. He dropped Hardy arm-first over the top rope, then a shoulder into the ring post. Cross arm-breaker for the submission victory.

WINNER: Del Rio, at 11:13. Another impressive showing for Del Rio. Hardy is kind of stuck in the mid-card right now, but that’s a good spot for him.

After the match, Del Rio went back for more, but before any further damage could be inflicted, Christian ran down to chase off Del Rio.


McIntyre backed Kaval into the corner until the ref ordered a break. Running kick to the face by McIntyre for a two-count. He went for a springboard move, but Mac tripped him up on the top rope and Kaval fell to ringside. He suplexed Kaval back-first onto the apron in an impressive move. Back in, Kaval kneed McIntyre in the head on a suplex attempt. More kicks as Kaval rubbed his head. Kaval with a back-kick off the top rope to the head for a very near-fall. To the top again, but McIntyre rolled to ringside. He tried a hurricanrana off the apron, but Mac caught him and powerbombed him into the barricade. He tossed Kaval back into the ring and landed the Future Shock DDT for the pinfall victory.

WINNER: McIntyre, at 3:58. Striker made up for the loss saying McIntyre seemed to eye Kaval with respect after the match. Despite the loss, Kaval had a good showing.


Press slam by Masters on Ziggler, who immediately tagged out. Ziggler caused a distraction that allowed Chavo to take out Masters’ knees. Ziggler wanted back in, and he kicked away at Masters once he made the tag. Masters made the hot tag only a few minutes in. Kingston with chops and a dropkick. He pounded away on Ziggler on the top rope, but the two Night of Champions opponents both delivered simultaneous clotheslines. Ziggler made the tag, but the ref was busy with Masters and the ref didn’t see it. Ziggler got to his feet and complained to the ref, then Kofi gave him the Trouble In Paradise for the win.

WINNERS: Kingston and Masters, at 2:48. Interesting that the tag not seen by the ref was for the heels, not the babyfaces. Just a short tag match to hype the IC Title match.


Punk yelled at Luke Gallows and Joseph Mercury when they walked out to the stage with him, and they ended up walking back. Punk avoided a couple shots from Taker at the outset. He kicked at the thighs of the Dead Man, but Taker came back and cornered Punk, taking him down with kicks of his own. He worked over Punk’s left arm, and legdropped it for only a one-count. He sent Punk shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. He attempted Old School, but Punk pulled on the arm and crotched Taker on the top rope. Punk dropkicked Taker off the apron and to the arena floor. Undertaker attempted to recover as they went to break about three minutes into the match.

Punk continued to work the left arm as Grisham reminded fans that this was Taker’s first match in almost four months. During the break, Punk continued the onslaught on the outside. Headscissors by Punk as they tried to sell this as a legitimate submission finisher, despite the fact that no one has submitted to it in years. Back outside the ring they went, as Punk charged at Taker and rammed him back-first into the barricade. Taker fought back before Punk could throw him into the ring. The pace was slowed down quite a bit at this point, but Taker amped things up by dropping the leg across Punk’s throat with Punk lying on the apron. But Taker was struggling to get back to his feet near the announce table. Running boot in the corner missed from Taker and Punk met him with a kick of his own for two. Punk tied Taker up in a potential submission hold. Side suplex by Taker to break free. He missed a follow-up elbowdrop after getting back to his feet, though. Running knee in the corner by Punk, then a bulldog out of the corner that Taker took oddly. He kicked out at two. Both men got to their feet and slugged away at each other. Taker landed Snake Eyes, but hit the ropes and was greeted with a running leg lariat from his opposition. Springboard clothesline, but Punk was grabbed by the throat and chokeslammed. He kicked out at two. Taker signaled for the Tombstone, but Punk got out. Taker up for the GTS and he connected. But it took too much out of Punk and it took a while for him to make the cover. He ended up in the Hell’s Gate finisher and he tapped soon after it was locked in.

WINNER: Undertaker, at 14:35.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #527 on: September 13 2010, 06:37 am »
ROH Glory by Honor IX Internet PPV Results: 9-11-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell and Radican's complete report).

(1) Kenny King vs. Jay Briscoe

King had the upper hand early on, but Jay caught him and dumped him on his head. Titus came out and distracted Jay. Jay nailed him with a dive, but King ended up taking the win a short time later with the Royal Flush. King defeats Jay.

RADICAN: (**) A short brawl between All Night Express and the Briscoes led into the next match.

(2) Mark Briscoe vs. Rhett Titus

Mark controlled the action early, but Titus cut him off with a nice dropkick. Mark cut off Titus and nailed him with an insane dive to the outside. Both men battled up top where Mark nailed Titus with a top rope ace crusher. Mark ended up taking the win after a burning hammer on Titus. Mark defeats Titus.

RADICAN: This was pretty good for a short match. (**3/4)

(3) Ballz Mahoney & Grizzly Redwood vs. Necro Butcher & Erick Stevens

Ballz cut a promo before the match backstage to set the stage for the expected brawl here. Necro is wearing what appear to be pajama pants or something from Daivari's wardrobe and a Tampa Bay Rays jersey. Redwood and Balls dominated early. Stevens got the heat on Redwood, who eventually made the hot tag to Balls. The action broke down and Nana interfered. Stevens then got Balls from behind with a modified Angle slam for the pin. Stevens & Butcher win.

RADICAN: **. CALDWELL: Three okay-to-good matches to start the PPV not trying to raise the bar too high for the big matches to come and whetting the appetite for the audience. Fine start.

(4) Kevin Steen & Steve Corino vs. El Generico & Colt Cabana - double chain match

As expected, Steen is chained to Generico and Corino is chained to Cabana. They set this up to let the audience know it's going to be a brutal affair. Cabana and Generico dominated the action early and busted open Corino and Steen. Cabana got busted open big time. Steen tried to choke out Generico with the chain, but he wouldn't submit.

This is pretty insane. Steen just applied a sharpshooter on Generico using the chain for leverage, but he wouldn't tap. Cabana and Generico mounted a huge comeback and the crowd went nuts. Generico was going to do a coast to coast dropkick onto Corino, but he hit Steen instead. A few minutes later. Generico tried to put Steen through a table, but Steen used the chain to toss him throughout the table. Corino's son came out to free Steen from Generico.

Pause for technical difficulties. The feed is back with Generico running wild. Cabana then submitted Corino with the Billy Goat's curse. Cabana & Generico win via submission. Post-match: Generico went to nail Steen with a top rope brainbuster, but Corino distracted him. Steen pulled off Generico's mask and used it to recreate his shirt image.

RADICAN: This was really good with a heavy angle at the end. CALDWELL: An expectedly brutal tag match playing off nine months of build-up leading to the babyfaces getting the victory. Decent brawl with a strong back-story to meet what was advertised. (***)

(5) ROH TV champion Eddie Edwards vs. Shawn Daivari - TV Title match

Edwards dominated early, but Edwards missed a spear attempt and hit his shoulder on the ringpost. Daivari worked over Edwards, but Edwards fired back and nailed him with a dive through the ropes. Daivari fired back and hit a big clothesline for a two count. Daivri ended up accidentally running into Nana on the apron. Edwards rolled him up and applied the Achilles lock for the pin. Edwards wins via submission.

RADICAN: *1/2. I'm not blown away by the show so far given the hype. CALDWELL: Solid match continuing Edwards's steady ROH TV Title run working his way to stronger opponents.

(6) Austin Aries vs. Christopher Daniels

Before the match, Aries cut a heel promo on Daniels and invited him to "steal the show" with him. JC: That was unnecessary to take the audience out of the match before it even started. It's about winning, not how you perform, in the context of a wrestling match.

The action was really good early on with Daniels in control. Aries fired back and snapped Aries's neck over the ropes. Daniels mounted a comeback an locked in the Koji clutch, but aries got the ropes. Aries hit the brainbuster moments later for a nearfall. Aries then hit the 450, but Daniels kicked out. Both men battled up top and Daniels hit a super Angel's wings for the pin. Daniels wins.

RADICAN: ***1/4. Wow! CALDWELL: Best match of the night with the show going according to plan slowly, steadily building to the double main event with increasingly good match action.

(7) ROH tag champions Kings of Wrestling vs. Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin - non-title match

SR: This is going to be insane. ... Great action early on with Shelton shining. Both teams nearly hit their finishers for nearfalls and the crowd exploded. KOW got the heat on Haas with the crowd seemingly split. Haas made the hot tag, but Hero pulled the ropes down on Shelton who spilled to the floor.

Hero grabbed a cravat and drove his knee into Shelton's head several times. Shelton struggled, but couldn't make the hot tag. Shelton hit a double neckbreaker on Castagnoli & Hero and the crowd popped huge. Haas finally got the hot tag and ran wild. Haas got tossed outside and KOW hit some great double team moves on Shelton.

Shelton hit an insane arm drag off the top on Claudio. Castagnoli locked in the Haas of pain. Hero got his pad on and nailed Haas with a loaded pad shot. Castagnoli then covered Haas for the pin. Haas and Benjamin cleaned house after the match. They then isolated Hagadorn and whipped him with a belt. KOW wins.

RADICAN: ****. This was excellent. CALDWELL: The show continues to progress in quality with an outstanding tag match. It's hard to top Guns vs. Beer Money for best tag match of the year thus far and this tried admirably to reach that level. The finish certainly leaves the door open for a re-match if Haas & Benjamin return to ROH.

(8) ROH World champion Tyler Black vs. Roderick Strong - ROH World Title match

Terry Funk is ringside enforcer for this No DQ title match pitting to quasi-heels against each other. Crowd reactions should be fascinating. There were a lot of boos for Black when he came out. Cornette is also out to do commentary.

Black took control early after dropping Strong onto ring apron. Strong fired back, but Black caught him with a gutbuster. Black then applied the STFU and the crowd booed.

