AuthorTopic: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)  (Read 1309560 times)

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #60 on: October 11 2008, 02:14 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 10-10-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Twilling's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1. Brie Bella defeated Natalya (with Victoria) in 3:02. They exchanged backslides and both scored nearfalls. Brie tried to slide under the ring but Victoria tried to stop her. She was met by Hornswoggle, who chased her off. "Brie" came out from both sides of the ring at separate times and hit a crucifix for the pinfall...

Twill's Two Cents: Time to move to the next step of this storyline.

2. R-Truth defeated Shelton Benjamin in a non-title match in 5:01. Benjamin cut a pretaped promo saying he was the only safe investment there was. Shelton used his amateur wrestling skills to ground Truth but Truth came back with a corkscrew flying forearm for a long two count. The finish came when Shelton tried a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and Truth rolled over Shelton for the pin...

Twill's Two Cents: I like this feud. This match could have been better but the feud is going to continue so I am okay with this finish. This could be a very good PPV match.

3. Jeff Hardy defeated MVP in 11:32. Hurricane Helms popped up in his bubble saying the P in MVP stood for "Please. Please win a match. I'm just sayin'." Helms is awesome. It will be great to see him back in the ring. Hardy grounded Porter and went to the top rope. Porter slid to the floor. JR said MVP was one win away from a financial bonus in his contract...

MVP scored multiple nearfalls with a variety of impressive offense. Hardy came back for a moment but MVP hit a modified face buster for another two count. Hardy came back and hit the Swanton Bomb for the unspectacular win...

Twill's Two Cents: I enjoyed the match but the fact that the history between these two was not acknowledged at all sucked. MVP deserves better than this.

4. Carlito and Primo Colon and Jesse and Festus defeated Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Kenny Dykstra, and Ryan Braddock in 3:16. Popped up video Helms said the heel foursome strikes fear in the hearts of no one. He is just sayin'. JR likes Braddock. Too bad WWE doesn't like him more than they do Ricky Ortiz. All hell broke loose pretty quickly, allowing Festus to score the win. He gazed at Maria after the match...

5. The Great Khali (with Ranjin Singh) defeated three random jobbers in :09. Khali quickly scored the pin and they looked for someone to be a part of the Kiss Cam. They brought a larger woman into the ring to kiss Khali. Khali was reluctant but he did it. The crowd cheered and he smiled...

Twill's Two Cents: I love Khali like this. He can be funny and entertaining.

6. The Big Show defeated Triple H by disqualification in 9:50. Justin Roberts handled the in ring introductions. Show looked to use his overwhelming power early on and was successful in doing so. On the floor, Show ran himself into the ringpost. However, he was still able to get the best of the champ. Show hit a huge sidewalk slam as the show went to commercial...

Show had H locked in a neck vice coming back from commercial. Show scored a nearfall with that Melina like leg drop move that he does. Triple H went to the second rope and locked in a sleeper hold. Show broke out of the move by slamming H. H hit the facebuster and tried the Pedigree, but Show hit a delayed backdrop. Ouch.

Show set up the knockout punch and missed. H hit multiple rights and charged at Show, who countered with a chokeslam. Instead of going for the cover, he picked up Triple H to hit him with the right to the back of the head. The lights went out and when they came back on, Undertaker appeared. Taker and Show fought to the back as the lights went on and off.

Vladimir Kozlov came down to the ring to attack Triple H. Jeff Hardy came down to assist The Game. Hardy and H fought off Kozlov. Unexpectedly, Hardy hit a Twist of Fate on Triple H and eyeballed Kozlov. JR called Jeff "Matt Hardy" but we know what he meant. They stared each other down as the show went off the air...

Twill's Two Cents: I enjoyed the championship match and I definitely enjoyed the post match action. They have created five legitimate main event talents on Smackdown. I can tell you that my good friend and loyal Dot Net reader, Joshua Lorenzo is happy about this because he has been telling me all week that he hopes Jeff Hardy will remain in the WWE Championship picture.

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #61 on: October 13 2008, 01:14 pm »
TNA Bound For Glory PPV Results: 10-12-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's ongoing report). To avoid pop-ups and view condensed in-ring results, go to Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread Post #8278 and posts thereafter.

1 -- X DIVISION DEAL -- SUPER ERIC vs. SONJAY DUTT (w/So Cal Val) vs. JAY LETHAL vs. SHARK BOY vs. PETEY WILLIAMS vs. JIMMY RAVE (w/Christy Hemme) vs. CURRY MAN vs. CHRIS SABIN vs. ALEX SHELLEY -- #1 Contender to the X Division Title
WINNER: Lethal in 13:00 to become #1 Contender to the X Division Title. Lots of coordinated stunts and bumps that require a complete suspension of disbelief, but provided some entertainment value in the opener. It's going to be tough to sit through five minutes of a slow-down period in future matches after they "fed the monster" every possible second in this one. (*1/2)

WINNERS: Team Rhino in 6:00. Entertaining undercard match. Won't be memorable in the grand scheme of things, but served its purpose. (*)

3 -- X Division champion SHEIK ABDUL BASHIR vs. CONSEQUENCES CREED -- X Division Title match
WINNER: Daivari in 10:00 to retain the X Division Title. Good singles match. Daivari won in a heelish way to generate about as authentic of a reaction you can get from a 2008 crowd, so it worked. Creed's journey continues on Rough Cut. (**)

4 -- TNA Knockouts champion TAYLOR WILDE vs. AWESOME KONG (w/Raisha Saeed) vs. ROXXI -- Knockouts Title match
WINNER: Taylor in 6:00 to retain the Knockouts Title. Short, but a good match. Exciting drama and some big moments from Kong, but Kong is being knocked off her feet far too many times to retain her monster image. Taylor continues to be a good champion for the Division, though. (*3/4)

5 -- TNA tag team champions BEER MONEY, INC. (ROBERT ROODE & JAMES STORM w/Miss Jackie) vs. ABYSS & MATT MORGAN vs. TEAM 3D (BROTHER RAY & BROTHER DEVON) vs. LAX (HOMICIDE & HERNANDEZ) -- Monster's Ball match -- TNA Tag Title match -- Steve McMichael special referee
WINNERS: Beer Money in 22:00 to retain the TNA Tag Titles. Heck of a stunt brawl if that's your kind of thing. Fortunately, the crowd has been red-hot all night, so this came off pretty well with tons of energy. Abyss taking a mid-match flaming table spot was typical Abyss. (***1/2)

6 -- BOOKER T (w/Sharmell) vs. A.J. STYLES vs. CHRISTIAN CAGE
WINNER: Booker in 13:00. Some really good moments in this one from Styles, who is a star when he's in the ring. The two attempted Tower of Doom spots were unnecessary and hurt the flow of the match. Could have been well above three stars, but they tried to do too much here. (***)

7 -- JEFF JARRETT vs. KURT ANGLE -- Mick Foley special enforcer
WINNER: Jarrett in 20:00. Really nice match with a good story until the finish in typical Jarrett fashion. The finish didn't hurt the drama and it was fine on a relatively-clean card so far, but two clean chair shots to the head indicates some people just won't ever learn. Jarrett looked to be in great physical condition in his first match back. (****)

8 -- TNA World Hvt. champion SAMOA JOE vs. STING -- TNA World Title match
WINNER: Sting in 16:00 to capture the TNA World Title. This was a really good main event match...until the finishing sequence that killed the momentum. Joe and Earl having an endless debate hurt the match, then Nash turning on Joe was straight out of the WCW playbook. Look at the winners in the last three matches... Booker, Jarrett, and Sting. Throw in Nash and Foley as "winners" and you can see where this company is stuck in life 10 years ago. (***1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #62 on: October 14 2008, 10:54 pm »
WWE RAW Results: 10-13-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Hardy and Henry started things off, with Hardy losing control early on. The heels worked over Hardy for a few minutes before Rey accepted a hot tag at 4:00. He knocked Henry off the ring apron, then kicked Kane in the face before snapping off a head scissors. Rey then dialed up the 619 and connected. On the floor, they repeated the spot from ECW where Henry caught Hardy in mid-air. But, this time, Rey came flying off the apron and sat on Hardy to push him down onto Henry. After a big collision, Hardy beat Henry up the entrance ramp to the back. Back in the ring, Rey tried a top rope splash, but Kane straight punted him in the gut to knock the wind out of Rey and the fans. Kane then made the cover for the win.

Afterward, Kane wanted to inflict more punishment, but Rey slipped out of a chokeslam and dropkicked Kane through the ropes to the floor. Kane and Rey then had a staredown to end the segment.

WINNERS: Kane & Henry in 6:00. Fine match playing off the recent ECW TV match. Kane continues to show he has smarts to go with being an overpowering big man. (*)


Bell sounded after Haas ripped off his t-shirt, then JBL started working him over. Haas suddenly Haased up and did the "you!" point before blocking right hands and nailing a big boot. Haas tried the leg drop, but JBL moved and smashed Haas with the Clothesline from Hell. Lawler said he might have broken his hip. JBL with the cover for the easy win.

WINNER: JBL in 2:00. Eh. The joke worked slightly in So Cal, but JBL is going nowhere right now and Haas's bit is on the verge of getting old. (n/a)

3 -- SHAWN MICHAELS vs. BATISTA -- heel lumberjack match

They returned with the action in progress as the heels looked on. Batista teased a powerbomb at 1:00, but Michaels slipped to the floor and accepted a blow from a lumberjack. Michaels then slipped back into the ring and dropped Batista on the mat to slap on a figure four. They showed Jericho standing in his locker room watching as Batista powered out of the figure four. Both men slowly recovered, then Michaels nailed a swinging neckbreaker. Batista came back with a powerslam at 3:00, then he grounded Michaels on the mat with a rear naked choke.

They rolled to the top of the second hour with Michaels struggling out of the choke. Batista then gave him a high back body drop before settling into another mathold. Cole took us back to a few months ago when the Michaels vs. Jericho feud was born out of the Michaels vs. Batista feud that came out of WrestleMania. Good acknowledgement of history from Cole tonight. Batista then took Michaels to his feet and nailed a series of clean blows to the lower back. They blew a corner spot, then Michaels got a boot up on a corner whip and rolled up Batista for a two count. Just noticed Randy Orton is ringside for this. Michaels was then tossed over the top rope, but he skinned the cat back into the ring where Batista nailed the Black Hole Slam on the injured back for a nearfall.

At 10:00, Batista stalked his prey and clotheslined him hard over the top rope. Bam Neely wanted a piece of Michaels, but Henry shoved Bam aside and put Michaels in a vicious bear hug. He then rolled Michaels back into the ring where Batista made a cover for a nearfall. Things have been just a bit off thus far. Let's get a break.

They returned with Batista clutching Michaels in a bear hug. Michaels escaped, then he side-stepped Batista to fling him to the outside. Orton desperately wanted to punt Batista in the head, but Batista moved just in time and he fought off Atlas to get back into the ring. Michaels wanted to nail a top rope move on Batista, but JBL attacked Michaels with the ref distracted by another jack. Batista and Michaels recovered on the mat, then Batista nailed a spinebuster at 15:00. he wanted to end it with the Bomb, but Michaels punched out and flipped Batista to the floor. The jacks pounced on both men to assault them, but both men fought them off. Suddenly, they entered the ring and the ref called for the bell.

Batista and Michaels fended off the heels, then JBL snuck up behind Batista. But, Michaels went right past Batista and superkicked JBL in the corner. Henry tried to sneak up on Michaels, but Batista went right past Michaels to spear Henry hard in the corner. Michaels and Batista then recovered in neutral corners while Jericho was shown frustrated in his locker room. After highlights aired on the match, Batista locked eyes with Michaels and Michaels questioned whether the spear was for him. Batista then extended his hand and Michaels hesitated before shaking. Michaels winced, then dipped out of the ring while Batista mulled his options on who he would pick to face Jericho tonight.

WINNER: No Contest in 15:00. Hard to be upset with the non-finish when it was 100 percent clear this was ending without a clean finish. Nice tension between Michaels and Batista, but there was just something off with this entire thing. Crowd couldn't really get into the action with the cast of thousand generic heels ringside blocking the action. (**)


Kelly started things off working on Jillian, then Jillian tagged out to Miz, meaning Kelly had to tag out. JTG came in, but Jillian screamed in his ear, causing a distraction. Miz and Morrison then went to work on JTG in their corner. Shad took a hot tag at 4:00, then the action broke down. In the interim, JTG picked up the Ducks mask and cracked it over Morrison's back. Shad then made the cover for the pin and the win.

