AuthorTopic: Fai - Character Discussion  (Read 174205 times)

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Re: Fai - Tortured Soul
« Reply #120 on: October 17 2005, 02:28 pm »
Maybe the Ashura you've read about was about the cute reincarnation of Ashura... *is confused* I've only read the first two volumes, and I don't know much about the older Ashura-ou, but the little Ashura was all goodness...
Wait, do you mean Ashura-Ou as in Ashura's father in RG Veda? Or do you mean the Ashura that's the main character?
Little Ashura was all goodness? So then Ashura *is* good in RG Veda? Because before Yuki's comment about Ashura being a man-whore, I'd only ever heard good things about Ashura in RG Veda.
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Re: Fai - Tortured Soul
« Reply #121 on: October 17 2005, 02:37 pm »
Wait, do you mean Ashura-Ou as in Ashura's father in RG Veda? Or do you mean the Ashura that's the main character?
Little Ashura was all goodness? So then Ashura *is* good in RG Veda? Because before Yuki's comment about Ashura being a man-whore, I'd only ever heard good things about Ashura in RG Veda.

Ashura-ou is Ashura's father? Err... either way, yeah, I meant the adult Ashura. ^_^;

Little Ashura has been goodness... so far at least. And I've only read up to the second volume. >_< Yuki-chan's probably gotten farther than me in RG Veda. I think when she was saying that he was a manwhore, she was referring to the adult Ashura, not the little one; the little one is most likely the one that you've heard good things about.

I think I need to read more of the series to find out! :haha:

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Re: Fai - Tortured Soul
« Reply #122 on: October 17 2005, 10:28 pm »
Ashura-ou is Ashura's father? Err... either way, yeah, I meant the adult Ashura. ^_^;

Little Ashura has been goodness... so far at least. And I've only read up to the second volume. >_< Yuki-chan's probably gotten farther than me in RG Veda. I think when she was saying that he was a manwhore, she was referring to the adult Ashura, not the little one; the little one is most likely the one that you've heard good things about.

I think I need to read more of the series to find out! :haha:
From what I remember, Ashura's father is RG Veda was also called Ashura, and was a god-king, so he was called Ashura-Ou, also. That's what I meant. Though I think Ashura's father Ashura-Ou is dead pretty early on in the manga. I need to read it, too.

So, now the question goes back to you, Yuki. Have you read more of RG Veda? Does Ashura become a man-whore/****? Is he a manipulative bastard?
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #123 on: October 18 2005, 04:02 am »
Since this is more just about Ashura and not Fai,
we should move this discussion about Ashura to his actual thread:

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #124 on: October 18 2005, 08:17 pm »
i suppose i should post my theory about Fai? Well, i'm sure it's been used already but...

I'm guessing that Ashura and Fai did have a relationship. (aka lovers) And that Ashura really was a good king.
However, remember how feathers can travel through time too? I think Ashura found a feather, which slowly started to turn him evil. Hence, he started killing off random civilians who he found suspicious. Perhaps he became a bit paranoid, that someone would take the feather away from him again.
Ofcourse, the people from Ceres would not stand for that. They started a revolution. Now, let us go back to the chapter where we first see Fai. Ceres country is destroyed and littered with bodies. Obviously, Ashura found out about the revolution and attacked all those people before they even reached the castle.
Now, Ashura's feelings for Fai were buried deep in his heart. Meaning that Ashura still trusted him, and never thought of killing him. Fai however, felt he had to take action (even though most of the people were already dead. Perhaps even all of them) but did not want to kill Ashura either. Hence, he decided to seal Ashura in that coffin, and let Chii keep watch over him. He left the world of Ceres because he was scared that if Ashura were to wake up, he would kill him too. (Only logical aint it? You seal a murderous king in a pond, that's like running around in a pen of bulls wearing nothing but red underwear.)
Fai ofcourse, didn't know about the feather. Ashura kept the damn thing to himself. Probably hid it somewhere.

So... that's my theory. I based an entire fanfic on that... ^^'

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #125 on: October 19 2005, 12:46 am »
Meowzy, thanks to you, now I'll have the image of Fai running around in red underwear stuck with me all day. XD

If there was a war on Celes I have a feeling Fai was not completely innocent. There's something in his expression that just screams 'guilty conscience', and I don't know if its just because he sealed Ashura. I think Fai might even have figured out that Ashura had a feather, but he's not saying anything yet because he doesn't want to go back. That's part of my theories. ^^;

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #126 on: October 19 2005, 12:51 am »
Heheheheh... red underwear...