The ref got bumped and Funk tossed him out of the ring. Funk tore off his shirt to reveal a ref shirt. Black nailed Strong with the book of truth and GLG for a nearfall. Both men got nearfalls and the crowd popped. The House of Truth ran out, but Funk fought them off.

Truth Martini came into the ring, but Funk tossed him out. Black hit his finishing sequence, but missed the Phoenix Splash. Strong then hit his finishing sequence and finished off Black with the sick kick for the pin. Strong wins to capture the ROH Title.

RADICAN: ***. CALDWELL: Shenanigans were expected here with Black on his way out and Funk involved. Fine conclusion to the PPV with a different type of ROH Title main event complementing the very strong tag match.

Post-match: Black flipped off the crowd before leaving. And look who's here... Homicide returns. Homicide jawed with Strong as the show went off the air.

RADICAN: Solid show. I give it a 7.0. I expected more given the hype. It's certainly a newsworthy show.

CALDWELL: The ending sets up an intriguing ROH Title chase with Davey, Daniels, and former champ Homicide. Please, no four-way matches, though. Overall, thumbs up show progressively building to the final three matches. Not spectacular and it didn't have that buzz-worthy Davey vs. Tyler match like the last PPV, but they had a newsworthy show and one very strong tag match.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #528 on: September 15 2010, 01:38 am »
WWE RAW Results: 9-13-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ (w/Alex Riley) vs. DANIEL BRYAN -- non-title submission match

They returned from break with the match already in progress. Bryan nailed kick strikes in the corner, then missed with a corner attack. Alex Riley joined Miz ringside during the break to watch as Miz went to work on Bryan's left knee. Lawler noted Riley isn't even on the Raw roster, so he hopes he bought a ticket. Miz followed with a figure-four attempt, but Daniel reversed control. Bryan then tried the LeBell lock, but Miz grabbed the ropes for a break. Miz then stumbled to the outside and Riley checked on him. Miz flung him away and Miz teased he was about to hurl. This was weird. Miz then grabbed the mic and said, "I think I have a hernia." Miz said that to ensure he can defend the title on Sunday, he's pulling out of the match. Miz had a great facial expression selling this. Justin Roberts began to announce Bryan as the winner via forfeit, but Miz cut him off. Miz is booking now and said Bryan can finish against Riley.

Riley, in jeans, entered the ring to face Bryan in his street clothes. Lawler said the only thing Miz is suffering from tonight is diarrhea of the mouth. Riley tried a submission, but Miz countered into the LeBell Lock. Riley quickly tapped out, giving Miz the win. Post-match: Miz jumped into the ring and was suddenly healed - classic heel move there - to kick Bryan in the face. Miz then shoved Bryan's face into the U.S. Title belt to rub it in his face. Miz teased the Skullcrushing Finale, but Bryan countered into the LeBell Lock. Miz tapped out furiously as Bryan smiled and refused to let go. Riley just stood there on the outside. Refs tried to pry Bryan off Miz as the crowd chanted, "You tapped out." Bryan eventually released the hold and his music played out with Cole noting the symbolism of Miz tapping out on the U.S. Title. Cole then made a comment it's not a submission match on Sunday. Well, Bryan can still win via submission.

WINNER: Miz over Riley at 0:34. We never actually heard a start and finish bell for Miz vs. Bryan, so the match technically never happened. Pretty strong emphasis on this feud in the segment. Miz's mic work with Johnson, the heelish way he "quit" the match vs. Bryan, and the sudden recovery before tapping out really enhanced Miz's character. Also, Bryan was presented strongly and the crowd reacted favorably. Good work all around. (n/a)

2 -- EVAN BOURNE vs. EDGE -- Bodyslam Challenge

Edge teased an early bodyslam, but Bourne slipped out and landed a series of kicks. Edge teased a bodyslam after catching Bourne off the top rope, but Bourne fought off and landed a leaping kick strike beneath the chin. Edge did a slow collapse and teased being KO'ed. Bourne tried to slam Edge, but Edge slipped out. He then got that look in his eyes and delivered a one-hand bodyslam for the win. Afterward, Edge wasn't satisfied. He crouched in the corner and waited for Bourne to turn around to eat the spear.

WINNER: Edge at 1:14. Set up for...

After the match, the Raw GM buzzed. Cole read that the GM is not happy with Edge's post-match attack, so he gets a second bodyslam challenge match. And he gets this man...Mark Henry's music hit to bring out a jovial Henry satisfied with this opportunity. Cole noted the Raw GM has become "feisty" when it comes to dealing with Edge after he walked out of the elimination match on Raw two weeks ago.

3 -- MARK HENRY vs. EDGE -- Bodyslam Challenge

Edge teased a bodyslam, but Henry easily blocked before delivering a bodyslam for the decisive win. Afterward, they replayed Bourne's big kick to the jaw in Part 1. Henry checked on Bourne on the outside as the announcers recapped what happened to conclude the bit.

WINNER: Henry at 0:32. This isn't exactly what people had in mind suggesting WWE needs the occasional short match to tease that a finish can come at any time in a wrestling match. Overall, I thought this watered down the WWE Title match at the PPV having Edge look silly throughout this. (n/a)

4 -- WWE champion SHEAMUS vs. JOHN MORRISON -- non-title, Falls Count Anywhere match -- Morrison gets Jericho's spot with a win

Sheamus started on the offensive, but Morrison quickly tried a roll-up for a nearfall. Sheamus then cut off Morrison and sent him flying to the outside. Morrison landed on his feet, then played cat and mouse with Sheamus. Morrison eventually scored a kick strike to the chest and made a cover on the floor for a two count. Sheamus then shoved Morrison into the guardrail and tried to follow, but Morrison dumped him over the guardrail into the front row. Morrison had ideas for something big and came flying over the guardrail with a running plancha. He then made a cover on the arena floor for a two count.

They ended up near the production & pyro area and Sheamus landed the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus slingshot Morrison across an arena barrier as the match moved to the area below the entrance stage. Morrison slid across the floor, then ducked the Brogue Kick. Pyro sparked when Sheamus made contact with a stage prop, which freaked out Sheamus. Sheamus followed up anyways as the match moved to the stage. Sheamus scored a nearfall near the WWE logo as the crowd tried to rally behind Morrison. Sheamus teased throwing Morrison off the stage, but Morrison slipped out and landed kick strikes. Sheamus then tried to throw Morrison off the stage, but Morrison did a parkour counter to land on his feet. Sheamus freaked out as they replayed Morrison's sick counter.

Back on the floor, Sheamus threw Morrison into the side of the grandstands and scored a two count. Sheamus teased a suplex, but Morrison slipped out. Sheamus then retrieved a chair as Morrison disappeared from view. Suddenly, Morrison was on top of the Raw platform. I thought he was super-imposed on the Titantron. Morrison suddenly came flying off the platform with a big splash on Morrison. He had the cover, but Sheamus kicked out. Chris Jericho suddenly came out and cracked a chair over Morrison's back. Sheamus then made the cover for the win. Afterward, Sheamus did a solid job selling Morrison's offense by acting dazed in celebration.

WINNER: Sheamus at 6:43. That was something else. Exciting and different and innovative. Suddenly, Morrison is way more over than he has been since moving to the Raw brand. They also put sympathy on him getting screwed by Jericho in the match. Two weeks of solid Morrison booking has his career back on track. (**1/2)

5 -- WWE tag champions HART DYNASTY (TYSON KIDD & D.H. SMITH) vs. CHRIS JERICHO -- non-title steel cage handicap match -- Jericho back in Six-Pack with a win

The match was joined in progress with Jericho trying to escape through the door. The problem with the steel cage handicap match is that do both HD members have to escape to win? They answered that early with Smith and Kidd trying to escape the cage on opposite sides. Smith made it out, but Jericho cut off Kidd. Jericho and Kidd then engaged in match action while Smith watched on the outside. Why wouldn't Smith re-enter the cage and beat down Jericho so they could both escape? Logic! Jericho, in his dress pants, taunted the Raw GM. Kidd then tried to sneak around Jericho to escape the cage door, but Jericho cut him off. Kidd then came back with an armdrag and a kick strike. Jericho tried to run out of the cage, but Kidd cut him off and rammed him head-first into the cage. Kidd then tried a top-rope move, but Jericho countered into the Walls of Jericho. Kidd countered, then rolled into the Sharpshooter center ring. Jericho teased tapping out, but grabbed the bottom rope to break the hold.

They went to the finish where Jericho slingshot Kidd to the ropes, but Kidd tried to Spiderman-climb the cage. Jericho cut him off, then blocked a top rope huracanrana. Kidd's neck nearly snapped in two with his head coming inches away from bouncing straight into the mat. Jericho made the quick save and countered right into the Walls of Jericho. Kidd tapped out, giving Jericho the win. Afterward, they had a great close-up shot of a grizzly Jericho glaring into the camera. Very Kevin Steen-like. Jericho then did the belt-around-the-waist motion to celebrate the win before they had another close-up shot of evil Jericho.

WINNER: Jericho at 5:15. The match logic was flawed with Smith standing on the outside rather than re-entering the match to help Kidd, but Jericho's two-segment performance, in dress clothes no less, was simply terrific. The post-match "heel glare through the bars of the cage" was a terrific visual. Very old-school. The only problem is they didn't translate that to the title match with a rushed re-insertion. A reminder: it's back to a Six-Pack Challenge, with the elimination stipulation. (*3/4)

Continued in next post...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #529 on: September 15 2010, 01:39 am »
WWE RAW Results: 9-13-10

Continued from previous post...


Regal paused and did Goldust's slow chest-stroke and "boo" noise in Goldust's face, trying to fully enter the Goldust switcheroo gimmick. Goldust then pulled out the Brass Knucks from his trunks. Apparently the Cliffs Notes version of a near-30-year career for Regal is knucks. Goldust then blasted Regal with the knucks behind the ref's back for the win. Regal sold this amazingly by sprawling out like a CSI crime scene.