WINNERS: Cryme Tyme & Kelly in 5:00. The sad reality of this is that most of the demo in WWE Universe has no idea what JTG was referring to with the Mighty Ducks series of classic movies that inspired a generation of youths to overcome all odds, rise to greatness, and play for a coach with a police record. (1/2*)

5 -- World Hvt. champion CHRIS JERICHO vs. C.M. PUNK -- non-title match -- Batista special referee

After Jericho argued with Batista, Punk tried to roll him up, but Jericho kicked out. See, with a babyface referee, it makes sense for him not to just call a three count because he wants to see the heel take a beating. And he is a man of virtue and dignity. Jericho tried to escape, but Batista dragged Jericho back into the ring and fed him to Punk. Jericho was locked up in the ropes for a good while as Batista let Punk get away with more than a five count.

Jericho came back with a leg trip as Punk stood on the top rope, then Jericho went on the offensive while trading verbal jabs with Batista, who simply smiled at him. Punk then side-stepped Jericho in the corner and nailed a series of kicks to build momentum. He nailed the high knee and bulldog combo, then wanted the G2S, but Jericho elbowed out and nailed the codebreaker in center ring. Jericho then made the cover, but Batista suddenly had something in his eye. He stopped his count, then Jericho argued and took a Batistabomb for good measure. Punk then took advantage and rolled on top of Jericho for the easiest pinfall of his career.

Afterward, Batista raised Punk's hand in victory, then he moved to the stage for a big laugh at Jericho's expense. They replayed the ending, then Cole signed off as Jericho tried to collect himself in the ring.

WINNER: Punk in 6:00. Eh. Sent the (unenthusiastic) crowd home happy, but it fed into that sucks-to-be-you babyface booking that is far too pervasive in wrestling these days. Punk didn't gain much here other than a TV main event slot. Jericho was taken down a notch and that doesn't help selling an "off-brand" PPV in eight days. (*1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #63 on: October 16 2008, 01:16 am »
ECW on SciFi Results: 10-14-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed to in-ring results.

1 -- EVAN BOURNE vs. CHAVO GUERRERO -- Qualifying match for Cyber Sunday

Chavo dominated early on and entered into several arguments with the referee when he was asked to break holds in the corner. Bourne then countered a move in the corner and whipped Chavo through the ropes to the floor. Suddenly, Bourne came flying over the top rope with a twisting splash onto Chavo, who took a small percentage of the blow with Bourne eating the floor mainly. Still looked awesome, but Bourne sat up and clutched his knee just a little as they cut to break.

They returned with Bourne hobbling on his knee, then he tried a standing moonsault on Chavo, but Chavo got his knees up to block. Chavo came up favoring his legs as well, then he settled into a mat hold, which he turned into a modified Muta lock. Bourne escaped and tried a move off the ropes, but Chavo nailed a rolling heel kick that took out Bourne for a two count only. Chavo is moving as if he's 10 years younger tonight. Bourne then came back with kick strikes to the leg before knocking Chavo off his feet with a thrust kick. Bourne then took Chavo up top and he wanted the home run of a huge huracanrana, but Chavo ducked and Bourne ate the top turnbuckle crotch-first. Chavo tried to capitalize with a cover, but Bourne escaped. This is a great match thus far.

Chavo settled into a half crab at 11:00 and Bourne escaped with a kick to the face from a seated position. And another. Bourne wasn't able to capitalize, so Chavo busted out the Three Amigos suplex combo. Except, Bourne escaped number three and nailed a gorgeous leaping huricanrana on Chavo. He then climbed up top, grimaced for the top row of fans, and rolled the dice on the Shooting Star Press. He connected to a huge reaction, then Bourne made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Evan Bourne in 13:00 to qualify for CS voting. Excellent TV match. Chavo was strong in the ring while Bourne played a great underdog babyface in the Rey/Jeff Hardy vein. Well done. (***)

2 -- JOHN MORRISON (w/The Miz) vs. FINLAY (w/son Hornswoggle) -- Qualifying match for Cyber Sunday

Finlay quickly started to work over Morrison with a ground attack, but Morrison came back with a running knee strike to the jaw. He settled into a shoulder wrench as Miz offered encouragement. The fans offered their own form of encouragement with a "Johnny Nitro" chant. Wow, long-term memory from a WWE audience. Impressive.

As Morrison continued to work on Finlay, the fans went with a "Let's go Finlay" chant that Hornswoggle pounded on the mat along with to keep going. Finlay escaped, then dumped Morrison over the top rope onto Miz. Finlay told the ref to check on his busted lip and injured eye, then Hornswoggle snuck into the ring and flew through the ropes with a mini-dive on both men. Kinda. He disappeared under the ring, then Miz was dragged down under with him. Finlay tossed Morrison back into the ring and we took a break.

They returned from break with Morrison grounding Finlay on the mat. He kept working and working and working on Finlay for several minutes before a corner collision led to both men taking a mat nap. Finlay was first up and executed a backslide for a nearfall at 14:00. He then made his big comeback with successive clotheslines. Finlay teased the Celtic Cross, but Morrison blocked and nailed a neckbreaker for a nearfall.

Hornswoggle suddenly slipped into the ring and played dead to set up Finlay to run interference with the shillelagh, but Mike Knox showed up to steal the shillelagh. Morrison then smashed Finlay with the springboard kick to the head for the apparent finish, but Finlay kicked out. Knox was suddenly dragged under the ring, prompting the question of whether Hornswoggle was that strong. We then saw Cryme Tyme peek out from underneath the ring to show the true culprits. Finlay then smashed Morrison with the shillelagh in the confusion and scored the pin for the win.

WINNER: Finlay in 16:00 to qualify for Cyber Sunday. A bit of a wild match that was initially spent mainly on the mat. At least the crowd was into it, making the match bearable on TV during the slow-down period. (*1/2)

Post-match: Cryme Tyme celebrated with Finlay and Hornswoggle, but Finlay suddenly turned on both men with shillelagh shots. Hornswoggle liked what he saw, then Finlay and Horny left the ring to celebrate on stage. Henry then put an end to that by attacking Finlay from behind. They wrapped up the show in a clean 60 minutes as Henry stood over Finlay's body ready to inflict more damage.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #64 on: October 17 2008, 02:32 pm »
TNA Impact! Results: 10-16-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's compete report). Condensed to in-ring results only.


Unless I missed something the two weeks of Impact I missed, Guns were heels disrespecting everyone and now they're working as babyfaces. Oh, that's right, it's just the interchangeable X Division. Tenay said Mick Foley was signed for a one-time only himself for Bound for Glory, so he's giving his farewell tonight. Meanwhile, Samoa Joe isn't here tonight. As for the match, the action quickly broke down, then Val tripped up Shelley from the outside. Back in the ring, Sabin worked on Dutt to set up Shelley for a top rope frog splash and the win.

WINNERS: Guns in 3:00. Focus was on everything except the match here, which was too quick to establish any flow or sense of purpose. (*)

2 -- HERNANDEZ (w/Homicide) vs. BOOKER T (w/Sharmell)

Hernandez gets his first significant singles match here tonight. They went back and forth, then Hernandez wanted the Border Toss at 4:00, but Sharmell hopped on the apron to distract the ref. Hernandez then walked into a kick to the groin and a briefcase shot to the head. Booker got rid of the evidence, then Booker nailed the axe kick for the decisive win.

WINNER: Booker in 5:00. Typical TNA TV match with a short back-and-forth, then outside interference, and a roll-your-eyes finish. This was a chance to focus on Hernandez as a future singles star, but they did nothing for him here. (*)

3 -- RAISHA SAEED (w/Awesome Kong) vs. ROXXI

Raisha dominated things to start the match, then she paint-brushed Roxxi on the back of the head to taunt her. Raisha mounted Roxxi and drove a knee to the throat, then Roxxi tried to fight back from her knees. Roxxi instead delivered a scoop slam and wanted a top rope move, but Roxxi moved out of the way. Roxxi decided she wanted a piece of Kong, but Kong smashed her with a clothesline on the floor. Kong tried a spinning back fist, but Roxxi moved and kicked Kong down. Back in the ring, Roxxi nailed the Voodoo Drop on Raisha for the win.

WINNER: Roxxi in 4:00. Fine effort from Roxxi. (*)


The bell sounded and Nash simply asked if this guy is done dancing around yet. Nash quickly nailed a knee to the gut after feigning a lock-up, then he landed clubbing forearms to the back. Creed then tried to use his speed to work around Nash, but Nash grabbed his foot and spun him around into a leaping clothesline. Nash then slapped on a Cobra Clutch before throwing Creed down to the mat. He wanted the Jacknife Powerbomb and easily connected. Nash then fell down to the mat for the cover and the easy win.

WINNER: Nash in 2:00. Just a set-up for Nash's rant... (n/a)


West said he hopes his isn't just a situation where Cornette is putting a finger in the dike to control Angle's rage. OK, I know what analogy he was going for, but on this show with all sorts of sexually explicit segments, that's probably not a good choice of words. Match started with Morgan knocking Angle to the floor with a shoulder tackle causing Angle to regroup. On the floor, Morgan continued to bash Angle before doing Undertaker's leg drop across the apron. More gimmick infringement when we return!

They returned with Morgan landing a cross body block for a nearfall that dizzied Angle a little. Morgan wanted a suplex, but Angle bailed to the floor to regroup. Tenay said they would have an update on Foley and Jarrett at the end of the show. Angle then easily trapped Morgan in a game of cat and mouse to begin his attack on Morgan. Angle landed a right hand, then Morgan came back with a right hand. After a mid-ring exchange, Morgan landed an elbow smash and a corner splash followed by a sidewalk slam for a nearfall. Morgan then ducked a clothesline and nailed a bicycle kick for a nearfall. Morgan then nailed the Helevator move on Angle, but Angle rolled a shoulder to kick out. Morgan limped to his feet, then he went for a slam, but Angle easily slipped out and nailed the Olympic Slam for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Angle in 11:00. Morgan had plenty of offense to retain some level of credibility, but at the end of the day, he was just another younger wrestler in a TV main event that we won't remember by next week. (**)

When it's all said and done, only 20+ minutes of wrestling...about half of it in the last match. If you click to Caldwell's report, you'd found that my condensed in-ring report is about a quarter of that full report.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #65 on: October 18 2008, 10:53 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 10-17-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Twilling's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

Big Show's music hit and he came out to the ring with a reluctant Chavo Guerrero. Show cut a promo on The Undertaker saying things were going to end badly for him. He ran down the three options for his match against Taker at Cyber Sunday. He then said he was going to demonstrate the three matches...

The first option was a "Knockout" match. Show knocked out some local jobber in a couple of seconds. The second option was an "I Quit" match. Show quickly submitted the second jobber. The third option was a "Last Man Standing" match. The third jobber came out. Hurricane Helms popped up and said, "Did you see what happened to the first two? I'm just sayin'." Show put the kid through a table for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: Helms is watching the show live? That was awesome. I actually enjoyed this segment very much. It was different, it made a point, and it was effective.

1. Carlito and Primo Colon defeated Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships in 3:44. After some decent action, Primo hit a missile dropkick for the win...

2. R-Truth defeated MVP in 2:55. Truth's entrance was over huge with the crowd. Shelton Benjamin watched the match from the backstage area. In a surprisingly short match, Truth hit a scissors kick for the win. Shelton was shown again watching from the backstage area...

Twill's Two Cents: You know, they could really have a nice United States Championship picture with these three men but MVP's gimmick right now is to come up short of achieving his bonus.

3. Ezekiel Jackson (with The Brian Kendrick) defeated Super Crazy in :44. Hurricane Helms popped up again and asked if Jackson's tights came in his size. Jackson quickly won the match and Kendrick hit The Kendrick on Crazy afterwards...

4. The Undertaker defeated The Great Khali (with Ranjin Singh) by disqualification in 3:18. Khali enjoyed an early advantage in the match but Taker was primed to take the victory. Before he could however, Big Show came out and attacked Taker, causing the referee to call for the bell.

Show thought Khali was with him and handed him a chair to attack Undertaker with. Khali chopped the chair to the mat and took off. Taker grabbed the chair and hit Show with it...