Guilty consciense eh? hmm...
"Really Ashura? You found some strange item that enhances your magical abilities? That sounds nice. You should totally use it without restraint."

or maybe...
"Help! the people are revolting! Ashura, you must stop them!"
*kaboom* *eathquake* *death/murder*
"Not like that!" O_O

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #127 on: October 19 2005, 02:25 pm »
I, too think that Fai is not entirely innocent. I think that Ashura started to turn evil at some point. Fai knew in his heart that Ashura was abusing his power, but because he loved Ashura he went along with Ashura's methods and goals, even using his magic powers to help, until it came to the point that Fai could no longer blind himself to the evil Ashura was committing. (I like to think that Chi had something to do with his realization.) Once Fai could no longer fool himself and could not live with what Ashura was doing, he was forced to rebel. Now he has to deal with the guilt of what he himself did for Ashura and for betraying his country by allowing Ashura to abuse his power, and probably some guilt for betraying Ashura since he did love Ashura and Ashura was his king. Guilt's irrational like that.

I'd never though about Ashura having a feather.... Interesting thought. And what with all the time traveling stuff that was thrown in the Shurano/Sharano storyline, it's entirely possible. But I disagree about the feather turning Ashura evil... The feathers don't turn anyone evil; they never have. When people have abused the power of the feathers, it's because the power of the feather gave them the ability to indulge their selfish, power-hungry side. It has never been because the feathers created that selfish side of a person.
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #128 on: October 20 2005, 12:27 am »
****But I disagree about the feather turning Ashura evil... The feathers don't turn anyone evil; they never have. When people have abused the power of the feathers, it's because the power of the feather gave them the ability to indulge their selfish, power-hungry side. It has never been because the feathers created that selfish side of a person.****

     You're probably right, LadyUltima-san...  :hello2: when a person gained something powerful, they become corrupt & evil (umm. is that the right word?). Just like the presidents in our country...(Damn! I shoudn't say such things to my country... gomenasai! :sweatdrop: :heh: ) Maybe, Ashura-ou has just been carried away by the feather's power and became evil. The feather can't make a person evil because the feather is still from sakura and we all know that sakura has a very pure heart which means, the feather is also pure. It's just tainted by someone who has an evil will.

    As for the character discussion, When I first saw TRC in the net I already liked the big-kitty... I don't know why but there's something in him that makes me like him... Maybe it's his mysterious past and his mask... I like those kind of characters and once again I don't know why... Maybe because I can relate myself to them... Also, I like the way Fai-san controls his emotions... ummm.. being cold and have the guts to smile in a dangerous situation...

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #129 on: November 02 2005, 10:23 am »
I LOVE FYE, i love his smile and, as -=kuro_woof= , i like the way he can control his emotions. i love all about him. :inlove:

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #130 on: November 02 2005, 10:55 am »

I have  been reading the differents theories about Fye that you guys have here.  There are some interesting ones.

Someone said something about Fye having a 'guilty conscience'.  I have to agree with that, is just his expression when someody try to talk with him about his past.  He had really big isues back in ceres.

But whatever it is I just love the character of Fye, he is so mysterious and a nice person.  And I like the way he knows everything but just act like a foul.

Well that is my opinion.  BYE

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #131 on: November 26 2005, 05:02 am »
What age do you think Fye is? I know that Kuro-chin's age is estimated at around 20, but Fye acts so much more older at times, and like a child the rest of the time. But I can't imagine him to be just 19/20. Your opinions?

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #132 on: November 26 2005, 05:12 am »
What age do you think Fye is? I know that Kuro-chin's age is estimated at around 20, but Fye acts so much more older at times, and like a child the rest of the time. But I can't imagine him to be just 19/20. Your opinions?

Hmmm... I've talked about this with a couple people now. I don't believe Kuro is that
young. I mean really, there are times in the anime that the man looks 40 years old. Weird.
And Clamp is screwy with ages.

I think Kuro is at least 28. And I've always just been certain that Fai
is a little older than Kuro. Maybe a year and a half, or maybe just six months older.
Well, because Fai's birthday is January 1st and Kuro's is July 1st. Exactly six months apart.
Okay, yeah, I made that up. XD  But it just fits... Fai would be winter, Kuro would be summer. And I have a whole script made up for when Fai finds out he's older. XD

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #133 on: November 26 2005, 05:52 am »
28? Makes sense, but it's still almost too mature an age for Kuro. But I agree, Fye is definitely older by a year or so.
Y'think? I've always pictured Kuro as more of an autumn person, October at the latest. After all, reds become him!
*shoots self*
« Last Edit: November 26 2005, 06:38 am by Quimmy »

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #134 on: November 26 2005, 06:09 am »
28? Makes sense, but it's still almost too mature an age for Kuro. But I agree, Fye is definitely older but a year or so.
Y'think? I've always pictured Kuro as more of an autumn person, October at the latest. After all, reds become him!
*shoots self*

28 really isn't that mature though, lol!
I still like the winter/summer thing, but yeah, I totally agree Kuro looks nice in red, but
he also looks nice out under the hot sun wearing nothing but... ^__^
Fai just seems winter to me because of his coloring and such, and I wanted to keep them
at opposites, since that is what's pulled them together, yin and yang.

*Now is picturing Fai and Kuro wrestling around in the autumn leaves* XD
Arigatou for this image, Quimmy!