WINNER: Goldust at 0:24. Regal is an amazing performer getting himself over like a star doing one of the dumbest things of his career. Regal and Jericho back-to-back = greatness. (n/a)

7 -- JOHN CENA vs. RANDY ORTON -- Tables match

After the opening bell, they paused to look at each other and gauge the crowd reaction. Lock-up. No one giving an inch. Lock-up. Cena took Orton down to a knee in a headlock. Cena with a shoulder knock down and Orton backed away to his corner. Great feeling-out process to begin things here as the crowd chanted for an RKO. Lock-up. Orton with the shoulder knock down this time. Cena got up, then both men slowly walked around the ring sizing each other up. Orton then landed a right hand strike and ran Cena into the top turnbuckle. The vocal portion of the crowd was hot for Orton.

At 3:10, they moved to the ring apron. Orton teased a suplex through a table on the floor, but Cena shoved him off. Orton landed on his feet ringside and carefully put his hand on the table trying to feel out the smooth surface of the furniture. The crowd was hot with an "RKO" chant" as they cut to break with Cena tensely staring down at Orton, who returned the stare with a tense glare. His body language sets him apart as a top star. Cole said they're at a stalemate. That's how you set up a professional wrestling match.

Back from break, Cena and Orton were trading right hand bombs center-ring. Orton got control and shoved a boot in Cena's chest to begin stomping on him. Cena then teetered off the edge of the ring apron with a table on the floor below. That got the kids screaming in fright. Back in the ring, Cena made a comeback with a Fisherman Suplex. Orton rolled to the corner to avoid Cena's follow-up, then both men fell to the mat. Cena teased the Attitude Adjustment, but Orton blocked and dropped Cena on his head.

At 10:00, Orton introduced a table into the ring as Cena was talking to Orton about setting up a spot. Cena waited for Orton to prop up the table in the corner, then he did his full comeback routine. Cena dropped the Shuffle on Orton, then teased the Attitude Adjustment, but Orton blocked and landed clotheslines followed by a big powerslam. Orton fired up, but got caught with the STFU center ring. As expected, right at the top of the hour, Nexus hit the ring to huge heat. Orton delivered the RKO to one member, then Cena chucked Slater over the top rope through a table ringside. The table shattered into pieces. That was sick, dangerous, and one of those "can you pass the test, kid?" type bumps. Cena stared down at Slater, then Barrett caught him from behind with the Wasteland overhead slam. Gabriel and Barrett then had some ideas for Cena. Gabriel went up top for the 450 on Cena through the table, but Orton shoved Gabriel off the top rope through another table ringside. That shattered as well. Barrett then cut off Orton with a boot to the face. Barrett had ideas to send Orton through a table, but Orton came to life and threw Barrett over the top rope through a third table ringside. Nexus is wiped out.

Orton and Cena were left in the ring with the tables match still going on. Orton slowly rearranged the furniture in the ring and pounded the mat wanting a piece of Cena. Suddenly, Edge and Jericho hit the ring to beat down Orton. Orton fought back to reduced heat, blocked the Codebreaker, then speared Edge into Jericho through a table. Interesting spot. And there came WWE champ Sheamus with a Polish Hammer on Orton. Sheamus then kneed Cena off the apron to the floor. Sheamus tried to follow, but Cena gave Sheamus the Attitude Adjustment on the floor. It looked like Sheamus was supposed to eat the table, but Cena moved it beforehand.

Back to the match, Orton cut off Cena as Cena was trying to re-enter the ring. Orton wanted the spike DDT, but Cena countered into the Attitude Adjustment position. Cena tried the AA through a table, but both men kind of fell through the table. The bell sounded and Orton was declared the winner with the announcers saying Orton countered into an RKO. They went to a slow-motion replay from a reverse angle that did indeed show Orton with a sick mid-air RKO counter to take Cena through the table for the win. Post-match: Cole sold the idea that Orton could become the new WWE champion at the PPV. They closed with a shot of Orton smiling his sinister smile into the crowd to close the show.

WINNER: Orton at 16:55. Strong main event with Orton looking like a top star to build the company around. You knew Nexus was going to get involved somehow, which set up the parade of folks bumping for Orton or Cena ultimately leading to Orton standing tall as the "favorite" to win the WWE Title at Night of Champions. It was a desperation sales pitch to the adult demographic that is more likely to order a WWE PPV, working with the idea that the audience will be more inclined to order if they believe "their babyface" is going to win the title. On the whole, though, WWE was more miss than hit trying to connect all these different stories - especially the changing stories - into one uniform sales pitch for the PPV. It will be interesting to see how the buyrate comes in following Summerslam last month. (**1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #530 on: September 15 2010, 06:46 am »
ROH on HDNet Results: 9-13-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Twilling's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1. Christopher Daniels defeated "Addicted to Love" Rhett Titus (with Austin Aries) in 7:42. With Daniels standing on the second rope setting up for a high risk move, Titus hit a very impressive standing dropkick. Titus took control of the match and scored a nearfall.

Titus continued to enjoy offensive success by hitting a reverse neckbreaker for another nearfall. After a series of counters, Daniels hit a STO and regained control. He attempted to hit the Angels' Wings, but Titus countered by pushing Daniels into the turnbuckles.

Daniels applied the Koji Clutch and Titus tapped out, but the referee with busy being distracted by Aries. Daniels ended up whipping Titus into Aries, who was standing on the apron. He followed up with the BME (Best Moonsault Ever) for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: Decent opener, but not as good as you would expect. The short amount of time they were given didn't help much, as well as the crowd being dead for it. Solid action back and forth though and an impressive win for Daniels.

2. The House of Truth (Christian Able and Josh Raymond, with Truth Martini) defeated Ricky Reyes and Aiden Chambers in 2:49. THOT have the worst theme music. It sounds like Earthquake's music from his early 90s WWF days.

Reyes had the first impressive offensive flurry of the match after getting a hot tag. Able and Raymond hit their finisher (double team move, place opponent on shoulders, face the other way from the corner, partner comes down with double knees over the shoulders) for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: Solid action, but neither team stands out. The House of Truth has a horribly indy look, which is too bad, since their manager also manages the current ROH Champion, Roderick Strong.

3. The American Wolves (Davey Richards and ROH Television Champion Eddie Edwards) defeated The Super Smash Brothers in 10:28. Player Uno looked impressive early and they hit a double team move on Richards for the first nearfall. Uno and Dos continued to look impressive.

Edwards hit a Warrior's Way on the back of Uno's head and Richards covered for their first nearfall. Richards and Uno went back and forth with their offense. Edwards and Dos tagged in and Dos hit a nice high cross body. Dos then hit a double Pele kick on both Wolves.

Edwards save a pinfall attempt from the Smash Brothers. He then took over the match for his team. He and Dos had an impressive singles exchange for a few moments. Eddie and Davey isolated Dos but Dos hit a reverse hurricarana on Richards.

They thought they had Edwards beat after a half nelson suplex but he kicked out. Dos then missed a frogsplash. The Wolves hit the powerbomb/Code Breaker combination. Edwards then applied the Achilles Lock and got the win for his team...

Twill's Two Cents: Very good and very fast paced tag team match. That was a ten minute match that had the action of twenty. I like the idea of the Wolves continuing to team together because a situation could arise where the Wolves have all of the championships in Ring of Honor.

4. Austin Aries defeated Delirious in a lumberjack match in 11:11. Delirious hit a few moves and Aries exited the ring where the heels were and they allowed him to catch a breather. The same thing happened when Delirious was sent out to the babyfaces.

Austin took control of the match with a methodical set of offensive moves. He scored a few nearfalls as well. Aries sent Delirious to the babyfaces on the floor. He hit a suicide dive and then got the hell out of there.

Delirious came back and hit a few moves to take full control of the match. He worked on the lower back of Aries to set up for Shadows Over Hell. He then hit the cobra suplex. He went to the top rope. Aries slithered out of the ring to the heels. Delirious hit a somersault plancha on all of them.

The lumberjacks started to brawl with each other. With the referee's back turned, Rhett Titus hit a knee drop off of the top rope onto Delirious. Aries hit More Damage Done (front facing Stunner) for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: The lumberjack stipulation did not add a whole lot to the match, because it simply allowed the referee to be distracted for Titus to assist Aries in getting the win. I do like the feud though, so this one will definitely continue because of the finish.

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #531 on: September 18 2010, 11:20 am »
WWE NXT Results: 9-14-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring action (if you can call it that!) and some other crap that goes on during the show.

1 -- IC champion DOLPH ZIGGLER & KAITLYN vs. PRIMO & A.J.

Ziggler and Primo started things off. Apparently Primo is playing face in the alternative universe known as NXT. The Rookies then tagged in as Cole turned an inspiring story into a jab that he hopes A.J. is homeless again in three week. "They don't pay me enough to sit out here and call this stupid show," Cole added. Ziggler and A.J. found themselves in the ring together. A.J. slapped Ziggler, then fired off a right hand to bring in Primo. Primo landed a series of rolling elbows, but Ziggler caught Primo with the Zig-Zag for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Ziggler and Kaitlyn celebrated a bit too much for Vickie's liking. She slowly stepped off the ring steps and walked away selling agitation with Ziggler. Cole said maybe he should go console Vickie. They cut to an on-camera of Cole and Mathews, who didn't seem to know they were actually on-camera. They both looked haggard not "getting up" for the on-camera as they looked down at the monitors.

WINNERS: Ziggler & Kaitlyn. More of a Smackdown development with the Ziggler/Vickie relationship on the rocks. (*)

2 -- AKSANA (w/Goldust) vs. JAMIE KEYES (w/Bella Twins)

Cole and Mathews suggested they should be Pros on the next season of NXT. Jamie won this with a roll-up in about two minutes.