Twill's Two Cents: Am I finally getting what I asked for?

5. Maria defeated Maryse, Victoria, Brie Bella, and Natalya to become the number one contender for the Diva's Championship in 2:09. This was a "fuzzy dice on a pole match." Maria and Maryse fought to the end but Maria grabbed the dice first. Wow...

Twill's Two Cents: Maria vs. Michelle? Hmmm.

6. Jesse and Festus defeated Ryan Braddock and Kenny Dykstra in 3:48. Helms popped up yet again (fine by me) and pointed out that Dykstra loses almost as much as MVP, almost. Festus scored the pin with the flapjack...

7. Vladimir Kozlov defeated Jeff Hardy in 8:22. Kozlov cut an 80s style promo saying he would not be voted in because the fans would fear him becoming champion. Kozlov was overwhelmingly in control early in the match...

Hardy had an offensive flurry that included two Whispers in the Wind, but Kozlov scored the surprisingly clean victory with the battering ram...

After the match, Triple H and Kozlov went face to face with Kozlov eyeballing H's belt...

Twill's Two Cents: I guess WWE wants Kozlov vs. Triple H. If I was Jeff Hardy, I would still be ready to go at Cyber Sunday.

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #66 on: October 21 2008, 02:16 pm »
WWE RAW Results: 10-20-08

Results courtesy of (Direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed to in-ring results only.


Action broke down here at 3:00, then Candice smashed Katie with a spinning heel kick to the jaw. Candice cleared Katie to the outside, then back in the ring, Kelly dropped Jillian with the Rocker dropper in center ring for the pin and the win. By the way, Kelly is a sailor and Candice is Marilyn Monroe at the PPV.

WINNERS: Kelly Kelly & Candice Michelle in 4:00. Entertaining opener and a unique way to kick off the show. Nothing really to complain about here.


Haastin immediately nailed a Thesz Press on JBL, then stomped a mudhole in him in the corner for a nearfall. JBL had enough after blocking a Stunner, so he nailed a big boot and the Clothesline from Hell for the easy win. After the match, JBL took the mic and said that's the bottom line 'cause JBL said so.

WINNER: JBL in 2:00. Another filler segment involving JBL and Haas that will hopefully lead somewhere at some point sometime. Anytime. Just take it somewhere. (n/a)


Snitsky tried to charge Rey in the corner, but Rey slipped out of harm's way and Snitsky crashed hard into the turnbuckles. Rey then landed a double knee stomp. He tried a huracanrana on Snitsky, but there was a slippage and Snitsky simply flung himself onto the middle rope. Rey followed with the 619, then hit the big springboard splash for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Rey in 2:00. Well, that was unrealistic in many ways, but the casual fans just want to see Rey in a position of control rather than getting his brains beat in by Kane, so that will work to set up Rey vs. Kane at Cyber Sunday. (n/a)


After a few moments of action, they went to the traditional commercial-lead-in-spot where Morrison found himself on the outside, then the babyfaces dumped Miz over the top rope onto Morrison to get a cheer from the crowd. They didn't go to commercial, though, and the match picked up in the ring where Miz came back on Punk with clubbing forearm blows. Kofi then tagged in and wanted a springboard move in the corner, but Morrison kicked him in the face from the apron with the ref distracted. The heels then ganged up on Kofi to isolate him from Punk. They went to break with Kofi firmly grounded on the mat.

By the way, is there still a brand split in this company? Just a thought during the commercial break. In any event, heels continued to work over Kofi at the 10:00 mark. Punk finally entered the ring to break up a pin and get the fans back into the action. Morrison then sat down on Kofi with a modified Dragon Sleeper while Kofi fought back with clubbing forearms. Kofi finally rolled through to his corner and Punk took the hot tag to begin cleaning house. Punk slapped Morrison, then kicked him in the kisser. He nailed the high knee in the corner, then a running bulldog. Punk made a believable mid-air adjustment on a springboard move, then hit a powerslam. In the confusion of the match breaking down, Miz made a blind tag on Morrison while Punk gave Morrison the G2S. Miz then rolled up Punk from behind for a surprise three count on Punk for the win. Afterward, Punk was in disbelief as he held his hands on his head.

WINNERS: Miz & Morrison in 12:00.


The bell sounded and Batista gave Regal the Batistabomb for an easy pin. Jericho then slipped into the ring. He kept screaming at Regal to get up so he could get an easy pin, but Regal played dead for several moments.


The ref finally approved of Regal's status and the bell sounded. Jericho nailed the codebreaker on Regal for the easy pin. Adamle then told Jericho he is starting the next match. Out came the World's Strongest man, Mark Henry.


Henry dominated the early-going, but he missed with the big splash at 2:00. Jericho tried to follow with the Lionsault, but Henry kicked out. Jericho then removed the turnbuckle and grabbed the World Title belt. He smashed Henry in the head, but the ref had turned around and he saw the clean blow. Jericho was DQ'ed, which apparently means absolutely nothing without any consequences.


Henry shoved Batista aside, but Batista came back with a demonstrative spinebuster for the pin and the win. Adamle then announced Kane as the third opponent, with Jericho having to start the match. Lawler said Jericho still hasn't earned Adamle's respect.


They returned from break with Jericho and Kane battling back and forth. Jericho shoved Kane to the corner and wanted to work on the knee, but Kane smacked him across the mouth and the loud noise popped the crowd. Jericho tried to come back with the Walls of Jericho, but Kane flipped him across the ring. Kane missed badly with a flying elbow, then Jericho tried the codebreaker, but Kane fought him off. Kane tried a top rope move as Batista cheered, but Jericho crotched him. Kane then came back with a flying clothesline for a nearfall. He wanted a chokeslam, but Jericho elbowed out of the grip and Kane dumped him to the floor. Batista stalked Jericho on the floor, then Kane yanked Jericho back into the ring and nailed a big boot for the pin and the win.

5g -- BATISTA vs. KANE

Before the bell sounded, Jericho distracted Kane, who turned around and took a spinebuster from Batista. Batista then made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Batista 3-0 and Jericho 1-2 in 13:00. They eventually got the point across about Jericho being a weak champion with no self-respect and Batista being lined up for an easy win at Cyber Sunday, but the match set-up was just not explained well before it unfolded. Once things unfolded, it made sense, but the live audience was just left in the dark and didn't know how to react to what was happening. Not a good way to sell a PPV. (n/a)

Post-match: Jericho held his ribs in pain. Batista was all-smiles and celebrated the inevitable in six days. Jericho tried to look tough while in pain, then Batista stared down at him. Jericho held up the World Title belt while the announcers gave a final sales pitch for Sunday to close the show.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #67 on: October 23 2008, 12:46 am »
ECW on SciFi Results: 10-21-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report).


Swagger with an 80-pound weight advantage in this one, according to the announcers. Swagger landed a hard knee lift early in the match, then Swagger picked up Double B and nailed a gut wrench powerbomb for the pin and the win. After they replayed footage of the squash, Grisham approached Swagger in the ring for a few words. Swagger smiled it up heelishly as Grisham referenced Tommy Dreamer as someone Swagger has been picking on. Swagger thought about Dreamer, smiled, then abruptly asked, "Tommy Who?" He then smiled and walked out of the ring.

WINNER: Swagger in 1:00. Squash and an annoying (in a good way) "promo." Good work from Swagger. He's memorable and going places with this gimmick. (n/a)

2 -- THE MIZ (w/John Morrison) vs. SHAD GASPAR (w/J.T.G.)

Classic heel move from Miz to start things off, with him ducking into the corner for a rope break after acting tough. Shad came back with a left hand jab, then tried a back body drop, but the move came off rather awkwardly. Shad followed with a back elbow smash and a scoop slam for a nearfall while Morrison shouted encouragement to Miz. Shad then tried a clothesline against the ropes, but Miz ducked and Shad ate the floor before taking a baseball slide dropkick into the guardrail. Grisham interjected that things are getting heated on the 'Net between the two sides, to the point where they had to be pulled apart in the parking lot before the show tonight. Striker suggested Miz & Morrison as the Hollywood Brunettes to counter the Hollywood Blondes. Grisham then suggested Miz is playa hating on Shad working him over in the ring. Crickets. Silence. Grisham repeated and Striker asked him to check the mirror.

Shad made his comeback at 4:00 and fired up the crowd before slingshotting Miz across the top rope. Shad nailed a flying elbow smash, then Morrison tried to run interference. It back-fired, as JTG tripped Miz from the floor and Shad nailed a lift-up slam for a nearfall. Morrison then hopped onto the apron and smashed Shad from behind with an enziguiri kick. Ref saw the blow and he called for a DQ. Miz and Morrison then regrouped on the floor and Cryme Tyme shouted down to them standing tall in the ring.

WINNER: Shad via DQ in 5:00. Good match. Basic TV work, but it flowed well and Miz wrestled well in his lead role as the heel guiding Shad through the match. Nice set-up for Cyber Sunday if fans vote for that match on Sunday. (*1/2)

3 -- FINLAY (w/Hornswoggle) vs. EVAN BOURNE vs. MARK HENRY (w/Tony Atlas)

Finlay and Evan tried to double up on Henry to start things off, but Henry fought them off one by one. Repeat. It was tough to catch Striker's stupendous commentary with Atlas shouting instructions at Henry during the match. Henry then shoved Finlay hard across the ring with a hard Irish Whip before stacking up Bourne in the corner. Atlas asked them how that felt, then Henry stomped on Bourne's throat. Finlay tried to come back with a dive from the top rope, but Finlay flew into a big powerslam. Henry charged Bourne, but Bourne yanked down the top rope and Henry ate the floor. Finlay and Bourne then picked up a battle with Finlay essentially dominating into a shoulder breaker for a nearfall.

The match broke down at 3:00 when Bourne caused Finlay and Henry to knock heads and Finlay kinda rolled out of a three count on a crucifix pin by Bourne. Suddenly, there was a spot where Henry caught Bourne in mid-air and back flipped him onto Finlay, but Bourne scored a nearfall on Finlay in the process. Henry then restored order by knocking down both men as they grabbed a break.

They returned with Henry tearing apart Bourne, then walking over to Finlay to get a piece of him. I just enjoy watching Henry decimate an opponent or, in this case, opponents. Bourne tried to fight back against Henry, but Henry wasn't moving. Finlay found a way to knock down the big oak tree, though, with a quick chopblock to the left knee. Bourne and Finlay then double dropkicked Henry to the floor, leading to Finlay vs. Bourne one-on-one. Finlay was favoring his left shoulder and chest area following Henry's work, but he caught Bourne for a backbreaker across his knee. Finlay was either really selling here or very injured.

Suddenly, Henry returned to the action and kicked Finlay in the back. Finlay tried to come back with a crucifix pin, then Bourne hopped onto Henry's back and Henry slammed both men hard to the mat. Henry then started pounding on Finlay before missing with a shoulder tackle in the corner. Finlay followed with a nasty-looking DDT while favoring his chest muscle. Well, this thing totally slowed down as Henry and Finlay battled and Finlay took the audience out of the action because of how much pain he appeared to be in - selling or not selling.

They went to the finish with Atlas catching Hornswoggle on the floor and they rebuilt heat with Horny in jeopardy. Finlay made the save, though, and smashed Henry with the shillelagh in the confusion. Bourne then re-entered the picture out of nowhere and took out Finlay with a double knee smash to the head. With Henry KO'ed from the shillelagh shot, Bourne quickly went up top and nailed a sweet Shooting Star Press on Henry for the pin and the win. Crowd came to life for the finish as Grisham gave the final pitch for Cyber Sunday with Bourne celebrating.

WINNER: Bourne in 14:00. Had its moments. Had some really, really slow moments as well with Finlay appearing to be in tremendous pain clutching his chest muscle. If he was selling, he was over-selling because the audience was moved to silence watching him. Bourne picks up a nice TV win here and Henry makes it 0-2 to start the week. (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #68 on: October 24 2008, 02:36 pm »
TNA Impact! Results: 10-23-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete and totally boring report [only because the show was THAT bad!!!]). Condensed here to in-ring results only...which were bad enough  -_-

1 -- VELVET SKY (w/Angelina Love and Cute Kip) vs. CHRISTY HEMME

Very small-time look to the ringside area. Things became graphic at 2:00 when Velvet mounted Christy in the corner and rammed Christy's head into the turnbuckles while thrusting. Christy had enough and fired back after kinda ducking a clothesline. She then wanted the top rope fire crotch drop and connected for the pin and the win. Afterward, Christy smartly bailed from the ring to avoid a post-match attack.