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #135 on: November 26 2005, 06:44 am »
28 is still a long way away for me, so a kiddo like me thinks it's old!
Ah, here's an image for you! Fye, a bottle of sun-lotion and a grumpy, sun-burned Kurogane.

Fye is most definitely a January. But Celes is up North, isn't it? So it'd be Winter all the time. Never mind!

You're very welcome! :D

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #136 on: November 26 2005, 07:29 am »
28 is still a long way away for me, so a kiddo like me thinks it's old!
Ah, here's an image for you! Fye, a bottle of sun-lotion and a grumpy, sun-burned Kurogane.

Fye is most definitely a January. But Celes is up North, isn't it? So it'd be Winter all the time. Never mind!

You're very welcome! :D

THANK YOU for that image, Quimmy!! Omg... sun-burned Kurogane... He and Fai went to tan on the beach but he got sunburned and Fai was just fine! X3 *melts into a puddle on the floor*

But yeah... I have a feeling that Fai's older than Kuro too. ^^
("Nani?! The puddle is speaking!!")

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #137 on: January 25 2006, 08:06 pm »
Heh, I thought I'd revive this topic. Now that everyone who is up to date with the manga knows about Kurogane's past, we can speculate about Fai a bit more.

I was thinking about a whole lot of stuff lately. Like, who gave Fai his tatoo? Why does he have it? Why did he create Chii? And does Fei wong Reed have a hand in this?
I clicked it all together a bit, and came up with one theory.
Fai had a sister. A sister who would've/could've been Freya or Elda. However, she got killed. (Fei wong Reed perhaps?) Fai snapped and his magic shot out of control. Lots of stuff was destroyed/killed. He could've subconciously created Chii to replace his sister. Kinda like with Minoru and Yuzuki from Chobits. Ashura, however, was able to stop major carnage by giving Fai that tattoo, to control the magic. (As Yuuko said, his magic does not come from his tattoo, but Fai swore not to use magic without it.)
However, one thing still doesn't quite fit. If Fai swore not to use magic without his tattoo, then who sealed Ashura? Surely, that would need magic too. Did Ashura seal himself, perhaps? I doubt it. If Ashura did seal himself, Fai wouldn't be so worried about him waking up and coming after him.
Did Fai perhaps make a deal with someone (Again, I refer to Fei wong Reed) to put Ashura to sleep, so he could flee?

Well, that's pretty much all I got right now. This time, a theory that has nothing whatsoever to do with a feather, or Ashura being a crazy dictator.  :haha:

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #138 on: January 26 2006, 03:14 pm »
Heh, I thought I'd revive this topic. Now that everyone who is up to date with the manga knows about Kurogane's past, we can speculate about Fai a bit more.

I was thinking about a whole lot of stuff lately. Like, who gave Fai his tatoo? Why does he have it? Why did he create Chii? And does Fei wong Reed have a hand in this?
I clicked it all together a bit, and came up with one theory.
Fai had a sister. A sister who would've/could've been Freya or Elda. However, she got killed. (Fei wong Reed perhaps?) Fai snapped and his magic shot out of control. Lots of stuff was destroyed/killed. He could've subconciously created Chii to replace his sister. Kinda like with Minoru and Yuzuki from Chobits. Ashura, however, was able to stop major carnage by giving Fai that tattoo, to control the magic. (As Yuuko said, his magic does not come from his tattoo, but Fai swore not to use magic without it.)
However, one thing still doesn't quite fit. If Fai swore not to use magic without his tattoo, then who sealed Ashura? Surely, that would need magic too. Did Ashura seal himself, perhaps? I doubt it. If Ashura did seal himself, Fai wouldn't be so worried about him waking up and coming after him.
Did Fai perhaps make a deal with someone (Again, I refer to Fei wong Reed) to put Ashura to sleep, so he could flee?

Well, that's pretty much all I got right now. This time, a theory that has nothing whatsoever to do with a feather, or Ashura being a crazy dictator. :haha:

Whoa! That sister thing would've been pretty awesome, but it'd be a little late for CLAMP to all of a sudden say he had a sister considering he's never mentioned her... Then again, he's never mentioned Chii, either... -_- How stupid is that? It's really getting old.. Did he forget she existed or something?

And about the Ashura thing, he sealed Ashura away before he had his tattoo removed (LOL that sounds funny...) remember? So using magic wouldn't have been a problem. But, if you mean he may require magic to keep the seal strong, then you're right, and I dunno...
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #139 on: January 26 2006, 04:06 pm »
Fai has already created the seal, so he probably doesn't have to use magic to keep the seal strong. Then again, the Clow Cards had to constantly feed off of Sakura, didn't they? Either way, the seal probably doesn't have to consciously be kept up. And Chii is probably helping keeping it strong, too. And it is really getting tired that we keep getting small little hints and comments about Fai's past, but we have almost no real solid information about any of it. Grr. I guess we just have to keep repeating the Clamp Fan's Mantra: Clamp is evil, Clamp is God, to Clamp we swear our undying loyalty and immortal soul.
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