WINNER: Jamie in 2:00. WWE has made it clear the match and in-ring action doesn't matter, as the challenges are the only way to "earn points" and earn immunity. I'm not even sure why they use a wrestling ring anymore. (n/a)

Jamie won the Joke Off challenge(I kid you not!!!)
Kaitlyn won the Obstacle Course challenge.
Michael Cole got pissed off and walked off NXT.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #532 on: September 18 2010, 11:21 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 9-16-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Cole referenced a WWE Magazine interview with Santino, who talked up the Cobra as a paralyzing move that cuts off the blood flow for a few seconds to secure a pin. Santino and Jey started things off with Santino doing the comedy routine. Kozlov then tagged in to oppose Jey while Santino just stood on the apron pouting. Cole was confused on which Uso was in the ring, noting both men are wearing athletic shorts this week. The Usos eventually caught Kozlov with a double-team and began working him over. Santino made his way into the ring moments later as Tamina took a step back to observe Santino's physical prowess. The Usos eventually cut him off and went to work on Santino. They cut to break.

Back from break, Santino kicked out of a pin attempt as the Usos continued to work him over as Tamina sold mild concern, plus some conflict on who to root for. Cole talked up the Night of Champions PPV line-up and plugged an update on Kane vs. The Undertaker on Smackdown tomorrow night. Kozlov then tagged in and ran over Jimmy with power offense. The ction broke down, then Kozlov caught Jimmy with the Iron Curtain for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Tamina entered the ring and pointed her finger at Santino. She asked Santino to show her the Cobra. Santino then demonstrated the hand motions, but Tamina wanted a more intimate demonstration. Santino approached Tamina from behind like he was showing her how to grip a golf club. They cued up some snake charmer music as Santino demonstrated the motion step-by-step. Tamina started dancing her hand in front of Santino, with his eyes following her hand. Tamina then snapped her fingers and Santino snapped back to life. Santino went a little nuts licking and sucking Tamina's hand before she pulled her hand away. Tamina sold mild interest as Santino told her to text him.

WINNERS: Kozlov and Santino in 9:00. I'm waiting to see if this plays out where Tamina has been trying to buddy up to Santino to steal his power, with Santino finally being conned into teaching her the "power" of the Cobra. As ridiculous as it is, WWE can make it work within the parameters of WWE's story rules. The best part of the match was Cole and Lawler finding ways to avoid calling Jimmy and Jey by their individual names not being able to tell them apart. (*1/2)

2 -- GREAT KHALI vs. PRIMO (w/A.J.)

Primo tried to dance around Khali once the bell sounded, but Khali cut him off and shoved Primo into the corner. Khali teased the Chop, so Primo ducked to the outside. A.J. eventually walked over to Primo to consult with him. In the confusion, Primo tried to run a sneak attack on Khali, who shrugged him off. Khali then landed a clothesline and somewhat played to the crowd while looking around the arena in a state of confusion. Khali then grabbed Primo around the neck and landed the Punjabi Plunge for the easy win. And everyone danced.

WINNER: Khali in 3:00. It's oftentimes not clear if Khali really knows what's going on in the ring. (n/a)


Striker interjected a plug for Big Show's forthcoming "Knucklehead" movie, which is being shown as a trailer ahead of John Cena's "Legendary" movie in theaters. MVP and Luke traded control early on, then MVP gave him a big Chono Boot over the top rope to the floor. They cut to break with MVP in control.

Back from break, MVP was in control working on Gallows with a neck vice, but Gallows came back with a boot to the face. Gallows took control and started taunting MVP: "Are you having fun yet? You like to party?" Luke then measured MVP for a running corner splash and connected flush. The crowd tried to rally behind Luke, who continued to work on MVP with mat holds. Luke then delivered a scoop slam and mocked the Ballin' elbow drop with a sort of wiggle before airballing the elbow drop. Apparently this is WWE's attempt to give Luke a personality. MVP made his full comeback and delivered an overhead slam. He set up Luke for the Playmaker and connected for the three count and the win.

Post-match: MVP started to leave the ring, but walked back over to Luke and gave him a hand. MVP helped Luke to his feet and shook his hand to show sportsmanship. Luke then tried a right hand blow, but MVP ducked and clotheslined him. MVP put the exclamation mark on the main event with the Ballin' elbow drop to close off the show with MVP getting his shine.

WINNER: MVP in 13:00. Fine match with MVP getting a TV main event victory and looking strong at show-end. Luke playing a mild heel comedy role to "show personality" isn't exactly positioning him to make money for WWE. He's not being asked to be a top heel right now, though, as he's in that Mike Knox role simply being a mid-card enhancement for upper mid-card babyfaces. It will be interesting to see where he is this time next year if there's some upward mobility as a more serious and threatening heel act. (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #533 on: September 18 2010, 11:22 am »
TNA Impact! Results: 9-16-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- KEVIN NASH (w/Sting) vs. SAMOA JOE (w/Jeff Jarrett)

Thumbs down for throwing this match on TV with no hype or pre-match perspective or comments. This is a match you can build a show around if you do it right, or at least be one of two main events. It makes them seem like scrubs to have a one-on-one match just thrown out there like this. The crowd chanted "Joe's gonna kill you!" at Nash. Joe dominated early and stomped Nash to the edge of the ring apron. Nash yanked Joe to the floor and rammed his face into the edge of the ring. Sting took a shot at Joe as he began making a comeback against Nash at ringside. They fought to an early double countout. Jarrett ended up fighting Nash and Sting ended up fighting Joe at ringside as the bell rang over and over. Security intervened, but the wrestlers pushed past security and kept fighting.

WINNER: Double Countout in 2:00.

2 -- DOUGLAS WILLIAMS vs. JAY LETHAL -- X Division Title Match

Nice early gut-wrench suplex from Williams. The crowd chanted, "Let's go Lethal!" Lethal elbowed out of a gut wrench attempt at 3:00. Williams climbed to the top rope and leaped at Lethal. Lethal caught him with a flying dropkick, though. Both were slow to get up. Williams kicked out of a Lethal Combination at 4:00. Lethal went for a top rope elbow, but Williams moved. Lethal came back a minute later by blocking a tornado DDT and hitting the Lethal Injection finisher for the win.

WINNER: Lethal in 6:00 to capture the X Division Title.
STAR RATING: ** -- Taz called it a history-making moment, but the confetti and announcer accolades doesn't change the fact it was only six minutes and therefore didn't feel epic enough to be a big deal. But I suppose you have to give them some credit for doing the confetti and making a good attempt to salvage a six minute title change into something meaningful.

3 -- HAMADA & TAYLOR WILDE vs. MADISON RAYNE & LACEY (w/Tara) -- TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles

Tenay and Taz talked about Abyss's promise to reveal "They" on 10-10-10. Taz said at first they thought EV2, then Fortune, but they were all wrong. (It's Bischoff & Russo. They're trying to take over TNA from Dixie & Hulk. Just a guess.) Hamada landed a moonsault on Lacey for a near fall at 2:00. Wilde tagged in and hit Lacey with a flying crossbody for a two count. Rayne yanked Wilde by her hair and then ordered Lacey to tag her in. Taz said Rayne must be a handful to be in a relationship with. Hamada hot-tagged in at 3:00 against Lacey. She headbutted her, then tagged in Wilde, who charged and knocked Sky off the apron. Hamada and Wilde double-teamed Lacey and scored the pin.

WINNERS: Hamada & Wilde in 4:00 to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles.

-Afterward Rayne chewed out Lacey. Lacey had enough and shoved her. Tara then attacked Lacey. Angelina Love and Velvet Sky ran to the ring to make the save. Rayne and Tara retreated. Tenay asked who Lacey trusts now as she stood in the ring with the original Beautiful People.


Morgan nearly decapitated Kendrick with a clothesline after the break. He continued his morph into Big Bubba Rogers with the button up shirt and dress pants. Morgan went for a cover after a few elbows and power moves, but lifted Kendrick before the three count. Tenay called Kendrick "courageous as hell," but wondered what he was thinking issuing that open challenge. Morgan checked his imaginary watch to see if it was Hellivator time. Kendrick recovered during that time and nailed Morgan with running kick to the face for the sudden pin. Kendrick fled the ring and celebrated up the ramp. Morgan threw a fit in the ring.

WINNER: Kendrick in 2:00.

-Morgan said that didn't count because he wasn't ready. He said he's in a $7,500 Armani suit. He tore off his shirt, with buttons flying everywhere. He said that doesn't count and he wants it stricken from the record book. He called him back to the ring, fuming and yelling. Tenay said it's in the record book.


Hardy's ring intro took place first. Then Angle's. Tenay detailed the finish at No Surrender between these two. Taz talked about the "Big Match Atmosphere" he felt in the opening seconds as they were about to lock up. At 3:00, after a feeling out process, Hardy took control with a slidekick in the corner. He followed Angle to the floor and continued on offense against him. Hardy scored a two count in the ring and then settled into a chinlock. Angle came back at 4:00. Taz noted Angle was grabbing at his ribs, which were injured at the PPV. Angle slingshot over the top rope with a dive onto Hardy at ringside. Taz said he's surprised Angle would take that risk with the injury he has. Mr. Anderson walked out to the announce desk as they cut to a break mid-match. A rare mid-match break on Impact. I don't get why they never say one of the great things about PPV is no mid-match interruptions. But I suppose they don't want to draw attention to how annoying mid-match interruptions are.

