Mononokehime was the first anime I had ever bought on VHS (back before I owned a DVD player) without seeing it on television beforehand, and while I've only seen the dub version (which I thought was pretty good, although I heard some minor changes to the plot were made), I thought it was a very good movie. Even though it's not my all-time fav Miyazaki film, it isn't my least favorite, either. It's somewhere in the middle on my list of fav Miyazaki films. Anyway, I remember the first time I saw this movie I was really freaked out by all the violence because it was my first time watching a violent anime and I didn't know it was going to be so violent. I'm kind of used to it now, but it still makes me cringe whenever they cut off somebody's bodyparts (although oddly enough, bloodshed doesn't bother me at all no matter how much of it there is). The only thing I didn't like about this movie was that it starts off kind of slow, but it gets more interesting about half-way through, and I also like how none of the characters were good or evil, and the animation as well as the music was very good, too. I still have to see the subbed version one of these days, but at least the dub is pretty good.