WINNER: Velvet Sky in 3:00. OK opener. Christy gets her revenge, but the Beautiful People will easily get their heat back in Orlando. (1/2*)

Oh, and by the way, 30 minutes of TV and we've had 3 minutes of wrestling.

2 -- X Division champion SHEIK ABDUL BASHIR vs. JAY LETHAL -- X Division Title match

Match started with Lethal nailing a suicide dive on the floor. Back in the ring, Lethal wanted a top rope elbow smash, but Bashir moved in time. Bashir then grappled Lethal and gave him an implant DDT. That was good enough for three, giving Bashir a quick win.

WINNER: Bashir in 2:00. That's it? Two minutes to an X Division Title match. Well, no reason to be shocked, actually. X Division hasn't meant anything in a few years. (n/a)


Ray and Storm battled, then Roode came out third to help Storm double up on Ray. Now, viewers can text their vote for what weapon - tables, ladders, or chairs - should be used in the match. Devon came out fourth, meaning Team 3D and Beer Money received the fewest votes. Hernandez came out fifth and accepted a 3D for good measure. Homicide then came out sixth, bringing three complete teams into the match. No eliminations thus far, as three teams exchanged blows. After another countdown, Matt Morgan came out seventh. The distance from the entrance ramp to the ring must be like 10 feet total.

Morgan came in hot and started eliminating folks left and right. LAX was done. Abyss then came out as the final participant. He was waving his arm toward Morgan, who told him to stay back. Suddenly, in super-slow-motion, Morgan was dumped over the top rope and he gingerly landed on the floor. Penzer said the fans have vote for tables as being legal now. Ray and Devon's eyes lit up, but Devon was already eliminated. In any event, 3D set up a table in the ring and pulled out the lighter fluid. Sure, just water down the flaming table gimmick while we're at it. Abyss then snuck into the ring and knocked down both men to draw boos. He picked up the lighter fluid, though, and surveyed the crowd. He took too long to think and Devon low-blowed him from behind. 3D then dumped Abyss over the top rope for an elimination.

Fans chanted for fire as it was Beer Money vs. 3D doing battle now. 3D took Roode through the gas-soaked table with a 3D, and Devon had the pin, but Jacqueline yanked the ref out of the ring. Are the belts on the line, by the way? In the confusion, Storm spewed alcohol in Devon's eyes and Devon dropped to the mat. Storm then made the cover for the win.

WINNERS: Beer Money in 11:00. Just a messy gimmick tag match. Too much happening at once and they managed to book an unintentional boo-fest for Abyss after completely wasting the sympathy effect for Abyss selling injuries from the flaming table spot at the PPV. (BAD)

4 -- Knockouts champion TAYLOR WILDE vs. AWESOME KONG (w/Raisha Saeed)

Fast-paced start with Kong brick-walling Taylor off the ropes, then missing with a big splash. Taylor tried a top rope dive, but Kong smashed her in mid-air with a clothesline. Kong started to dominate while the fans had a dueling chant of "Let's go Taylor" and "Let's go Kong." Taylor tried to fight back, but Kong dropped her with a chokeslam for a nearfall. Kong tried to end it with an Awesomebomb, but Taylor slipped out and nailed a series of dropkicks that rocked Kong. She then went up top for a missile dropkick that took Kong off her feet for a close two count. Taylor suddenly nailed a huracanrana, then Raisha yanked Taylor's foot from the floor. Taylor unloaded on Raisha, but that distraction allowed Kong to grab her and nail a huge Awesomebomb. Kong with the pin and the win to capture the belt.

WINNER: Kong in 4:00 to capture the Knockouts Title. You could tell from the start this was going to be a very fast match. TNA did them an injustice with only four minutes allotted, as the match was very good and could have been even better. (*1/2)

5 -- A.J. STYLES & SAMOA JOE vs. TNA World Hvt. champion STING & KEVIN NASH

Nash and Styles started things off with Nash landing a big knee to the gut. Joe then asked for a tag and he was granted a tag. Nash then quickly bailed from the ring to avoid Joe, leading to Sting and Joe having Slapfest 2008. Joe landed a hard elbow smash in the corner, then brushed off Sting in Nash's direction. Good intensity here. Styles then came in and nailed a leaping scissors knee drop on Sting. He then took a shot at Nash, who answered with a clothesline on Styles from the apron. Heels in control and break time. Dang, we can't even get two minutes of action before grabbing a break. Unbelievable misappropriation of time tonight.

They returned with the heels in control working over Styles at 5:00. Sting then missed with a clothesline and Styles nailed an awesome Pele soccer kick on an unsuspecting Sting. Great sequence. Nash then took a tag and Joe took the appropriate hot tag to set off Joe vs. Nash. Nash wanted a clothesline, but Joe ducked and nailed a leaping kick and sentaun splash for a nearfall. Sting tried a Stinger Splash on Joe in the corner, but Joe moved and Nash ate the Splash. In the confusion, Nash grabbed the TNA Title belt and smashed Joe in the face when Joe was thinking about a suicide dive on Sting. Nash made the cover on Joe for the win. And the crowd went wild for Nash.

WINNERS: Nash & Sting in 7:00. 3 1/2 minutes of in-ring action 3 1/2 minutes of commercials. And this for a potential PPV main event featuring four of the top stars in TNA. Ridiculous.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #69 on: October 25 2008, 10:54 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 10-24-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Twilling's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1. Natalya and Maryse defeated Michelle McCool and Maria in 2:12. Hurricane Helms' comments now have an official name; "Hurrapop." He said, "Divas, giggedty. I'm just sayin'." Jesse and Festus came out to mariachi music and Festus in a mariachi outfit. He handed Maria a flower. When Michelle tried to tag her, Maria was distracted and Maryse rolled Michelle up for the three count. When the bell rang, Festus chased the mariachi band back up the ramp...

Twill's Two Cents: You know, Meghan is beautiful, but she is a badass too. What she does in terms of workouts is extremely impressive.

2. Carlito and Primo Colon defeated Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely in a non-title match in Carlito and Primo graduated to matching pants. Chavo and Bam were not getting along too well. Carlito used a blind tag to help Primo double team Bam. They continued to utilize solid teamwork. Chavo verbally degraded Bam any opportunity he could. Bam accidentally hit Chavo. Carlito tagged in and was a house of fire.

Bam wanted to know what Chavo's problem was. Chavo slapped him and quickly jumped to the floor. Carlito used the distraction to hit the Backstabber for the win. After the match, Hurricane popped up again and mockingly said he could not handle it if Chavo and Bam broke up...

Twill's Two Cents: The Twilling is a little under the weather tonight and this show is not doing much to keep my head out of my folded arms.

3. R-Truth and Kung Fu Naki defeated MVP and Shelton Benjamin in 3:56. Hurricane popped up and asked, "MVP, where is your tunnel? Let me guess, you lost that too." Ouch! In case you missed it before, Shelton will be defending the United States Championship against MVP, R-Truth, or Festus on before Cyber Sunday.

MVP struggled with the Ricky Steamboat like deep armdrags by Funaki. Benjamin tagged in and gained the advantage for his team. MVP tagged in and resumed the success. Naki (I guess I'll go with that) tagged in and hit the Karate Kid kick on MVP for the win...

Twill's Two Cents: Is this a demotion for Truth and is Naki really being pushed? If this is a short bit of fun, I'm all for it. I just do not want it to stall Truth's rise towards the U.S. Championship.

4. The Brian Kendrick (with Ezekiel Jackson) defeated Super Crazy in 1:06. Quick squash. The Brian hit The Kendrick, as reported here by The Twilling, for the win. After the match Ezekiel added insult to injury by hitting a super Rock Bottom...

5. The Undertaker vs. Triple H in a non-title match ended in a no contest in 13:49. After a slow start, Taker hit a series of right hands and a closeline for the first nearfall at the 2:30 mark. Taker began working on the left arm and shoulder of Triple H with a hammer lock. Taker tried Old School but H countered it. Taker then crotched himself on the middle rope trying to hit a closeline on H in the corner.

Triple H decided to single out the left leg and knee of The Undertaker. Both men hit a double closeline and were slow to get to their feet. They then exchanged right hands with Taker finally gaining the advantage after a headbutt. Taker hit the snake eyes but Triple H countered the running big boot with a high knee for a two count. Taker countered out of a Pedigree and slingshot Triple H into the top turnbuckle.

Taker successfully hit the running boot followed by a leg drop for another two count. He went for Old School again and again, he failed. Triple H crotched Taker on the top rope. H climbed to the second rope and hit a superplex for a two count. The action spilled to the floor. Taker hit the apron leg drop for yet another nearfall.

Taker gave the throat slash gesture. He went for the Last Ride but H slid out the backdoor and hit a reverse neckbreaker for a two count. Taker tried a chokeslam but Triple H countered with a spinebuster for another two count. Both men attempted their finishers but they countered each other. With Taker in the corner, H went to the second rope and landed some right hands. Taker hit the Last Ride but could not make the cover.

Big Show hit the ring and attacked Taker. The referee called for the bell. Triple H grabbed a chair and nailed Show across the back. Upon trying a second chair shot, Show hit a chokeslam on Triple H. He then hit Taker with two chair shots before leaving the ring...

Twill's Two Cents: Fantastic match; cheap finish. Triple H and The Undertaker worked a textbook match. It was beyond solid and something the young guys should watch. Granted, the nearfalls were not as believable as they would have been on a pay-per-view. Regardless, it was a very good match. The Big Show interference was predictable and made sense, but disappointing nonetheless.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #70 on: October 27 2008, 01:15 pm »
WWE Cyber Sunday PPV Results: 10-26-08

Ongoing results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's report). To avoid pop-ups and view in-ring results, go to Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread Post #8324 and posts thereafter.

No Holds Barred - 39 percent
Falls Count Anywhere - 35 percent
2 out of 3 Falls - 26 percent

1 -- KANE vs. REY MYSTERIO -- No Holds Barred match
WINNER: Rey Mysterio in 11:00. Nice opener. Had some slow moments, but Rey used his quickness to excite the crowd and create some good drama. Not much use of the "No Holds Barred" concept, but enough weaponry to give the fans a satisfying opener. (*1/2)

Evan Bourne - 69 percent
Finlay - 25 percent
Mark Henry - 6 percent

2 -- ECW champion MATT HARDY vs. EVAN BOURNE -- ECW Title match
WINNER: Hardy in 12:00 to retain the ECW Title. Nice, nice match with Hardy in position to be the stronger wrestler for once. Good to see him in that element rather than having to overcome a Mark Henry type opponent. Great counters at the end with Hardy and Bourne going move-for-move. Should be a match that people remember at the end of this show. (***)

Random Tag Team Voting:
Miz/Morrison vs Cryme Tyme - 38 percent
Cody/Teddy vs Punk/Kofi - 35 percent

WINNERS: Miz & Morrison in 10:00. Okay tag match. Started off promising, but slowed down at the end before a finish suitable for the heels to win.