Anderson said he wanted a good view of this match, scouting his potential contenders in the finals. Taz asked him who he'd rather fight. Anderson said both of them and none of them. Tenay called him politically correct. That's not really politically correct. It's just noncommittal. The pace picked up in the ring with Hardy hitting a Twist of Fate for a near fall at 11:00. Anderson said he's a different person than he was six months or a year ago. Angle avoided a Hardy top rope move and then flip dove onto him for a two count. Angle, bleeding from the forehead by this point, applied an anklelock mid-ring. Hardy stood up, but Angle twisted him back down. They went into an overrun at this point, an attempt to boost lousy and sinking Reaction ratings. Hardy landed a Swanton, but Angle kicked out. Hardy went for a Twist of Fate, but Angle moved and hit the ref. Anderson was talking so Tenay and Taz couldn't really react to it. Angle gave Hardy an Angle Slam. A second ref entered and counted a near fall. Angle bled more heavily now. Angle gave Hardy another Angle Slam. Hardy kicked out again. At 11:02 p.m. ET Tenay arbitrarily signed off Impact and said the match would continue during Reaction.

They immediately went to "Reaction," which looks a lot like Impact, I must say. They kept cutting to shots of Dixie at ringside with her intense concerned look. Taz said there's no time limit on this match. He said it segued onto Reaction from Impact. Angle settled into a rear chinlock. At 17:00 Hardy made a comeback and swing kicked Angle in the corner for a near fall. He then clotheslined Angle over the top rope. Tenay said when this match ends, they'll hear from both wrestlers. Hardy shoved Angle back-first into the edge of the ring. Back in the ring Angle gave five unreleased German suplexes to Hardy. Taz it's clear Angle is feeling the pain in his ribs as he executes them. At 20:00 Angle pretended he was having trouble standing up. (I assume he was pretending.) He climbed to the top rope and went for a frog splash, but Hardy moved. Hardy went for a Twist of Fate, but Angle avoided it and applied an anklelock. There were two active referees in the ring at this point, with Brian Hebner just recovering from his bump earlier. Anderson said he's rooting for Jeff "because he is my buddy." Angle had Hardy in a leglock. Hardy tried to counter with his own. Both of them had their shoulders down. Each ref counted one set of shoulders down at the same time. Tenay, I believe for the first time, said, "Kurt Angle's career is at stake in this match." He wondered what the decision was. Earl Hebner said Angle was the winner. His son Brian Hebner said Hardy was the winner.

WINNER: Double Pin in 22:00.
STAR RATING: ***3/4 -- A very good match again between these two.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #534 on: September 19 2010, 12:10 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 9-17-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Park's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Long collar-and-elbow tie-up from Mcintyre and David Hart Smith. A bit of chain wrestling from the two ended with Smith powerslamming McIntyre for two. Rhodes tagged in and was double-teamed. Rhodes went to ringside, and Natalya slapped him while the ref was distracted by Kidd. They went to break about three minutes in.

Back from break, Rhodes pounded away on Kidd on the outside. Knee-drop sans the kneepad for a two-count. McIntyre tagged in and continued the assault. Kidd tried to make a comeback, to little reception. Springboard enziguiri by Rhodes. Kidd countered McIntyre with a swinging neck-breaker. Both men made tags, and Rhodes got to Smith before he could even get into the ring. Rhodes even connected on a punch to the face when Smith put his head down, a la Goldust. Smith shook that off and set up for the Hart Attack. McIntyre tripped up Kidd though and as Smith went for a powerslam, Rhodes turned it into Cross Rhodes for the win.

WINNERS: Rhodes and McIntyre, at 11:17. Okay match, but nothing you’d remember next week.


Single-leg take-down by Swagger. All of his matches seem to start with him doing amateur wrestling. Kofi went for a kick to the ribs, but whiffed on a few more attempts. Go-behind from Swagger led to a few forearms to the back of Kofi’s head. Kofi ran the ropes and flew at Swagger with a flying forearm. Swagger went to ringside to take a short break from things. He came back in and worked the arm and shoulders of Kingston. He catapulted Kofi over the top rope, but Kofi held on. Springboard, but Kingston landed right in Swagger’s arms, and Swagger slammed him down. Break time, shy of five minutes in.

Swagger continued focusing on the mid-section of Kofi during the break and once the show returned as well. Belly-to-belly suplex by the All-American American. Vader Bomb found the mark for two. Swagger did some choking of Kofi in the ropes. Kingston tried the flip kick in the corner to energize his comeback, but Swagger caught his legs and continued the onslaught. Kofi flailed on the ground, throwing punches that weren’t close to connecting. Dueling “Let’s go Swagger” and “Let’s go Kofi” chants. Swagger again grounded Kofi with an abdominal stretch. Kingston made a full comeback, including a high cross-body off the top rope. Chops and a dropkick from Kofi. Swagger avoided Trouble in Paradise, ducking down to do so. Ankle-lock, but Kofi got the ropes. Swagger tried to kick the steps into Kingston like he did to MVP last week, but Kingston avoided the move. Kofi then attacked Swagger, still on the outside. Some of them showed quite a bit of light. Back in the ring, Kofi jumped on Swagger’s shoulders to give him some more punches, but Swagger walked out of the corner and tried the ankle-lock. No dice, but he was able to give Kofi a big boot. Vader Bomb was met with two boots, then Kofi connected on Trouble in Paradise for the victory.

WINNER: Kingston, at 16:17. Solid match, one that could be a money drawing match down the line at some point.


Kelly’s pro Naomi was out with her, and Kaval accompanied LayCool. LayCool harassed Naomi at ringside, so the babyfaces went on the attack. McCool made fun of Kelly’s odor, then Kelly shoved Michelle into Layla, who was on the apron. “She’s killing me,” said McCool as she tagged Layla. Double clothesline by Kelly, then a tag by Rosa. Hair toss, but McCool distracted Rosa, allowing Layla to take over. Rear chinlock by Layla. Rosa tried unsuccessfully to elbow out. Layla attacked Kelly on the apron to ensure there would be no tag. Lay-Out neckbreaker by Layla after interference by McCool, and that sealed it.

WINNERS: LayCool, at 2:03. Pretty ugly at times.


Couple quick knock-downs by Christian for a couple of one-count. Test of strength, but Punk kicked Christian in the gut. Hard slap by Christian, who then stepped on Punk’s back, choking him in the middle rope. He ran right at Punk, who put him down with a knee-lift. Del Rio was enjoying the beating Christian was taking. It’s worth mentioning that Punk did not have Luke Gallows and Joey Mercury with him at ringside. Body-scissors by Punk. Big kick to the back by Punk. Shot to the kidneys followed that up. Springboard dropkick by Punk sent Christian off the apron and to the floor. They went to break at this point.

Christian found himself back in the body-scissors back from break. He broke out, but Punk then went into an abdominal stretch. Back-breaker from Punk. He went for another one, but Christian countered. Del Rio proclaimed himself the next Heavyweight Champion. Both men were down ‘til the count of nine. Flying European Uppercut by the Canadian. Springboard sunset flip for two. The two traded roll-ups, but Punk powered Christian into the corner. Running knee to the face, but Christian blocked a bulldog and got a near-fall. Del Rio left the commentary table and got a mic. He talked about reconsidering, getting Christian’s attention long enough for Punk to get Captain Charisma up for the GTS, and down for the win.

WINNER: Punk, at 12:06.

Del Rio brought a chair into the ring, set it up over Christian’s prone body, and said his answer was still no. Then Big Show came out and chased off Punk. Del Rio, with the chair, distracted him long enough for Punk to come back. But in the end, he got punched in the face and fell to the mat.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #535 on: September 20 2010, 01:04 pm »
WWE Night of Champions PPV Results: 9-19-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's ongoing report).

1 -- IC champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero and Kaitlyn) vs. KOFI KINGSTON -- Intercontinental Title match

Nice feeling-out process to begin things with both men coming to a standstill. Kingston then clotheslined Ziggler over the top rope to the floor. Kaitlyn was the first one to check on Ziggler, then Vickie stepped in to check on her man. Meanwhile, the ref reached a six count, and Ziggler ran back into the ring. Vickie sent Kaitlyn to the back during this. They reset in the ring and Ziggler cut off Kingston in the corner to establish offensive control. The announcers tried to create witty banter as Ziggler continued to cut off Kingston. Ziggler then landed a Fameasser and Striker noted he was "trying to make him famous." Ziggler re-established control as Striker tried to hit the talking point on Ziggler being the "college-educated, 21st Century wrestler."

At 7:00, Ziggler fought back from his knees to escape a reverse chinlock. They started trading bombs, then Kingston had to be pulled away by the ref when Ziggler reached the corner. Kingston came back with a top rope cross-body attempt and Ziggler jumped into the air to make it look good, but not real. Kingston scored a nearfall, then went to work with high-flying offense. Kingston followed with the Boom Drop before going to the corner to do the hand-clap. Ziggler ducked the Trouble in Paradise, but Kingston escaped a sleeperhold and hit his swinging SOS maneuver. Kofi had the pin, but Dolph put his foot on the bottom rope to break the count just in time. Very good nearfall.

The match moved to the floor where Kingston scoop slammed Ziggler on the floor. He then sent Dolph back into the ring and made a cover for a two count. Cole noted Kofi should have left Dolph on the outside to get him counted out. After a replay, Kofi teased the swinging SOS again, but Dolph sprung to life with a sleeperhold. Kofi dropped down to one knee and tried to break free, but Dolph maintained control. Kofi eventually broke free to a pop and slapped on a sleeperhold of his own. Dolph ran Kofi into the ropes to escape, though. Vickie then warmed up a slap, but Dolph yelled at her that he's got this. Dolph then turned around and managed to duck Trouble in Paradise just in time. Ziggler followed right up with the Zig-Zag and scored the pin for the win.

Post-match: Vickie entered the ring to ruin Ziggler's parade by selling she was upset with him for the scolding. Ziggler then raised her arm in the air and she smiled. They replayed the finish of the match before showing Dolph and Vickie hug it out in the ring. Meanwhile, Cole's infatuation with Vickie continued.

