AuthorTopic: Fai - Character Discussion  (Read 174059 times)

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #560 on: September 03 2006, 10:48 am »
yeah,it's very hard to guess how old is Fai,because the contrast with his personnality is fooling us  :surprised::
even if he has got more than hundred years old,he is far from behaving like a "old wise",on the contrary he is acting like a child,always teasing,playing,smiling like a innoccent kid who has just started to discover the outside world  :keke:
...but however in the same time he seems to be fed up of life,totally depressed and unwilling to take care of himself,like if he was letting himself slowly dying  :( the reason could be because he has already lived since a long time and that he couldn't bear anymore to drag his past burden  :sweatdrop:

maybe that Fai's "true life" has begun when he has left his world and that he started travelling with Kurogane,Shaolan,and Sakura,because it was at this very moment that he has found the real signification of his life   :wink:

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #561 on: September 03 2006, 03:03 pm »
Well considering who Fai is, and what his past is/was or whatever the heck it was, messed him up, and he's only acting the way he thinks others act, ei children...., I'm sure its some sort of disorder.

Hey, just listen a song and made me think of Fai,

James Blunt "Out of my mind" I think it fits him, considering the latest chapters

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #562 on: September 04 2006, 02:23 am »
the oldest in the group would be mokona :)

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #563 on: September 14 2006, 12:43 am »
I'd guess Fai was also in a three digit age, but a low one. People(cultures) perhaps mature differently when they live longer. however, I certainly don't think he acts his age, even if he is in his 20s.
Of course, ACT, is the key word here. He certainly has scars/disorders/complexes though, and that can make him seem both younger and older, depending on whihc one you focus on.
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #564 on: September 15 2006, 02:39 am »
She mentioned his lifespan, not that he was already 100 years old or taht he was old, for taht matter.
He could live up to 200 and still look young, I suppose, but she didn't say "Fye is the oldest of the group"

The fact that Fai has an unnaturally long lifespan was mentioned, but nothing was said about Fai's actual age, or that he was the oldest member of the group. Leastways, before the apparent confusion between the two possible interpretations of one of Yuuko's lines (I've seen it translated as both "Kurogane, your life is longer now too" and "[Fai] has already lived quite a bit longer than you, Kurogane.") it's difficult to say. However, just because he HAS a long lifespan doesn't automatically make him around 100.

If you read this translation: ( wich I think is very reliable since the translator is half japanese, you will see that Yuuko actually said: “In fact, Kurogane. He has already lived several time more than you.”

So yeah, Fay seems to be several years older than Kurogane… but at the same time, he seems to be a young magician, I mean, Yuuko refers to him as a “child” ... so, if you compare him with a human he could be old, but as a magician he must be very young… I’d say around 50-100 maybe more, but it's difficult to say… :keke:

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #565 on: September 15 2006, 02:50 am »
So yeah, Fay seems to be several years older than Kurogane… but at the same time, he seems to be a young magician, I mean, Yuuko refers to him as a “child” ... so, if you compare him with a human he could be old, but as a magician he must be very young… I’d say around 50-100 maybe more, but it's difficult to say… :keke:

That's what I think as well.  I think compared to his own kind, he's probably young, which is part of the reason why I think he's so scared of Ashura-ou and why he's reluctant to talk about his own past; there have been times when he's simply looked like a scared child, needing comfort.
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #566 on: September 15 2006, 08:35 am »
In Manga 3, Del Res's Ver., pg 109, The Kiishim call's the three fighters "Amusing Chidren."
Fai laughs and says its a nice compliment, While Kuro gets all ticked that she called them children...

Heh? Well, we just have to wait till CLAMP gives us a real Age. Darn.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #567 on: September 17 2006, 09:15 am »
Yes, I saw that too.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #568 on: September 18 2006, 02:55 am »
Somehow, I get the feeling that everyone has thought of this before me... but whatever. I was thinking about something last night: we know that happy attitude is as fake as it gets, but how long has this act been going on? Somehow, it feels a bit strange to assume that something terribly awful happened just minutes before Fai arriving at Yuuko's place that made him put on that mask, but then, the only option left would be that he has been wearing that fake smile for a longer time. Joking away the fact that Terrible Things *dun dun dun dun* were going on in Celes and him being part of them? Maybe  another argument for the "Fai suffers from guilty conscience" side.

Oh, and sorry if this has been discussed before.
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #569 on: September 18 2006, 03:16 am »
Somehow, I get the feeling that everyone has thought of this before me... but whatever. I was thinking about something last night: we know that happy attitude is as fake as it gets, but how long has this act been going on? Somehow, it feels a bit strange to assume that something terribly awful happened just minutes before Fai arriving at Yuuko's place that made him put on that mask, but then, the only option left would be that he has been wearing that fake smile for a longer time. Joking away the fact that Terrible Things *dun dun dun dun* were going on in Celes and him being part of them? Maybe  another argument for the "Fai suffers from guilty conscience" side.

Oh, and sorry if this has been discussed before.