Honky Tonk Man - 35 percent
Roddy Piper - 34 percent
Goldust - 31 percent

4 -- IC champion SANTINO MARELLA (w/Beth Phoenix) vs. HONKY TONK MAN -- Intercontinental Title match
WINNER: Honky via DQ in 1:00; Santino retains IC Title. Just a filler gimmick match to continue watering down the IC Title. It's merely a secondary title, but it could be valuable at some point again. Fortunately, Santino was entertaining to make this bearable. (n/a)

Last Man Standing - 49 percent
I Quit Match - 42 percent

5 -- THE UNDERTAKER vs. BIG SHOW -- Last Man Standing match
WINNER: Undertaker in 20:00. Excellent heavyweight battle. They had a controlled brawl on the outside where everything mattered and they didn't just do a giant brawl for the sake of having a brawl. It's always great theater to watch two respected giants slugging it out in the ring. Nice use of the stipulation and the crowd bought into the action throughout. Taker just continues to roll on having great matches, while Show is being restored to his feared-heel status. (****)

Jeff Hardy - 57 percent
Triple Threat - 37 percent
Koslov - 6 percent

6 -- WWE champion TRIPLE H vs. JEFF HARDY -- WWE Title match
WINNER: Hunter in 16:00 to retain the WWE Title. Another great title match between these two. They really added a new layer to the story of the match, with Hardy trying to do two of every one of his signature moves to inflict more punishment on Hunter, but Hunter managed to avoid the second and third Swanton bombs to pick up the win. Unless they go back to the well at Survivor Series for Hunter vs. Hardy, it's time for Hardy to go a different direction to use the rub he's received from wrestling against Hunter. (***3/4)

Steve Austin - 74 percent
Shawn Michaels - 22 percent
Randy Orton - 4 percent

7 -- World Hvt. champion CHRIS JERICHO vs. BATISTA -- World Title match
WINNER: Batista in 17:00 to capture the World Hvt. Title. Entertaining match with Austin, run-ins, and a lot of activity. They could get away with that after featuring clean finishes throughout the show before the main event. I would imagine Jericho gets his re-match on Raw before Survivor Series, then Cena returns at Survivor Series to challenge Batista for the belt in a re-match from Summerslam. Stay tuned on that, but a nice cap to an exceptional PPV. (***)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #71 on: October 29 2008, 11:27 am »
Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- World tag team champions PRICELESS (TED DIBIASE, JR. & CODY RHODES w/Manu) vs. C.M. PUNK & KOFI KINGSTON -- World tag title match

Gotta love the dudes dressed up as WWE referees standing in the front row facing the hard camera. Well, depends on your perspective. Punk, in his Halloween-themed trunks, landed a running jawbreaker on Cody to start things off. Cody then came back with a jawbreaker of his own to bring in Teddy, who suddenly accepted a drop toe hold into a submission hold from Punk. Kofi and Punk then cleared the heels to the outside before Kofi launched Punk over the top rope onto Cody and Ted. Nice camera shot of Manu staring back into the ring at the challengers before checking on his buddies as they cut to a break.

Back from breaker, Punk teased the Go 2 Sleep on Cody, but Cody slipped out. Kofi then took a hot tag and flew onto Cody with a leaping dive. Kofi knocked Ted off the apron with a flying smash, but then Ted recovered and yanked Kofi off the top rope when he tried a high-flying move. Cody rammed Kofi into the guardrail before tossing him back into the ring to begin a focused attack on Kofi. Crowd came to life as Kofi fired back on Cody, but Cody ducked a clothesline and landed a drop toe hold to keep Kofi in the heel corner. Nice.

At 11:00, Punk rallied the crowd for another Kofi comeback attempt. Suddenly, Kofi caught Cody by surprise with a head scissors from the mat and he hot-tagged to Punk, who cleaned house on DiBiase with roundhouse slaps and kicks. He then nailed the high knee in the corner before kicking Manu off the ring apron. Action broke down, then Kofi jumped over Punk to take Cody over the top rope with a huracanrana in amazing display of athleticism. Ted then tried to surprise Punk with a punch and Russian legsweep, but Punk grabbed the top rope to block. Ted then fell into Punk's grasp for a G2S in center ring. Punk made the cover and we have new tag champs. Arena exploded, then Kofi re-entered the ring to celebrate with Punk. They stayed with this for a good minute, with shots of Priceless arguing about what happened on stage.

WINNERS: Punk & Kofi in 13:00 to capture the World Tag Titles. Nice tag match. Great action and athleticism with a hot crowd to help things out. Punk & Kofi looked inspired in the ring, obviously since they were winning the belts. Interesting to see where Priceless goes from here. (**1/2)

2 -- CHARLIE HASS vs, SANTINO MARELLA (no official match)


By the way, a three-hour special next week, according to a randomly placed graphic. Suddenly, the whole thing broke down at 3:00 with divas flying on the outside. Kelly and Katie were left in the ring where Kelly nailed the K2 rocker dropper on Katie for the pin and the win. The babyface divas hugged it out in the ring, then Jillian dragged Katie to the outside to recover.

WINNERS: Team Kelly in 3:00. Fine action. Candice was at least serviceable and Kelly delivered her usual dose of high energy. Felt like a waste of Layla, though, as her storyline with Regal against Noble seems to have disappeared. (1/2*)


They get their own quarter hour here, so it will be interesting to see how this rates. Match started off with a headlock exchange, then they busted out some rapid-fire counters that ended with Bourne nailing a head scissors takeover. Rey got up and stared back at Bourne, then Rey snapped off a sick head scissors takeover after a few revolutions. Bourne then recovered against the ropes while catching Rey's eye for a look of mutual respect. Awesome to start. Bourne came back with an arm drag that took Rey to the floor, then Bourne teased a baseball slide kick, but Rey moved. They ran back into the ring together and had another stare down. Rey smiled while Bourne had a great intense look. Let's grab a break.

Back from break, Bourne was in control. They showed some clips of during the break when things became physical, including a majestic springboard moonsault by Bourne onto Rey on the floor. Back live, Rey and Bourne exchanged slaps before Rey turned the tables on Bourne and slingshot him through the ropes to the outside. Rey then ran off the apron with a nice leaping dive onto Bourne right in front of the camera for a tight shot. Back in the ring, Bourne came back with a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker for a two count. Rey then tried a springboard move, but his knee gave out and he crashed to the mat. Bourne recovered nicely and tried a pinfall for a nearfall. He then tried to work over the knee, but Rey escaped and fired off a dropkick.

Rey followed with a springboard dive, then he wanted a running move, but Bourne popped up and nailed an enziguiri kick. What a counter. Bourne with a cover at 10:00 for a nearfall. Bourne followed with a sick standing moonsault for a two count, then he wanted to go up top for the SSP, but Rey threw him down. Rey then flung Bourne onto the middle rope and nailed the 619. Rey wanted to end it with his springboard sentaun, but Bourne sat up and ducked. He then tried a Jack Evans reverse huracanrana, only to have Rey counter into a victory roll and trap Bourne for a three count. Beautiful. Afterward, Rey looked down at Bourne with respect, then they shook hands.

WINNER: Rey in 12:00. What a match. That was special. Bourne is unbelievably gifted with the "it" factor and he continues to take advantage every time WWE hands him the ball to make a run. Rey was in his element and delivered a great performance. (***)

Post-match: As Rey and Bourne shook hands, Kane's music hit and he stormed the ring. Rey told Bourne he's got this, as it's his business. Rey tried to charge Kane, but Kane kicked him in the face. Kane beat on Rey, then Bourne tried to make the save. They doubled up on Kane as the crowd cheered them on, but Mark Henry showed up. Bourne kicked him away, then tried a springboard splash, but Henry caught him in mid-air. Meanwhile, Kane delivered a chokeslam on Rey as the crowd gasped. Henry rolled Bourne back into the ring and delivered the World's Strongest Slam. Rey and Bourne were laid out as the monsters stood tall to close the segment. Great heat segment to build up the monsters and build sympathy for the babyface comeback. Nicely done.

5 -- World Hvt. champion BATISTA vs. JBL & CHRIS JERICHO

Batista shoved Jericho down, then Jericho tagged out to JBL. The big men battled in the ring with Batista nailing a clothesline and a big suplex. Batista with a suplex? The heels tried to double-team Batista, but Batista fought them off and sent JBL to the floor. He then flung Jericho onto the apron and ran from the opposite side of the ring to bounce Jericho off the apron with a clothesline into the announce table. JBL stared back at Batista in disbelief while Batista screamed at them to come on. Cut to break.

Back from break, JBL and Jericho were taking turns working over Batista in their corner. Batista then rolled to the floor to recover, but Jericho landed a baseball slide dropkick that sent Batista flying into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Batista fired back on Jericho with a clothesline as they reached the top of the hour.

Batista landed a Black Hole Slam on Jericho, then he knocked JBL off the apron. Batista tried to finish off Jericho with the Batistabomb, but Jericho slipped out and nailed the codebreaker. Jericho couldn't make a cover, though, as he sold an injury, so Batista kicked out of the eventual cover. JBL then tagged in and wanted the Clothesline from Hell, but Batista ducked and nailed a spear. Suddenly, Shawn Michaels emerged 12 minutes into the match. He hobbled down to the ring clutching his ribs, then Michaels went to the babyface corner. Michaels took the tag, but the ref didn't see it, as Jericho had the ref occupied. Ref disallowed it, then Jericho tried to use the belt on Batista, but Batista ducked. JBL was supposed to take the accidental shot, but Jericho missed him. Michaels then feigned a superkick on Jericho, but Jericho moved and bailed to the floor. Awkward sequence, but they recovered with Michaels scaring Jericho away. Batista then finished off JBL with a Batistabomb and made the cover for the win. Afterward, Jericho bailed to the stage while Michaels helped Batista up. Batista and Jericho stared back at each other from a distance while they plugged next week's three-hour show to close the show.

WINNER: Batista in 13:00. Fine main event match. Hectic ending that looked sloppy, but the professionals covered for any perceived mistakes and took it home to get the point across for Batista vs. Jericho in the cage next week. Cole had some good points throughout the match to add an extra layer of intrigue to the match. (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #72 on: October 29 2008, 11:51 pm »
ECW on SciFi Results: 10-28-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- EVAN BOURNE & ECW champion MATT HARDY & FINLAY (w/Hornswoggle) vs. MARK HENRY (w/Tony Atlas) & CHAVO GUERRERO & BAM NEELY

Match started with Bourne and Chavo exchanging moves. Bourne took out Chavo with a head scissors that popped the crowd, then he settled into an arm bar before tagging in Finlay. Grisham said he spoke with Rey Mysterio after the Bourne match and Rey told him Bourne is amazing and he took him to the limit. Nice follow-up on the Raw match so far. Bourne tagged back in and tossed Bam to the outside before landing a flip-dive on the floor. Bourne came up holding his right ankle, though. I slowed it down in slow-mo on the DVR and all of his weight came crashing down on his right ankle while Bam tried to break his fall. The babyfaces stood tall in the ring as they cut to break.

Back from break, the heels working on Bourne's left leg. He actually potentially injured his right ankle on the pre-commercial break, but the heels are working the left. Bam, then Henry started working over Bourne's lower body as Bourne screamed out in pain.

Chavo Guerrero flipped into the ring to show-off, then he went to work on Bourne in the corner. Bourne tried to fight back with his right foot, then he finally made a hot tag to Hardy, who cleaned house on Chavo. Hardy then went to the second rope and nailed an elbow smash. He wanted to end it, but Bam became involved. Hardy ducked a Chavo clothesline and nailed the side effect. Bam tried to break up the pin, but Hardy moved and Chavo ate the elbow smash. Henry then entered the scene and gave Hardy the World's Strongest Slam. Hornswoggle became involved to run interference on Henry that popped the crowd, then Finlay smashed Henry with the shillelagh. Atlas then yanked Finlay out of the ring. Hardy was KO'ed, then Chavo took advantage with a top rope frog splash on Henry for the pin and the win. Whew. That was chaotic.

Afterward, Chavo pumped his face as the announcers speculated on whether Chavo is in line for an ECW Title match now. The heels then celebrated on the outside while Chavo pointed at Hardy, who was tended to by the babyfaces, including a grimacing Evan Bourne.

WINNERs: Team Chavo in 10:00. Very hectic, but exciting finish. Looks like we're in line for some Hardy vs. Chavo action. Meanwhile, Evan Bourne could probably use a nice ice bag and a few days of rest after three grueling matches in three days and a potential ankle injury to boot. (**)


Striker: "The heart of the WWE Universe is Tommy Dreamer." Well, that's good to know. Dreamer landed a hard clothesline near the ropes that sent Swagger to the floor, then he followed with a baseball dropkick into the announce table. Back in the ring, Swagger landed a high knee-lift as Dreamer tried to get back into the ring. Swagger sold pain in his chest muscles as they cut to break.

Back from break, Swagger was becoming frustrated with Dreamer's resiliency. He grabbed him by the hair and screamed, "Why won't you give up?!" Dreamer shot back, "Never!" Good moment to break up the monotony of heel mat work. Swagger slapped on a Dragon Sleeper, but Dreamer kicked out. Swagger then pounded on Dreamer with clubbing fists before missing with a springboard Vader's Bomb. Dreamer came back with a swinging neckbreaker for a two count, then a running bulldog. He pumped up the crowd with his extended arms pose before hitting a clothesline from the second rope. Dreamer then wanted the Dreamer DDT, but Swagger countered with a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Dreamer tried to come back with a bridge pin, but Swagger slipped out and countered into his gutwrench powerbomb finisher for the win.