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler at 12:45. Nice story and some strong nearfalls throughout the match. They took a while to kick it into second gear, then delivered a strong finish. It will be interesting to see who's next for Ziggler. (**3/4)
2 -- C.M. PUNK vs. BIG SHOW

Early on, Show landed a big overhand chop that flipped Punk over the top rope to the floor. Show then rolled him back in, but Punk booted Show in the face to cut him off. Punk tried to win via count-out, but Show slipped back in the ring at nine. Punk then landed kick strikes, but Show shoved him away, so Punk went for a double axe handle from the second rope. Punk tried to stay on Show to keep him on the mat, then went for a springboard move from the top rope, but Show smashed him with a mid-air football tackle. Show got his second wind, then roared like a bear, waited for Punk to turn around, and smashed him with the KO Punch to the face. Show made the cover for the win. Post-match: Show sold the ribs selling Punk's offense on the way out of the ring. Show clutched his mid-section on the way out as Punk remained out cold.

WINNER: Show at 4:40. They tried to give Punk enough offense to remain credibility before the inevitable finish. Time to move on from the program. (*1/2)
3 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ (w/Alex Riley) vs. DANIEL BRYAN -- United States Title match

Bryan teased the LeBell Lock early on, so Miz ducked to the outside for a break. Striker put over Bryan's background and training as Bryan landed a running kick strike in the ring. Miz then slingshot Bryan's arm across the top rope and began working on the left arm. Miz followed with a seated full nelson lock to wear down Bryan, who countered into a back slide for a two count. Miz suddenly came back with a boot to the upper body and followed with elbow strikes to the shoulder to re-establish the advantage. Bryan tried to fight back, but Miz cut him off and executed a nice shoulder breaker for a two count. Miz then knocked Bryan to the outside and rolled him back in for a cover resulting in a nearfall.

At 6:00, Miz re-applied a shoulder submission as the crowd rallied behind Bryan. Miz kicked Bryan in the shoulder, but Bryan fired back by flinging Miz to the outside. Bryan then nailed a suicide dive ala Week 1 of NXT on Chris Jericho, which Cole noted. Back in the ring, Bryan landed a top rope missile dropkick for a two count. Bryan continued to sell the left shoulder, then he tried a submission, but Miz kicked him in the shoulder. Bryan came right back with another flying kick strike for a two count.

Miz and Bryan started trading bombs center ring, then Miz landed multiple kick strikes in the corner. The ref pulled Bryan away, then Bryan came running into the corner with a flying kick strike. Bryan measured Miz and landed a KO kick to the face. He made the cover, but Miz kicked out. Bryan then took Miz up top and they started trading bombs before Miz crotched Bryan across the top rope. Miz then came flying off the top turnbuckle with a nice inside-out clothesline. He made a cover, but Bryan kicked out.

At 9:30, Miz sat down on an innovative submission hold. The camera focused in on a big red bump on Bryan's head from leading on his forehead via the inside-out clothesline. Bryan refused to tap out, then Miz released the hold, got the big eyes, stalked Bryan, and measured him for the Skullcrushing Finale. Bryan blocked, though, and rolled through into a close two count. Bryan then teased the LeBell Lock, but Riley got on the apron to distract. Miz then accidentally smashed Riley and Bryan teased a three count on a roll up, but Miz escaped just before three. Miz suddenly snapped and landed multiple left hand blows on Bryan before the ref broke it up. Miz then walked over to Bryan to follow up, but Bryan slapped on the LeBell Lock. Miz fought the hold and reached out looking for a rope, but eventually tapped out.

The crowd popped as Bryan took the title and held it up for the crowd while still selling the shoulder. After a replay of the finish, they showed Miz selling deep despair as Cole made excuses for Miz's loss. Bryan was shown holding up the title on the stage to conclude the segment.

WINNER: Bryan at 12:28. That was an excellent match. Some great nearfalls throughout leading to the satisfying finish for the audience that has bought into Bryan as a babyface to rally behind. It was the type of match Miz needs on his resume to be a top star and it was the type of match to confirm Bryan as a future star in WWE. (***3/4)
Continued in next post...

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"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #536 on: September 20 2010, 01:05 pm »
4 -- Women's champion MICHELLE McCOOL vs. Divas champion MELINA -- Unification Title match -- lumberjills ringside

The match moved to the floor early and often to give the lumberjills camera time. The match settled down with McCool on the offensive cutting off Melina's comeback teases. Melina eventually had a pinfall, but the ref was distracted by the lumberjills ringside. McCool then kicked out in time. Again, chaos broke out, the ref lost control, and Layla snuck in the back door to give the assist to McCool on winning the unification title match. McCool and Layla then took the titles and walked up the ramp to celebrate as the babyface lumberjills consoled Melina in the ring.

WINNER: McCool at 6:36 to become new Unified champion. It will be interesting to see what the future of women's wrestling on the Raw brand will be. Not that WWE has given them any quality focus over the last few years to have a bright future to begin with. (*)
5 -- World Hvt. champion KANE vs. THE UNDERTAKER -- World Hvt. Title match

Taker sent Kane reeling into the stage and rammed him into one of the Night of Champions pillars on the stage. Kane came back with a kick to the knees to cut off Taker. They fought on the floor below the stage as Lawler noted they have "seen how hideous their father is." Another subtle Paul Bearer reference. The match moved to the red-carpeted entrance ramp, then to the floor up against the guardrail. Kane dominated as they moved to the ringside area. Kane eventually retrieved the World Title belt and jabbed it into Taker's gut. Striker said it's no holds barred. Since when is using a belt as a weapon a wrestling hold? They eventually entered the ring and Kane landed a flying fist off the top rope for a two count.

At 6:00, Kane continued to dominate with methodical corner offense taking it to Taker before making another cover for a nearfall. Kane took the fight back to the outside and ripped off the cover of the announce table. Kane then chucked it into Taker's face to knock him down again. Kane tried to follow with a whip into the ring steps, but Taker countered to finally get an opening in the match. Taker followed by placing Kane across the apron and landing the big leg drop. Kane was the first one up, though, so Taker got up and clotheslined him over the guardrail nearly into Justin Roberts's lap. Suddenly, Taker got a running start and went flying over the guardrail with a big dive on Kane. Nice. Taker didn't see Kane grab a chair, though, then took the chair to the gut.

Kane and Taker then took their fight deeper into the arena near the production/sound table. Taker knocked down Kane, but Kane came back with an uppercut that floored Taker. They took the fight back toward the ringside area with Taker being uppercut again, this time over the guardrail to the ringside floor. Kane then perched himself on the guardrail and flew off with a fist smash. And they made it back into the ring where Taker stumbled across the ring as Kane sold confidence. Kane landed right hand blows as Taker sold not being able to cover up. Cole said if it were a boxing match, it would have to be called off. That also applies to a wrestling match since it's presented as a simulated fight. Kane eventually landed a succession of right hands that Taker sold terrifically.

Taker asked for more and Kane landed more uppercuts. Taker started firing back with rights and we had our third "trading of right hand bombs" on the PPV tonight. Taker found some offense, but Kane kneed him in the gut. Taker then came flying off the ropes with a clothesline that floored Kane. Taker followed with a corner splash and right hand jabs to the head. Taker then delivered Snake Eyes and the big boot. He dropped a Hogan leg, but Kane kicked out. Taker then teased a chokeslam and delivered it center ring. Taker sold the move as it taking everything out of him, as he backed up to the corner to catch his breath. Taker then went for the Tombstone Piledriver, but Kane countered into the Tombstone. Kane delivered it near the ropes, dragged him back to the middle, and made the cover for a clean pin and the win.

Post-match: The announcers sold that they and the crowd were stunned by this turn of events. Striker said Kane has finally emerged from his brother's shadow. Cole said he's in absolute shock. Kane took the title belt and walked away with a big smile on his face. Cole said Taker might not have been 100 percent, but Kane was dominant tonight. They showed Kane clutching the World Title belt as the announcers continued to put over Kane. Cole asked what's next as they showed Taker pulling himself to the ropes. The lights came back on as they focused on Taker trying to pull himself together. "Is this the end of an era?" Lawler asked. Taker was shown limping down the ramp selling various injuries. He then stopped before reaching the stage and took a knee. He pulled himself up again, then hobbled to the stage as the crowd cheered. They stayed with this all the way until Taker disappeared. Lawler said his powers might be completely sapped.

WINNER: Kane at 18:26 to retain the World Hvt. Title. Another excellent match, this time due to the very strong back-story and WWE really getting over Kane as a dominant force as the champion. It sets up a very intriguing "next chapter" in the story, especially with the Hell in a Cell PPV two weeks away. (***1/2)

6 -- WWE tag champions HART DYNASTY run the gauntlet -- WWE Tag Title match

Lawler noted that whoever came up with the title match concept had it in for Hart Dynasty. Chaos broke out and Tamina helped the Usos score a pin on Kidd. So, there will be new tag champions.

FIRST DECISION: Usos at 2:13. It will be interesting to see where WWE takes the Hart Dynasty from here after the sudden tag title loss basically out of nowhere.

Santino and Kozlov were out next, setting up the intrigue of Tamina being split on who to cheer for. The crowd was hot for Santino, who nearly scored an early fall. Santino then teased the Cobra, but Tamina stepped up on the ring apron to imitate the move. Santino lost his focus and took a Samoan Drop for the next pinfall. The crowd was quite upset at Santino losing.

SECOND DECISION: Usos at 3:18.

Out next were Mark Henry and Evan Bourne. Bourne scored some flashy offense, then Henry tagged in and dominated with power offense. Bourne eventually tagged back in and nailed Air Bourne much to the crowd's delight for the next decision.

THIRD DECISION: Bourne & Henry at 5:11.