I agree the whole mask thing has been going on for a very long time. It's a huge cliche that royal courts are filled with intrigue and backstabbing, so every courtier must create a mask  to hide their feelings for political reasons. Since Fai was assumedly an important member of Ashura's court he would have learned to hide his feelings in the same way to avoid political trouble, and once Terrible Things *dun dun dun* © started happening, he used the same coping mechanism.
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #570 on: September 18 2006, 03:37 am »
So, I was flipping through book one of Tsubasa today, and I came across that one pannel where there are all the presumably-dead bodies in Fai's word. And this is just a theory, but, what if they aren't actually dead? What if all those people are sleeping, like Ashura? Yes, there's blood there, but Clamp faked us out with Syaoran and the clone "controlling" him, so it follows that they'd potentially do the same with Fai's past.

A lot of people, Del Rey included, seem to think those people are there in the aftermath of a battle, but Fai and Ashura seem to be very close and, on Fai's part at least, affectionate towards each other. So why would they fight? And if they *did* decide to fight each other, if some sort of circumstance turned them against each other, why get other people involved? Fai said himself that he doesn't want people getting hurt by getting involved with him. Now, admittedly this statement could have been made BECAUSE people have gotten involved with him and gotten hurt, but Fai seems like the kind of person who will do anything to avoid fighting. And frankly, in all the pictures we've seen of Ashura, he appears very gentle and not hostile at all.

So, that's my Fai-theory for the day XD
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #571 on: September 18 2006, 03:47 am »
What if the people tryed to save Fai from Ashura-ou? Or Fai just sealed him away because he was getting to power hungry? I hope we get to see his past soon, and in soon, I mean uh like now if they read this site...which would be cool

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #572 on: September 18 2006, 04:08 am »
I'm still in the "Fai did bad things in the past" camp.  Expecially after the way CLAMP is handling Himawari, I feel like Fai has a history of hurting the ones he loves, and being hurt by them also.  I don't know that he is "bad luck" neccesarily,  but I do think he has unwillingly hurt others in the past.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #573 on: September 18 2006, 08:46 am »
So, I was flipping through book one of Tsubasa today, and I came across that one pannel where there are all the presumably-dead bodies in Fai's word. And this is just a theory, but, what if they aren't actually dead? What if all those people are sleeping, like Ashura? Yes, there's blood there, but Clamp faked us out with Syaoran and the clone "controlling" him, so it follows that they'd potentially do the same with Fai's past.

A lot of people, Del Rey included, seem to think those people are there in the aftermath of a battle, but Fai and Ashura seem to be very close and, on Fai's part at least, affectionate towards each other. So why would they fight? And if they *did* decide to fight each other, if some sort of circumstance turned them against each other, why get other people involved? Fai said himself that he doesn't want people getting hurt by getting involved with him. Now, admittedly this statement could have been made BECAUSE people have gotten involved with him and gotten hurt, but Fai seems like the kind of person who will do anything to avoid fighting. And frankly, in all the pictures we've seen of Ashura, he appears very gentle and not hostile at all.

So, that's my Fai-theory for the day XD

Maybe they were fighting and then they all fell asleep, and that's why there's blood around them - from the wounds they inflicted on each other? An interesting thought. It makes me think of Sleeping Beauty, though. Maybe there was battle going on and Fai stopped it by putting everyone to sleep...? That still leaves the question of how Ashura-ou was involved and why Fai had to run away.

Why would they fight is a big question. You're right - neither of them is the type to start a battle. And they don't seem to be set against each other, unless Fai has managed to turn Ashura-ou totally against him (though I can't imagine how - Ashura-ou isn't very fierce).

I'm in the "Fai did bad things" camp as well, I think, though he might have done them unintentionally. Ashura-ou as well.
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #574 on: September 22 2006, 07:15 am »
Hey, just found this, do you think Fai was built off of Faust?

If thats so then.......poor Fai/Faust

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #575 on: September 22 2006, 02:29 pm »
Hey, just found this, do you think Fai was built off of Faust?

If thats so then.......poor Fai/Faust

Just a fan looking around

*laugh* Funny idea, but I don't really think so ^_~

What I find interesting, though, is the fact that Mephisto seems quite gay in the story sometimes *snicker*
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #576 on: October 01 2006, 11:17 am »
I dunno whether this had been discussed or not, and I'm just to lazy to scrolling-searching -_- Just wondering, Fai said that If Ashura-ou awake, he will definetely going after Fai, does that means that Ashura-ou can easily travel across dimension, and what he wanna do with Fai..? take him back to Ceres or worse, kill him..?

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #577 on: October 02 2006, 03:15 am »
hum,all these recents awful events that took place in the manga make me think that CLAMP's aim is to make us feel depressed :sweatdrop:

we need a little break,don't you think?
here a funny discussion about Fai's outfit that i found on a livejournal  :wink:

now i understand why Kurogane gets all upset every time he looks at Fai,he is about to have a nose bleeding  :haha:

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #578 on: October 02 2006, 08:39 am »
indeed. espcialy that bunny gertting some action from fai;s coat XDDDD
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #579 on: October 02 2006, 09:12 am »
I dunno does it makes any sense or not ^^"
So on my language Fai's name has a meaning. You're writing it as ' fáj ' but it sounds like in the anime. And ' fáj ' means ' pain ' in english ^^

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