WINNER: Swagger in 9:00. Fine match. They made us forget about Dreamer's terrible win-loss record in ECW and overall lack of quality matches to make Swagger struggling with Dreamer for nine minutes at least acceptable. Swagger struggling a little bit was good for his development on TV. (*3/4)

Last 15 minutes was The DirtSheet with Morrison and The Miz mocking Triple H and HBK.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #73 on: November 01 2008, 09:49 am »
TNA Impact! Results: 10-30-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed to in-ring results only.


At 3:00, Kip tried to get involved, but Christy jumped onto him on the floor. In the ring, ODB gave Velvet a near-atomic wedgie before nailing a modified Rock Bottom for the pin and the win. Let's cut backstage!

WINNERS: ODB & Christy in 4:00. Fine. Just fine. Predictable because Beautiful People can always get their heat back after losing in the ring. (1/2*)

2 -- ERIC YOUNG vs. JAMES STORM (w/Jacqueline and Robert Roode)

Looked like a quick squash with Storm nailing the Eye of the Storm at 2:00, but Young kicked out. Jacqueline, sporting a suit, then tried to run interference for Storm, but Roode accidentally spewed beer in Storm's face. Young, who apparently watched week 2 of CCW, executed a schoolboy for the pin and the win.

Afterward, Storm and Roode tried to beat down Young, but Machineguns stormed the ring to make the save. They cleared Roode and Storm from the ring before checking on Young. Shelley extended his hand and Young took a shake.

WINNER: Young in 3:00. Just a filler, waste-of-a match to continue building up the alliances and trust issues in the Young Guys group. I don't like that name. We need a name for this group. (1/2*)


Lots of rapid fire action in this one to start with, then Sabin took a hot tag and cleaned house. Volador found himself in Sabin's clutches via the fireman's carry, then Shelley hit a double foot smash on Volador setting up Sabin for the Cradle Shock. Sabin made the pin on Volador for the pin. Afterward, Bashir was irate - irate! - at the developments. He threw down his headset, then stormed the ring to chew out Volador. Rhino then snuck into the ring and waited for Bashir to turn around before delivering the Gore for an exclamation mark.

WINNERS: Guns in 4:00. Just not enough time in the ring for this to develop into a meaningful match. Even the post-match was rushed. Too much in too little time. (*)

4 -- KEVIN NASH & Legends champion BOOKER T (w/Sharmell) vs. SAMOA JOE & A.J. STYLES

The match started with Nash and Styles, with Styles trying to use his quickness to chop Nash down. He eventually got a dropkick to the knees, then he knocked Booker off the apron and hit a springboard dropkick onto Nash. Joe then flew through the ropes with a suicide dive elbow smash onto Booker. Joe and Styles stood tall after barely two minutes of action leading to a break.

They returned from break with Joe in control until Nash nailed him with an elbow from behind on the apron. Nash then entered the ring without a tag and started working over Joe. Booker entered next and landed a back thrust kick for a nearfall. The heels worked over Joe for quite some time with some off-spots. Joe just doesn't look right or comfortable in the ring taking a heel beating. Joe then snapped off a powerslam at 11:00 to cut off Booker momentarily. Styles then took a hot tag and the action completely broke down. Joe slapped on the rear naked choke on Nash, but Booker broke it up and dumped Joe to the floor. Booker then walked into the Pele soccer kick and Styles pinned him for the win. The young guys, including the Guns, then showed up ringside and celebrated with Joe and Styles.

WINNERS: Styles & Joe in 13:00. There was just something off about this match. Styles was a breath of fresh air once he was in the match, but the isolation of Joe really didn't represent anything more than tag team filler to build toward the hot tag. It didn't seem like Booker or Nash was over credibly looking for a pin; just going through the motions of isolating Joe. (*1/2)


Abyss has third degree burns and tunnel vision. Let's see how this plays out tonight without Morgan ringside to cool his itchy skin and boils. Morgan has been a real friend to Abyss, West said. Abyss shoved Angle hard to the mat to open things up. He then pounded on Angle with forearm blows and a hard knock-down clothesline. Angle pretended to have enough, so he left the ring. Abyss gave chase and clubbed him with a forearm before rolling him back into the ring. After a quick clothesline back to the outside, Angle decided to take it into the bleachers to run away from Abyss. Here comes the customary Abyss brawling portion of the match. After the break.

They returned from break with Abyss and Angle stumbling down the bleacher steps before Abyss sent Angle crashing into the PPV poster on the base of the wall. Abyss then looked into the crowd chanting his name and he gleefully acknowledged the camera. Abyss took Angle back to ringside and rolled him back into the ring for a chokeslam, but Angle broke free and started to chop down the Abyss tree with a chopblock. Abyss then Abyssed Up blocking a few punches and he nailed a big boot and big splash in the corner. He then nailed the Shock Treatment, but Angle kicked out at two. Abyss then casually walked over to Angle, so Angle nailed the Olympic Slam for a two count.

Both men recovered, then Angle wanted a moonsault, but Abyss grabbed him in the corner for a powerbomb and a two count. Abyss argued with the ref about the count, allowing Angle to slip to the outside and retrieve a chair. Abyss didn't see it, then he walked into a clean chair shot to the head. The ref saw it and called for a DQ.

WINNER: Abyss via DQ in 12:00. Good match, but a mere set-up for the post-match... (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #74 on: November 01 2008, 10:51 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 10-31-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Shore's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1. The Miz and John Morrison defeated Carlito and Primo at 11:03. Morrison and Primo started out. JR said Pat Patterson had asked him to the prom, said he thought JR was one of the Village People. Primo had a couple of quick near falls before tagging in Carlito. Carlito promptly lost control to the heels. Primo came back in to aid his brother and the two cleaned the ring of the heels going into the break…

Back from commercial at the 6:20 mark led to a double-team on The Miz and a two count. Carlito body slammed Morrison and then powered bombed Primo on him. Morrison fought back after kicking out at two and he and Miz worked on Primo. Morrison had like a weird sparkle river in all the crevices of his abs. Carlito got the hot tag at 9:58. Primo and Morrison fought on the outside. Carlito went for a spring board but Morrison knocked his arm off the ropes, causing him to fall. Miz hit his finisher for the win.

Shore’s Slant: Fun match. Pretty good for TV standards. Smackdown has been flat the last two weeks. I hope the good Raw means a great Smackdown. I cannot explain how ridiculous JR looks.

2. The Brian Kendrick w/Ezekiel defeated Jimmy Wang Yang by Disqualification at 2:45. Yang hip tossed TBK who popped up and pushed him like “how dare you.” Yang stomped on his foot. Fun start. Yang had control for about 30 seconds before TBK hit some power moves on Yang. Yang rolled out of a knee drop and then started a high flying offense very much like the old Kendrick. He hit a moonsault and Zeke drug TBK out of the ring causing the DQ. Yang went to jump on Zeke, but he was caught and dropped on the apron. Back in the ring, Zeke hit his finisher followed by The Kendrick…

Shore’s Slant: Not a big fan of The Brian Kendrick not being able to beat Yang clean. Seems to diminish him a little.

3. Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, and Rey Mysteiro defeated Mark Henry, Kane, and MVP at 11:05. Matt and Henry started off. Henry got the better of Matt and then tagged in MVP. JR again mentioned the next win brings a huge payout to MVP. Mysterio got the hot tag and worked on MVP quickly. He went to the corner and the Hardys did a double suplex on MVP and Rey hit a cross body for a cool triple team move. Henry came in and got dropped in the ropes. Mysterio hit the ropes in a 619 tease and Kane grabbed his feet and drug him to ringside…

Back from commercial at the 6:21 mark and MVP had the advantage on Mysterio. Kane came in and manhandled Mysterio. The Henry came in and walked on Mysterio. MVP came back in and worked on Mysterio’s back. Kane came back in and again manhandled Mysterio. Mysterio reversed a move and he and Kane hot tagged Jeff and MVP. Jeff was all over MVP. Kane broke up a two count that led to the faces clearing the ring. Jeff went for a Twist of Fate on MVP but he pushed him off and turned into a Matt Twist of Fate. Jeff hit the Swanton for the win. JR mentioned, again, the MVP still had not earned his bonus…The casket was shown once again and JR plugged the main event.

Shore’s Slant: You know, this match wasn’t too bad for what we saw of it. But I’m having a hard time enjoying it with the MVP burial. What did he say to the dick watcher? I mean, seriously, this is his punishment for giving someone a hard time while drug testing? I mean, he passed the test, right? Isn’t that what is important?

4. Michelle McCool, Maria, and Brie Bella defeated Maryse, Natalya, and Victoria at 3:53. Victoria wrestled in her banana suit. Maryse was in her French maid’s costume. I couldn’t tell you what the rest were after I saw that again. Victoria got a two count on Brie who crawled under the ring. Victoria grabbed her legs and stopped her until a foot or a hand popped out and pushed Victoria off. Brie came back out and threw Victoria back in the ring and hot tagged McCool. McCool worked over Victoria and came off the ropes and Maria blind tagged her. Maria hit a crossbody off the top for the win. Post match, Maria and Brie celebrated while McCool looked confused.

Shore’s Slant: McCool’s heel turn should be next week or the next at the latest. What ever happened to the really good matches we had with McCool and Natalya? That feud just died.

5. The Undertaker defeated Chavo Guerrero in a Casket Match at 7:03. Back from commercial and Show was standing at the top of the ramp watching. Chavo started to run from Taker but ran towards the casket, spun and ran into a big boot. JR reminded us that Vickie said this would be Taker’s last match. Taker had Chavo out of the ring in less than a minute. He dropped Snake Eyes on Chavo on the casket. He put Chavo’s head in the casket and the hit the casket. Show sneaked a little closer and then turned back.

Taker started towards Show but the turned and ran at Chavo. He went for a big boot but Chavo moved, causing Taker to nut shot it on the casket. Chavo hit a few blows and then tried a press onto Taker but was caught and drove into the wall. Chavo got back in the ring and Taker followed. Chavo DDT’s him and called for Show who started that way. Taker sat up and Show retreated. Chavo brought a chair in Taker back body dropped him. Taker went to put Chavo in the casket but Show slammed it shut.

Taker dropped Chavo and stared at Show. Chavo hit him in the leg from behind with the chair. He bounced off the ropes and got choked slammed. Show jumped in the ring and beat down Taker. He ran at Taker who pulled the top rope down and Show flipped out onto the casket. Show reacted like the casket was 250 degrees. Taker did the throat cut gesture.

Taker tombstoned Chavo and then rolled him into the casket and closed the lid for the win. Post match, the lights turned off and Taker celebrated Taker style while Show watched from the ramp…

Backstage, Vickie was shown watching on a monitor. She said, “Title shot? Fine. But you have to do something for me first. Next week, you face the Undertaker. If you beat him, I’ll give you Triple H at Survivor Series.” She turned and looked at Kozlov and he scowled deeply as the show went off…

Shore’s Slant: Yeah! Fun show. The non-wrestling parts were fine, except for the Masked Magician part. The matches were not bad and I felt several storylines move. Very nice job this week. The casket match was predictable once Chavo was announced as the opponent, but it did advance the storyline so I’m OK with it. R-Truth vs Benjamin for the US belt and Kozlov vs Taker. Looks like a good time next week as well.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #75 on: November 04 2008, 11:01 pm »
WWE RAW Results: 11-3-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- JEFF HARDY & ECW champion MATT HARDY vs. THE BRIAN KENDRICK (w/Ezekiel) & MVP

Jeff appears to be channeling the Barbarian with his eye-make up selection tonight. Oh my, they ran the spot where the referee didn't see a hot tag, except it was for the heels. Change of pace. Jeff took advantage by nailing the Swanton Bomb on MVP behind the ref's back as the ref was arguing with Kendrick, then Matt made the easy cover for the pin and the win.

WINNERS: Hardys in 4:00.