Out last were Drew McIntyre and Cody Rhodes and they quickly went on the offensive working on Bourne. So, one of two unnatural tag teams will be tag champs at the end of this. Rhodes and Mac continued to work over Bourne, who sold and sold and sold until finally landing a double knee strike to the face on Mac. Bourne crawled across the ring to his corner and brought in a fresh Henry. Rhodes bumped for Henry, who then headbutted McIntyre off the apron. Henry followed with a charging corner splash before press-slamming Rhodes down to the mat. Henry then tagged in Bourne, who climbed up top to Henry's shoulders. It took too much time, allowing McIntyre to cut off the move. Rhodes then smashed Bourne with Cross Rhodes and scored the pin for the win. And Rhodes is saddled with the tag titles again. Striker gave a positive spin that Rhodes and McIntyre can appear on Raw now that they have the tag titles.

WINNERS: Rhodes & McIntyre at 11:43. The formula match got the crowd wrapped up in the quick falls, so that was a positive aspect. The tag champs being put in an unfair position wasn't focused on that much by the announcers when they could have hammered home the point about the Raw GM having it in for HD. We'll see where this leads on Raw. I'm not thrilled about Rhodes and McIntyre as tag champs when Rhodes is ready for a singles push, but with a heel IC champion, it's understandable they're holding off on the start of his singles push. (**)
Concluded in next post...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #537 on: September 20 2010, 01:05 pm »
7 -- WWE champion SHEAMUS vs. JOHN CENA vs. RANDY ORTON vs. CHRIS JERICHO vs. EDGE vs. WADE BARRETT -- Six-Pack Challenge for the WWE Title -- Elimination match

Chaos broke out and Jericho scored an early nearfall on Orton. Cole noted the history of the WWE Title and got over the legacy of the belt. There was a Bruno Sammartino reference in there. Jericho and Cena then came face-to-face and teed off on each other. Orton then smashed Jericho with an RKO. Suddenly, a three count and Jericho is gone.

FIRST ELIMINATION: Jericho at 1:30 via Orton. After the pinfall, Jericho knelt down on the mat and sold that he was stunned. Orton simply backed up to the corner and stared at Jericho, who slowly ducked under the ring ropes. Edge sold that he was stunned as the crowd chanted, "Y2J." Lawler said Edge and Jericho were probably planning some sort of alliance in the match. All eyes were on Jericho as he slowly made his way up the entrance ramp to the stage. Jericho finally disappeared as the announcers sold shock over the elimination.

They reset with Wade Barrett suddenly in the middle of a big circle. The other four ganged up on Barrett before Edge and Sheamus clotheslined Barrett over the top rope. Cena and Orton then cleared the ring, bringing the match back to the TV main event Monday night on Raw. Barrett then "spoiled the party" attacking Cena to interrupt the heated stare down. Cena and Orton suddenly delivered simultaneous dropkicks to clear the ring again. Yes, Cena with a dropkick.

Again, Orton and Cena circled around each other before coming face-to-face. Orton teased the RKO, but Cena blocked. Orton then set up Cena for the spike DDT, but Cena teased the AA. Barrett canceled everything out before Sheamus clotheslined Barrett and tried to pin Cena in the ring, but Cena kicked out. Sheamus then went to work on Cena in the ring as the other three men were on the outside. Sheamus teased the High Cross Outsider's Edge from the top turnbuckle, but Cena blocked. Cole slipped in a note that Sheamus has "for all intents and purposes" ended Triple H's career. Edge then entered the ring and cut off Cena at the knee. Cena sold the knee as Sheamus and Edge began to work him over. They wanted a double superplex and executed it. Edge made the cover, but Cena kicked out and rolled to the outside.

Edge and Sheamus then went to the floor and attacked Barrett. They sent him flying into the guardrail, with Barrett making a loud thud crashing into the rail. The next target was Orton, who the heels rolled into the ring and tried to isolate. Orton suddenly came firing out of the corner and went nuts on the heels until Sheamus blind-sided him with a big double axe handle. Edge then went to work on Sheamus, with their alliance out the window. Edge suddenly had eyes for a spear, but Sheamus moved and hit the Irish Curse backbreaker. The intensity suddenly picked up with more men in the ring and some finishing move teases. Cena then smashed Edge with the Attitude Adjustment and made a quick pinfall to eliminate Edge.

SECOND ELIMINATION: Edge at 15:02 via Cena. Barrett finally re-entered the picture, cleared the ring, and went to work on Cena. Barrett wanted the Wasteland overhead backbreaker, but Cena shifted into the AA. Barrett countered with a DDT and made a cover, but Cena kicked out. And now Barrett is in control of the match. Check that, Cena fired back on the offensive and delivered the sit-out slam to set up the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena teased the AA, then dropped it when Sheamus re-entered. Cena then slapped on the STF on Sheamus. The champ's in trouble. Sheamus teased a tap out, but eventually grabbed the bottom rope for a break. Great nearfall tease.

Suddenly, Nexus members came storming down to ringside. In the confusion, Barrett caught Cena from behind and nailed the Wasteland Slam. Barrett with the cover and Cena is gone, which drew a reaction. THIRD ELIMINATION: Cena via Barrett at 18:32. Nexus then beat down Orton and rolled him into the ring at the feet of Barrett. The crowd came to life rallying behind Orton, then Nexus suddenly got on the ring apron. Out of nowhere, Cena blasted the Nexus members with chair shots. Orton then wildly cleared the ring. Barrett tried to hit Orton with Wasteland, but Orton slipped out and hit a backbreaker. Orton pounded the mat, then waited for Barrett and smashed him with the RKO center ring. FOURTH ELIMINATION: Barrett via Orton at 20:33.

Sheamus snuck back into the ring and waited for Orton to get up, then he absolutely smashed Orton with the Brogue Kick. Sheamus had the pin, but Orton kicked out just before three. Huge pop for the nearfall. Sheamus flipped out, then went for the High Cross, but Orton slipped out and nailed the RKO. Orton with the cover and there's a new WWE champion. The crowd exploded for Orton winning the title. Orton took the belt and posed in the ring as Striker wondered aloud what this means for Hell in a Cell in two weeks. They replayed the highspots of the match, including Nexus costing Cena. (Set up for a match going down at Hell in a Cell.) After the replays, they cut to Orton celebrating the WWE Title victory in the ring. Orton paraded around the ring and soaked in the moment as they stayed with the celebration for a while. No sign of Miz with the MITB cash-in. They replayed the finish again to keep stretching this out with the match ending pretty early. Cole signed off at 9:47 p.m. CST with one more Orton celebration.

WINNER: Orton at 21:27 to capture the WWE Title. Another satisfying match for the audience that bought the PPV to see Orton win the WWE Title. The match had plenty of intriguing developments and the crowd was hot throughout. Very good WWE-style PPV main event. Looking ahead to Hell in a Cell, the match set up a likely Orton vs. Sheamus re-match and perhaps Cena vs. Barrett in the Cell to keep Nexus out. (***1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #538 on: October 03 2010, 12:33 am »
WWE RAW Results: 9-27-10

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Cole noted the "personal services contract" for Riley as Morrison started things off against Riley. Cole also teased a potential Money in the Bank contract cash-in at Hell in a Cell for Miz as the heels cornered Morrison and began working him over. The crowd then reminded Miz of the Night of Champions finish with a "you tapped out" chant to taunt Miz as he continued to work over Morrison. Bryan finally took a tag at 4:30 and cleaned house on the heels, including a snap German Suplex on Miz. Bryan followed with a flying dropkick in the corner for a two count. He teased the LeBell Lock, but Miz threw Bryan away to the apron and Bryan bumped heads with Morrison. Miz capitalized with the Skullcrushing Finale to score the pin for the win.

Post-match: Miz teased leaving the ring, but he walked back over to Bryan and measured him for a punt to the gut. Morrison then made the save and cleared former tag partner to the outside. Suddenly, Bryan came flying through the ropes with a suicide dive on both men. Bryan just snapped and attacked everyone, setting up a fight between Bryan and Morrison. Bryan chucked Morrison over the guardrail, then Miz tackled Bryan. Scrap! Morrison suddenly flew over the guardrail with a splash onto both men. And the GM buzzed to settle them down. Cole walked to the podium and read that Bryan will defend the U.S. Title against Morrison and Miz at the Hell in a Cell PPV. Cole said it will be defended in a match the GM just invented: a triple-threat, submissions count anywhere match. The wrestlers no-sold as they caught their breath following their scrap.

WINNERS: Miz & Riley at 5:12. Rushed set-up for a triple threat match suddenly involving John Morrison. It's a unique match stipulation for the PPV, but the Miz-Bryan feud is strong enough on its own not to require a superfluous stipulation. The match itself felt thrown-together with Bryan suddenly enlisting Morrison's services for a tag match. It was like WWE wanted to arrive at a destination, but had no idea how to get there. (*)

2 -- DIVAS BATTLE ROYAL -- #1 contender match to the Unified Divas Title

The involved participants were Melina, Natalya, Maryse, Gail Kim, Eve, Tamina, Alicia Fox, Jillian Hall, and the Bellas. No wagering, please. Melina was out first, ending her title chase after an unsuccessful double TV taping. After some rapid-fire eliminations, it came down to Natalya, Alicia, and Jillian. After a typical battle royal tease for Jillian possibly winning, Alicia eliminated her. Natalya then knocked out Alicia and there's a new #1 contender. On commentary, Layla and Michelle McCool seemed nonplussed by Natalya's victory. Natalya then celebrated in the ring while staring down at them.

WINNER: Natalya at 4:23 to become #1 contender. On the surface, it just looks like something for Natalya to do for now. It will be interesting to see if WWE actually gets behind her, though, with a women's division run. (n/a)

3 -- SHEAMUS vs. GREAT KHALI (w/Runjin Singh)

The match spilled to the outside early on with Sheamus getting himself DQ'ed attacking Sheamus with various weapons ringside. Khali had a giant red hand planted on his chest from a Khali chop, which Sheamus used as motivation to destroy Khali ringside. Cole had plenty of adjectives to describe Sheamus's destruction ahead of Hell in a Cell vs. Orton.