Some standard battle royale action started things off, then Manu and Cody DiBiase teamed up to dump Snitsky over the top rope. Suddenly, DiBiase snuck up behind Cody and Manu to dump them over the top rope. Cody and Manu could not believe their tag partner dumped them. Suddenly, Noble and Regal were on the outside. Apparently it was only Noble eliminated. Shad and JTG were left with DiBiase, who dumped JTG over the top rope to the floor. DiBiase then stalked Shad. They had an exchange while Santino said he could beat either one of those chumps. Shad then got hung up to dry on the top rope and DiBiase dumped him to the floor. Regal, who was not eliminated earlier, then snuck up behind DiBiase and dumped him to the outside to pick up the win. Santino remained confident he could take Regal while Regal celebrated with Layla in the ring. They showed a replay of the finish and Santino said Regal a cheated. But he's not scared, even with Raw in the U.K. next week.

WINNER: Regal in 3:00. Well, that was a quick battle royale. They really teased a DiBiase IC Title reign for about three seconds there, but now we'll get the tension between Priceless instead of re-focusing on the tag titles they lost last week. (1/2*)


Koslov with a quick victory via the big boot, belly-to-belly suplex, and giant headbutt to the sternum for the win. Cole plugged Smackdown this Friday where Koslov gets a World Title shot if he beats The Undertaker.

WINNER: Koslov in 1:00. Squash. Not particularly amusing with the line for Koslov about Koslov screwing Koslov. Vince must have been reminiscing this week. (n/a)


We joined the action in progress with Hunter exploding into a clothesline on Morrison out of the corner. Shawn took a tag, then he worked on Miz before nailing a top rope elbow smash. Michaels wanted to end it, but Morrison held him back allowing Miz to nail a clothesline that turned Michaels inside out. Miz, by the way, with a crazy new Mohawk tonight. Miz tried to end it at 4:00 with the Reality Check, but Michaels blocked into a backslide for a nearfall. Miz then hopped up and nailed a clothesline. Morrison tagged in and wanted the rolling neckbreaker, but Michaels escaped and hit a kick to the head before tagging in Hunter. Hunter cleaned house with the traditional combo of moves, then he wanted the Pedigree on Morrison, but Miz broke it up, only to take a spinebuster. In the confusion, Morrison hit a springboard smash on Hunter for a two count when Michaels broke up the pin.

Morrison went back at Hunter and nailed a flying fist before kipping up like Michaels. He then tuned up the band in the corner like Michaels, which drew plenty of boos. Michaels then creamed Hunter with the superkick before tagging in Miz, who slowly entered the ring. Miz and Morrison did crotch chops over Hunter's fallen body before Miz went for the Pedigree. He took forever, so Hunter turned it into a back drop. Michaels then pulled Morrison to the outside. You see this coming. Michaels with the superkick on Miz, then Hunter with the Pedigree for the win.

Afterward, Cole tried to keep Miz and Morrison in the game by saying they gave DX a good fight, but Lawler countered that their egos got the best of them. Hunter and Michaels sold post-match injuries while celebrating. Miz and Morrison regrouped on the floor while DX stood tall in the ring, then Hunter posed over Michaels while they stared down at them.

WINNERS: DX in 8:00. Well, kind of went how you expected. Miz and Morrison with a very basic, no-harm-no-foul attack on Hunter and Michaels on ECW last week because they couldn't go for the jugular, then DX pretty much buries Miz and Morrison on the mic before giving them a slight amount of offense before finishing it off easily. Just the usual Spirit Squad formula here. (**)


WINNERS: Team Beth in 2:00. As expected, this was a very short match. They flew in a whole lot of folks for a whole lot of nothing. (n/a)


Cole dropped the most over-used word of the political campaign, Maverick, in reference to Punk's in-ring style. At least he didn't call him a swashbuckling wrestler. Orton stalked Punk for the RKO at 2:00, but suddenly, Ted DiBiase stormed the ring and tackled Punk for a DQ. DiBiase pounded on Punk while Manu and Cody Rhodes stood on the apron, but Orton stepped into a punt to the head on DiBiase. He didn't get much of DiBiase, but DiBiase sold it as if he were dead. Cody and Manu stepped into the ring as if they were going to try something, but Orton stared them down before leaving the ring. Manu and Cody just stood over DiBiase while referees checked on DiBiase.

WINNER: Punk via DQ in 2:00. Well, that was disappointingly short. (n/a)


At 3:00, Taker and JBL bumped heads in the ring, causing JBL to slip to the outside. JBL started to re-enter the ring, but he saw Taker sit up in the ring. JBL then decided he would take a powder for a count-out loss. He smiled it up and pointed to his head, but unfortunately for him, Shawn Michaels didn't break much of a sweat tonight. Michaels ran to ringside and threw JBL back into the ring where Taker finished him off with a Tombstone Piledriver.

WINNER: Taker via DQ in 4:00. That was a match designed for Taker to get an appearance in on Raw, but for a Taker who is about to embark on another grueling international tour with a banged up body. Looks like HBK vs. JBL at Survivor Series. (*)


Kofi looked pretty good here, but then he went to the well once too often in the high-risk department, allowing Henry to catch him in mid-air. Rey tried to dropkick Kofi on top of Henry, but Henry stood firm and Kane clotheslined Rey. Henry then delivered the World's Strongest Slam on Kofi for the pin and the win in 2:00. Afterward, Kane flung Rey through the ropes. Great Khali's music hit, then Khali came out to silence. Crowd isn't aware of the babyface push. He then chopped Kane, stepped into the ring, and then chopped Henry down to size to set up the 619 for Rey, who had no idea what to make of this. Rey hit the 619 anyways, then Khali chopped Henry down to the mat one more time. Rey and Khali shared a moment, if you can call it that.

WINNERS: Henry & Kane in 2:00. Another short match, then Khali's babyface push was brought to Raw. Just fine. (1/2*)

9 -- World Hvt. champion BATISTA vs. CHRIS JERICHO -- Steel Cage match for World Hvt. Title

Jericho tried to escape in the opening seconds, but Batista yanked him off the cage wall to bring him back inside the ring for a beating. Batista continued to dominate by stretching Jericho against the cage wall leading to a break.

Back from break, Jericho had Batista locked in the Walls of Jericho in center cage. Batista refused to give out, though. Jericho then demanded the door be opened. Batista read the strategy and grabbed Jericho's leg before propelling Jericho away and into the cage door. Jericho almost fell out of the cage on accident, which would have given him the World Title, but Batista lunged out and pulled Jericho back inside the cage. Batista fought Jericho near the door, then Jericho slammed the cage door on Batista's left leg to begin his attack. Batista tried to muster an attack with a spear on Jericho, but Jericho moved and Batista ate the cage wall.

Jericho then tried to climb out, but Batista opened the cage door and grabbed Jericho as he climbed down. Batista hugged him, then pulled him back into the ring for a nice spinebuster. Batista wanted the Bomb, but Jericho grabbed the cage wall to avoid and start climbing again. Suddenly, Jericho bounced to the mat and Batista crotched himself on the top rope. Jericho was the first one up, so he started climbing again.

Batista got up, though, and grabbed Jericho for a Batistabomb from the top rope. However, Jericho held onto the cage cable and took a weapon from the corner. He then smashed Batista repeatedly in the forehead to knock him out and draw blood. (Wait, isn't it kid-friendly now?) Batista tried to grab Jericho one more time, but Jericho kicked Batista in the knees and then fell to the ground to win the match and become new champ.

Afterward, Batista slumped to the mat inside the cage in shock. Jericho then collected himself and took possession of the title belt. He grinned slightly, then slowly walked down the entrance ramp. They showed Batista slumped down in the corner, exasperated, with blood trickling down his forehead.

WINNER: Jericho in 15:00 to win the World Hvt. Title. Typical WWE cage match with a lot of teases for wrestlers trying to escape the cage. Quite the surprising finish.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #76 on: November 06 2008, 01:17 am »
ECW on SciFi Results: 11-3-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- ECW champion MATT HARDY vs. BAM NEELY -- non-title match

Thank goodness for Matt Striker making it clear Bam is receiving a non-title shot. And last time we saw Chavo Guerrero, he was put to The Undertaker on Smackdown. They started with some nice mat wrestling. Was Knobs consulted? Bam then smashed Hardy in the back before starting his attack on the lower region. It's obvious Bam is a grunter in the weight room, making sure everyone knows he gave full effort maxing out on the bench press. Striker with a Jake "the Milkman" Milliman reference in reference to Bam being from Robbinsdale, Minn. even though Jake is from Milwaukee. But an old AWA name. Match picked up at 5:00 when Bam tossed Hardy off the top rope and scored a close two count with a light cover. Suddenly, Hardy snapped off the Twist of Fate on Bam, who was becoming frustrated. Hardy then made the decisive cover for the win.

WINNER: Hardy in 6:00. Nice match. Bam looked solid and Hardy gave him enough offense to remain credible while also putting in a strong effort to look like a credible champion himself. (*1/2)


Before the bell, Ricky wanted a handshake, but Davis looked at him like he was mad. Striker said Davis is no slouch, as he was trained by Dory Funk, Jr. Grisham and Striker exchanged some banter about WrestleMania 25, with Striker being assured he'll be at the show as long as he's not fired between now and then. Harsh from Grisham. Ortiz wanted the Big O and nailed his running splash in center ring for the win. He remains unbeaten.

WINNER: Ortiz in 2:00. Eh. I suppose it's fine to rebuild him via the squash match formula after not being on TV for a few weeks. (n/a)

3 -- MARK HENRY (w/Tony Atlas) vs. FINLAY (w/Hornswoggle) -- #1 Contender match to ECW Title

Nice feeling-out process to start things off. Henry then smashed Finlay with a headbutt and Finlay came up with a cut around his right cheek. Ouch. Finlay paced around the ring to recover, then Henry shoved him into the corner to land some forearm blows. Henry shoved him down, then stalked Finlay to land a knee to the jaw. Henry in control going to break.

Back from break, Henry continued to just straight dominate Finlay, who remained on the defensive. Henry finally lost control when he missed with a splash and Finlay capitalized by going to town on Henry's left leg and knee. Finlay sold a wrist injury, but he kept attacking Henry to keep him on the ground. Henry finally regained his footing and disposed of Finlay to the floor. Finlay then managed to take out Tony Atlas on the floor before things broke down when Hornswoggle ran interference to give Finlay a nearfall. Horny decided to stick around in the ring, then Henry spotted him and gave chase on the floor. Finlay tried to take advantage, but Henry rammed Finlay hard into the ringpost.

Henry then flung Hornswoggle into the ring and wanted a big splash on both, but both moved out of the way. The ref tried to get Horny out of the ring, and in the interim, Finlay smashed Henry with the shillelagh square in the head. Finlay discarded the evidence, then he covered Henry for the pin and the win. Hardy vs. Finlay next week for the belt. And now Finlay and Horny dance. End show.

WINNER: Finlay in 13:00 to become #1 contender. A fine match. They stretched out about seven minutes worth of content over a 13-14 minute span and told a good story in the ring. The usual run of interference from Hornswoggle has become common place, so it would be nice if they go the extra mile next week of having Hardy acknowledge that issue - to show that he actually pays attention to the broadcast - in order to have a clean title match against Finlay. It would be a nice nod to the viewers from the people writing ECW that they don't think viewers are completely oblivious or ignorant to the obvious interference in every Finlay match. (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #77 on: November 09 2008, 11:06 am »
TNA Impact! Results: 11-6-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- MOTOR CITY MACHINEGUNS (ALEX SHELLEY & CHRIS SABIN) & CHRISTIAN CAGE vs. Legends champion BOOKER T (w/Sharmell) & TNA tag team champions BEER MONEY, INC. (ROBERT ROODE & JAMES STORM w/Miss Jacqueline)

We have previews of two Turning Point PPVs matches on Sunday with the Guns challenging Beer Money for the tag titles on Sunday. Christian took a hot tag at 3:00 and landed double reverse DDTs on Beer Money. Booker was then knocked off the apron before Christian went up top, only to have Roode knock him off the top. Booker then accepted a hot tag, but he missed with an axe kick and Christian yanked him down to the mat. Christian then went up top and nailed the frog splash, only to have it broken up by Beer Money. Guns then entered the fray and the deal broke down, of course. Shelley and Sabin with some high-risk double-teaming, then Jackie ran ref distraction in the ring while Christian had Booker pinned. Sharmell then tossed Booker the belt and he kinda um...brushed him with the belt. Christian played dead, then Booker made the cover for the win.

WINNERS: Team Booker in 5:00. Five-star match! Geez, what a ridiculously over-booked deal that's so over-played and completely eye-rolling, not heat-inducing to make you want to order a PPV on Sunday to see the "heels" get their comeuppance. Lazy booking. (*)


3D nailed the diving headbutt to Hernandez's crotch early on, then Morgan entered the scene and dropped Devon with a sidewalk slam. Okay, it's been two minutes. That's enough action for now, so let's get a break.

Back from break, Hernandez shoved Morgan off a ladder in center ring to the floor. Hernandez then wanted a big dive on the floor, but he only caught a ladder that was on the floor. The big white janitor Abyss then stepped inside the ring and gave Homicide the Shock Treatment. Ray had enough and gave Abyss a side slam before splashing the ref to KO him. Tanahashi then took down Ray before landing forearm smashes on Devon into a spinning neck slam. He took too long on a frogsplash, though, and 3D no-sold into nailing a 3D in center ring. Suddenly, Beer Money stormed the ring and low-blowed Team 3D to take them out. Abyss then started climbing the ladder , and he reached out to grab the contract. The bell sounded although the ref was still out cold. Dave Penzer announced the victory anyways, then Morgan and Abyss had an awkward celebration.

WINNERS: Morgan & Abyss in 9:00. Just what you would expect with a ref bump, outside interference, and the ring announcer counting the decision. (*)


Kong worked over Roxxi a minute into the match, then she had a good stare down with Khan. They kept that moment for a while, and Rhaka is so much more in control of character. It's refreshing, as there was just too much happening to be memorable. Khan then took a hot tag and she had a big stare down with Kong in center ring. They shared a moment, then Khan suddenly grabbed Taylor and slammed her. Kong and Khan shared a smile, then Kong finished off Taylor with the implant buster for the easy pin and the win. Khan and Kong then stood tall together in the ring with Raisha. Oh, the Twin Towers.

WINNERS: Kong & Raisha in 3:00. I like where this is going. It sets up a Knockouts version of the heels aligning against the smaller-in-stature babyfaces, who will hopefully rally with Taylor and someone else. ODB lacks credibility, Roxxi isn't a threat, and Gail Kim is gone. (1/2*)


Angle, then Nash, then Sting toyed around with Jay Lethal to start things off. Lethal finally escaped against Sting to tag in Young, who cleared Nash off the apron into a powerslam on Sting. Young dropkicked Nash through the ropes before Angle made a blind tag to allow him to attack Young from behind and slap on the anklelock. Young fought for the ropes, then flipped Angle onto his belly to escape. Creed slipped in at 3:00 and cleaned house. Creed wanted a superkick on Angle, but Angle countered into an easy Olympic Slam for the pin and the win.

WINNERS: Team Angle in 4:00. Just a chance to show the Mafia at the top of its game heading into Sunday and the Young Lions not even being close to being in the same category. DX gave Miz & Morrison more on Monday night than how this one went. (*)


Joe came out second and immediately charged Steiner in the ring. Joe knocked Steiner off his feet, then smashed him in the corner with a stun kick. Steiner slumped down, then Joe bent him over and landed a roundhouse kick before the big running knee drop for a two count. Joe landed a slap to the back before applying a rear choke. Steiner then pulled ref Hebner into the hold so he could land a mule kick with Hebner not in position to see it. It was pretty entertaining listening to Hulk Hogan's in-ring commentary from Week 3 of CCW talking through the heel-cheating portion of a wrestling match. Steiner went on the offensive and nailed the Steinerline before doing some push-ups. Let's grab a break.

They returned with Steiner lighting up Joe's chest with chops. Of note, Steiner is retaining his tank top to cover his chest. Joe came back with a big boot to the mush before landing the running sentaun splash for a two count. Joe then blocked a Steinerline and landed a nice t-bone suplex before pausing to get the crowd involved. Kevin Nash then tried to sneak down to ringside for a closer look at the action. He hopped up on the apron to distract Joe, allowing Steiner to attack him from behind. Suddenly, Joe flew through the ropes with a suicide dive on Nash. He pummeled Nash while Steinr wrapped brass knucks around his fists back in the ring. Joe then casually rolled back into the ring and Steiner KO'ed him with the knucks. Steiner tucked the knucks back inside his trunks before making the cover on Joe for the win with Joe looking up at the lights.

WINNER: Steiner in 8:00. Young Lions lose yet another match, but it's obvious where this is going. In the context of the storyline, they're going to keep losing until they figure out how to keep their cool, avoid the easy distractions that Nash was trying to teach Joe for ten months when they were together, and get that killer instinct to aim for wins, not big highspots. Steiner was a step slow in his first match back, but it was still a good main event cap to sell the PPV. (*3/4)

Post-match: Nash pummeled Joe with right hands before A.J. Styles stormed the ring with chair in hand to clear Nash from the ring. Main Event Mafia then walked out on stage with Angle clapping it up for Nash and Steiner. Styles and Joe tried to regroup in the ring while Sting pointed his baseball bat at Styles.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #78 on: November 09 2008, 11:14 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 11-7-08

Results courtesy of (direct link to Twilling's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1. Shelton Benjamin defeated R-Truth to retain the United States Championship in 4:05. Truth came out utilizing his quickness but Shelton took the advantage after hitting a gut buster. Truth scored a nearfall after two closelines and a jumping thrust kick. Truth hit a somersault plancha onto Benjamin on the floor.

He threw Benjamin back into the ring and hit a missile dropkick for a long two count. With Truth favoring his ribs, Shelton suplexed him across the top rope. He followed up with Paydirt for the win...

Twill’s Two Cents: Decent four minute match but the first match between these two at Cyber Sunday put a big wrench into what was a good feud. Not sure how they move forward from here.

2. Ezekiel Jackson (with The Brian Kendrick) defeated Jimmy Wang Yang in 1:04. Hurricane Helms popped up and said Michael Phelps called. He wanted his tights back from Jackson. Jackson squashed Yang quickly...

After the match, Kendrick celebrated before hitting The Kendrick. Kendrick danced around like he was well, you know...

Twill’s Two Cents: Not much to say here. It was what it was.

3. The Miz and John Morrison defeated Triple H and Jeff Hardy by disqualification in 10:27. Morrison bedazzled his abs even more than normal. Sad that I noticed that. Morrison did a Rick Rude like gyration at Triple H who simply laughed it off. Hardy hit a somersault plancha on both of his opponents. With Miz and Morrison recuperating on the floor, the show went to commercial...

Morrison distracted Hardy, which allowed Miz to work on the ribs and lower lumbar region of Hardy. They continued the onslaught with double team moves. Hardy made a comeback and hit the Whisper in the Wind on Miz for a two count. Miz and Morrison double teamed Hardy. Triple H entered illegally and was thrown out of the ring by the referee.

Hardy cleared the ring with a chair and the referee called for the bell. Just in case you didn’t know Triple H was the biggest star on the show, he gave Miz a Pedigree for good measure after the match. Hardy left with a disgusted look on his face as Triple H celebrated in the ring...

Twill’s Two Cents: Well, at least they seem to have a storyline in place for Hardy as opposed to just have him continuously losing matches. By the way, The Twilling is reporting from a new location tonight. I am using The Meghan’s computer and honestly, I’m still getting used to it. No where else I would rather be though. For those of you that have asked, yes, I am still working on getting her on a future episode of DNW.

4. The Great Khali (with Ranjin Singh) defeated MVP in 2:23. MVP tried to work on Khali’s legs but was quickly squashed. Hurricane Helms popped up again and said MVP was “that close.”...

Twill’s Two Cents: MVP has nowhere to go but up. Wait a minute here; MVP has to pay back his signing bonus if he doesn’t win another match? Who in the hell negotiated that contract? He needs a new agent, stat.

5. Brie Bella defeated Victoria (with Natalya) in 2:27. Victoria scored a nearfall and tried a standing moonsault. Brie put her knees up. She followed up with a monkey flip. Brie won the match with a small package...

After the match, Brie went under the ring and in a funny spot, Victoria had one head and Natalya had one set of legs on opposite sides of the ring. Brie and her twin sister finally exposed themselves. They hit simultaneous face busters in the ring...

Twill’s Two Cents: Glad to see they finally pulled the trigger here. Could you imagine Jerry Lawler calling this match?

6. Vladimir Kozlov defeated The Undertaker by disqualification in 6:37. The pace was slow and plodding early on as both men were feeling each other out. Taker closelined Kozlov to the floor and followed him out. He hit the apron leg drop. Taker scored a nearfall after hitting a huge closeline.

Kozlov countered with a belly to belly suplex. He followed up with a series of rights and lefts to the midsection of Taker. Both men exchanged punches for a couple of minutes. Taker locked in the Devil’s Triangle but Kozlov reached the ropes. Jeff Hardy hit the ring and hit Kozlov with a chair, prompting the referee to call for the bell.

Hardy also hit Taker with the chair. Taker sat up and chased Hardy off. Taker reentered the ring and chokeslammed Kozlov. Backstage, Hardy told Vickie he would take out The Undertaker if she made an extreme rules match. Vickie agreed and booked the match for next week...

Twill’s Two Cents: Interesting finish and I am very intrigued with where they are going with Hardy. I was impressed with the show tonight.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #79 on: November 10 2008, 02:13 pm »
TNA Turning Point PPV Results: 11-9-08

Real-time results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's ongoing results). To avoid pop-ups and view in-ring results, go to Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread Post #8359 and posts thereafter.

WINNER: Eric Young in 18:00. Good credibility boost for Young to continue rebuilding him. A little heavy on the highspots in a typical X Division match, but not over-done as is the case in X Division Gauntlet match type deals. Good opener. (**1/2)
Order of elimination:
10. Sonjay Dutt
9. Volador
8. Jimmy Rave
7. Homicide
6. Consequences Creed
5. Petey Williams
4. Tanahashi
3. Doug Williams
2. Jay Lethal

2 -- Knockouts champion AWESOME KONG & RAISHA SAEED (w/Rhaka Khan) vs. TAYLOR WILDE & ROXXI
WINNERS: Roxxi & Taylor in 9:00. An expected finish to give Taylor the win without giving Kong a loss. Not much memorable here. (*1/4)

3 -- X Division champion SHEIK ABDUL BASHIR vs. RHINO -- non-title match
WINNER: Rhino in 8:00. Bashir had enough offense to remain credible, but as the key representative of the X Division, it didn't look good for one of the "Young Lions," even if he's a heel not associated with Joe and Styles, to lose decisively to a mid-card act like Rhino. (*3/4)

WINNERS: Beer Money in 17:00. Sloppy isn't the right word, but it just wasn't a very good tag match. Just a lot of spots without any flow or continuity. Throw in a good ole fashioned TNA eye-rolling finish that we've seen over and over and over and over and over and over and over again ad nausea, and this wasn't laid out well ahead of time at all. Machineguns are better than what was shown in the ring tonight. (*)

5 -- Legends champion BOOKER T (w/Sharmell) vs. CHRISTIAN CAGE -- Legends Title match or Christian joins Mafia if he loses
WINNER: Booker in 12:00 to retain the Legends Title. Just the same Christian vs. Booker match we've seen before. Christian in the Mafia is quite intriguing, fortunately, otherwise this would have been completely forgettable. (*3/4)

6 -- ABYSS vs. KURT ANGLE -- Falls Count Anywhere match
WINNER: Angle in 17:00. I'm not a fan of the stunt bump matches, but that was a heck of a match. It was unique on this PPV, told a good story, had limited risk, and both men came away elevated. We know Angle is a big-game player, and he reinforced it. We know Abyss is capable of a good story once in a while, and he really stepped up tonight. (****)

WINNER: Nash in 12:00. Another win for the Mafia. Good drama here with a big game veteran vs. a big game "Young Lion" in a compelling match-up. Joe losing should be treated as a huge deal with proper follow-up to move Joe up to the next level. If he's losing, it needs to mean something for his overall growth. (***)

8 -- TNA World Hvt. champion STING vs. A.J. STYLES -- TNA World Title match
WINNER: Sting in 16:00 to retain the TNA World Title. Okay main event. Middle of the road with some moments, and carried by a sense of drama being in the main event position. The drama could have been heightened if TNA had played up the easy angle of this being an epic Styles vs. Sting dream match. (***)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!