WINNER: Khali via DQ at 1:06. It's obvious what they were trying to do making Sheamus seem like a monster and a threat to Orton ahead of the PPV by taking out the giant Khali, but this came across rushed and abrupt. Raw's taped shows typically lack the same pacing to get the stories over, especially trying to hype pay matches. (n/a)


Back from break, the bell sounded as they cut to a shot of Nexus watching intently on a backstage monitor. The announcers recapped Cena having to join Nexus if he loses to Wade Barrett, or Nexus disbands "forever" if Cena wins. Edge quickly took the advantage and flung Cena to the outside when Cena teased an STF out of nowhere. On the outside, Edge rammed Cena into the ring steps as Cole plugged the potential landscape-changing event at Hell in a Cell if Cena loses to Barrett. Back in the ring, Cena teased the Attitude Adjustment, but Edge escaped and dropped Cena for a nearfall. Cole read some "anonymous quotes" from wrestlers in the locker room knocking Nexus and hoping Cena wins at the PPV. He posed a follow-up question on who would step up to challenge Nexus if Cena is forced to join the group.

Cena teased a comeback with the usual routine, but Edge ducked a shoulder block and Edge went back on the offensive. Cole hit the pause button to note tonight's Raw could be Nexus's final Raw. Lawler noted it could be Cena's final night of freedom before wearing a Nexus t-shirt. Edge was selling a left knee injury as he methodically worked over Cena. He attempted a suplex, but Cena countered and both men rested on the mat. Edge regained control again, but couldn't put away Cena. Cole added another stipulation for Hell in a Cell that if Nexus interferes, Cena automatically wins. He said HIAC is a "pivotal PPV to set the stage for the rest of the year in WWE." Hard sell time.

Cena came back to his feet at 6:00 and flew over Edge with a bulldog. Cena then took Edge up top and teased a top rope Attitude Adjustment, but Edge elbowed out and knocked Cena off the turnbuckles. Edge suddenly nailed the spear out of nowhere. Edge made a cover, but Cena had his foot under the rope. The ref counted a three anyways, giving Edge the appearance of a big win.

As Edge celebrated the victory, the Raw GM suddenly buzzed. The modulated GM said Cena's foot was under the bottom rope. They cut to an Instant Replay showing Cena's foot under the rope. Therefore, the match will continue. Edge teased ripping his hair out before going after Cena with right hand blows. Cole noted the inconsistency of the Raw GM suddenly making decisions on matches. The ref then got Cena to his feet. A bell never sounded for the re-start, but, anyways, Cena countered a second spear attempt and slapped on the STF. Edge teased escaping, but Cena yanked him back to center ring. Edge submitted this time, giving Cena the tit-for-tat win.

Post-match: Edge slowly got to his feet and stared at the Raw GM laptop, which had been changed to the desktop screen with no emails up. It doesn't even look like a Mac. It looked like my 1997 Toshiba that I would have donated to be smashed. Edge slowly walked over to the podium as the GM modulated that Edge lost fair and square. Edge teased walking away, per the GM's encouragement. Edge then got that crazy look in his eyes and turned back around to face the podium. The GM noted the crazy eyes before Edge suddenly knocked over the laptop. Edge broke it over his knee before smashing the bits and pieces of the laptop with a chair and an elbow drop. Yes, Ric Flair style on a coat jacket. Edge even bashed the laptop against his forehead, opening up a cut on his forehead. Edge slowly walked away as the camera made sure not to zoom in on the cut. Cole and Lawler said Edge has lost it.

WINNER: Cena via submission at 7:50 total (roughly). Another development for the TV storyline of Edge vs. Raw GM, with Edge scoring a surprise visual pin on Cena right before the PPV. The GM's "modulated voice" development has officially worn out its welcome after one week, but Edge snapping helped provide a hook for next week's show. Of course, that won't sell any PPVs. (**)

Continued in next post...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #539 on: October 03 2010, 12:33 am »

Lawler, via voice-over, plugged his appearance at Madison Square Garden on Saturday for Bret Hart Appreciation night where he was special referee for Nexus vs. the Harts. Nexus worked over Bourne early on before Henry tagged in and cleaned house. Henry press-slammed Gabriel, then positioned him in the corner of the ring. Henry pointed for Bourne to go up top and he tagged him in. Suddenly, Slater entered the ring and took out Henry. Gabriel recovered and chopped down Bourne, then went up top and tried the 450 Splash, but Bourne moved. Bourne suddenly came to life and sprung back up top. Bourne wanted Air Bourne and connected on Gabriel. He made the cover, but Slater quietly pushed Gabriel on top of Bourne for a roll-up victory.

WINNERS: Nexus at 3:15. A set up for the post-match... (*1/4)

6 -- Unified WWE tag champions CODY RHODES & DREW MCINTYRE vs. HART DYNASTY (TYSON KIDD & D.H. SMITH w/Natalya) -- WWE Tag Title match

Cole said he was a bit hard on the Harts last week on Raw during their commentary stint. He apologized "for some of the things he said" before heeling on them that they were boring on commentary. Rhodes and Kidd started things off against each other as Cole confused Kidd and Smith's performances on commentary. Mac and Rhodes began tagging in and out working over Kidd as Lawler wanted to know who decided Rhodes should be called "dashing." Smith eventually tagged in as the announcers continued to focus on Rhodes's gimmick. Is anyone aware that titles are on the line here? Smith scored a nearfall as Lawler brought it back home that the tag titles are on the line. Suddenly, the Harts had a miscommunication on an attempted Hart Attack and Rhodes hit the Cross Rhodes on Kidd for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Kidd and Smith had an argument over the failed Hart Attack attempt. Natalya tried to calm down Smith, who pulled his hand away and stormed off. Kidd and Natalya acted stunned as Smith stomped off.

WINNERS: Rhodes & McIntyre at 3:11 to retain the WWE Tag Titles. It's so annoying, unproductive, and inefficient when a title match is occurring and the announcers fail to focus on the fact that titles are being competed for, especially when the match is reaching its climax and the announcers are still discussing grooming tips. It's like Cole slipped into calling a turn-your-brain-off Superstars match. This is one of many reasons why titles continue to be devalued in pro wrestling when it can easily be avoided. As for the Harts, does WWE really need to tease another tag team break-up storyline? (n/a; F- for production of this segment.)

7 -- WWE champion RANDY ORTON vs. CHRIS JERICHO -- non-title match -- Jericho with opportunity to become #1 contender

The bell sounded and Cole noted Jericho is trying to get his career back on track after being in a "downward spiral." Orton dominated early on before Jericho used the ref as a distraction to take control of the match. The match moved to the floor where Jericho continued to work over Orton before they cut to break.

Orton was in control back from break as #1 contender Sheamus walked out on stage to get a closer look at the action. Sheamus inched forward down the ramp, allowing Jericho to drop Orton with an enziguiri kick to regain control. Jericho then choked Orton across the bottom rope to wear down Orton. Orton then teased an RKO back on his feet, but Jericho countered into a backslide for a two count. Jericho settled back into a reverse chinlock before lowering his knee pad to drop a bare knee to the face. Meanwhile, another Mick Foley reference as Cole re-lived Hell in a Cell history with Taker throwing Foley off the top of the Cell to plug the PPV on Sunday.

Orton made a comeback at 10:00 and landed his trademark powerslam off the ropes. Orton started frothing at the mouth before whipping Jericho across the ring, only to have Jericho block and nail a bulldog. Jericho teased the Lionsault, Orton avoided, and hit his fallaway backbreaker. Orton suddenly tried the RKO, but Jericho shoved him off and hit the Lionsault (yes, he connected with the Lionsault) for a close nearfall.

Orton suddenly caught Jericho on the apron and teased the spike DDT, but Jericho blocked and teased the Walls of Jericho. Orton was center ring with nowhere to go as he grunted in the middle of the hold. Orton tried to break free, then turned onto his back and kicked Jericho out of the hold to the outside. Jericho tried to run back into the ring, but Orton caught him and nailed the big spike DDT. Orton then entered IED mode as the crowd came to life. They shrieked as Sheamus entered the ring. Orton knocked him away (the match was thrown out), then he gave Sheamus the spike DDT off the second rope.

Post-match: Orton measured Sheamus for the big Punt, but Jericho suddenly snuck in with a codebreaker on Orton. Jericho sneered down at Orton, then he retrieved a chair from ringside. The crowd cried for Orton to come alive as Jericho measured the babyface for the KO chair shot. Orton saw Jericho on the Titantron, then ducked a chair shot and delivered an RKO on Jericho. Orton lost control, then suddenly gathered his thoughts and stared at Jericho. The crowd chanted, "Punt, Punt, Punt," as Orton backed up. Orton then measured Jericho and delivered a KO Punt to the head, complete with added sound effect to sell the move. The crowd popped initially before going quiet. Sheamus was shown staring into the ring selling disbelief at what Orton just did.

After the dust settled, Orton stared down at Sheamus before Orton's music hit. Cole said it was a direct message sent to Sheamus. Orton slowly nodded his head as if to say Sheamus is next at the PPV. They went to a few replays of the Punt to show Jericho getting his head rocked. Medics eventually entered the ring to check on Jericho and bring out the stretcher. Cole said Orton is not an honorable man and every bit as ruthless and barbaric and lethal and remorseful as Sheamus is, if not more. Cole gave a final plug for Orton vs. Sheamus in "Orton's playground" at HIAC as they closed with a shot of...referee Charles Robinson selling concern over the not-pictured Jericho to close the show.

WINNER: Orton via DQ (or another Raw TV main event No Contest) at 13:15. A lot of elements in play here. Orton is acting more like a heel, which may or may not bode well trying to sell the PPV, Jericho was written off TV temporarily, so that story was given focus, and Sheamus isn't exactly being positioned as a threat to Orton right now. It was a good TV ending to lead into next week, but I didn't think it was a money-making ending. (**1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!