AuthorTopic: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?  (Read 22464 times)

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #40 on: August 29 2005, 02:25 am »
I like the anime really much but it bothers me that they make it not so funny and with the action as it is in the manga!!! -_-
After I saw the 19th episode I think it will be better but ...hmmm I prefer the manga.
But hey: if you get the anime free why not looking it, right? :rotfl:
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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #41 on: January 03 2006, 09:45 am »
I think manga is better than anime. firstly, anime doesn't alike much to clamp's style, althought their style is complicated...curiously, I find more atractive no animated anime images...It sounds extrange, but some scenes from anime aren't so good.  :sad5:
then, story (like in others anime) changes a lot; I don't like that. at the moment, I prefer manga...there are more drama and...blood... jeje :heh:

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #42 on: January 03 2006, 03:15 pm »
it's just that TRC is sort of a sequel and my experience as a gamer tells me that a sequeal is very rarily as good as the first

so don't go complain about TRC not being as good as CCS since that is natural!
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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #43 on: January 04 2006, 12:53 am »
To minimuze the injuries from beatings by all you obsessed fans :hehe: I'll first say that I am a MAD fan of Card Captor Sakura (Tomoyo FOREVER :D), and was thus attractted to Tsubasa Chonicle upon hearing rumours of a sequel. But well...perhaps it is just me but I didn't really find it catch my fancy...

Primary reason was that it became annoyingly obvious how they were writing just to attract viewers. For them, CCS sold, hence the reusing of characters that looked EXACTLY the same, with EXACTLY the same personalities. Also the awfully contrived trailers to the next episode by Mokona...urrgh...

Second reason is the storyline-it's just unrealistically "feelgood"-not that being "feelgood" was bad (CCS IMO was tastefully feelgood), but well like...Sakura can simle and convert a bad guy of many years!? That's just a bit...unrealistic, no?

What do you all think? Is it just me? Or alternatively, do share with me the reasons why you all like the anime so much!
First off, Tsubasa isn't a sequel to CCS.  It's really more of a spin-off.  The characters in Tsubasa may share the same names and faces to the CCS characters, but they are considered to be completely different characters because it takes place in an alternate universe to CCS.  Sakura and Shaoran are supposed to have the same personalties as their CCS counterparts because even though they may be different people in a different universe, they'll all have the same soul no matter which universe you go to.  Fai even says this himself in one episode.  That's why Sorata and Arashi are always together in the different worlds even though they're in another alternate reality.  Besides, if Clamp drastically changed the personalities of Sakura and Shaoran, two of their most popular characters, the fans wouldn't like it at all that they changed their favorite characters so drastically.

About Sakura converting a bad guy to being good, that episode was a filler-in that was created for the anime version only and wasn't in the original manga.  You have to remember that Tsubasa is a children's anime in Japan, so some cheesiness is to be expected.  CCS was also a kid's show and had cheesiness in it, too.  Remember the whole "If I believe in the cards, I can save the world!" thing from episode 69 of CCS?  Admittedly, when Tsubasa was first released, I thought it was going to be a terrible idea.  I'm not much of a big fan of crossovers, so when I heard Clamp was going to create a series that crossed over all of their most popular characters, I thought Clamp had finally sold out and I wasn't going to have anything at all to do with Tsubasa.

But then the anime was released and the first episode was fansubbed, so curiosity got the better of me and I decided to check it out.  The first episode was ok but wasn't the greatest.  The biggest thing I didn't like about it was the whole thing about Sakura being the princess of a kingdom where abosuletly everyone is in love with her and thinks she's perfect.  I thought that was really cheesy too, but I just reminded myself that Tsubasa is a children's anime, so some cheesiness is to be expected.  The quality of the animation wasn't all that great compared to Clamp's other series, either.  I was really hoping Madhouse would animate Tsubasa as they've animated most of Clamp's other works, so I wasn't quite used to Bee-Train's style.  I especially hated how ridiciously skinny the characters looked, particulary Yukito, and how odd the faces looked sometimes, but eventually I started to get adjusted to it.  The second episode was mostly a lot of talking with not much action or comedy until near the end of the episode and then episode three had too many annoying flashbacks.  I thought episode four was kawaii, but it including the part about Sakura converting the bad guy to being good was an anime-only storyline.  The whole Hanshin arc itself was pretty predictable and somewhat of a bore and for a while, I was debating myself whether or not I should drop Tsubasa.  Then, they started the whole arc with Chun Yang and I started to fall in love with it.  I don't know what it was about the arc with Chun Yang that impressed me so much, but the quality of the animation really started improving tremdously and I found the story and characters of that world to be really interesting and exiciting.  I really liked Kurogane and Fai's battle with Kishmi and the story about Chun Yang's mother was really sad.  I loved the world with Emeraudehime even more with its interesting mystery, but by far the best arc has to be the Outo world, with all the oni slaying and just the really cool plot twist it has.

At first Fai was my least favorite character because they weren't giving him any character development at all.  In fact, pretty much the only character they were developing was Kurogane, who happened to be my favorite Tsubasa character.  However, in recent episodes, they've started to give Fai more character development and I'm really starting to like him a lot more.  We've still got two more seasons to go, so I should give the development with Fai's character a chance.  I haven't really read much of the manga, so I can't say how good it is compared to the anime, but most Tsubasa fans like the manga more than they do the anime, so if you don't like the Tsubasa anime very much Harry, you should give the manga a try.  You seem like you'll enjoy that a lot more.  I myself think what little I've read of the manga is better than the anime, but the manga isn't quite the same without the anime's awesome soundtrack.  There are still some things about Tsubasa I don't like, like the Hanshin arc and the filler-in episodes of the anime are boring, but I really think the animation and storyline just keeps on improving.  I still don't like Tsubasa as much as I do CCS or some of Clamp's other works, but Tsubasa has definetly impressed me more than it did at the beginning, so I'm looking forward to the rest and highly recommend sticking it out, at least until the arc with Chun Yang, Harry.
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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse
« Reply #44 on: January 20 2006, 07:21 am »
ohaiyou ^^
well if you think about it; most animes aren't as good as the manga series since they usually go into much further dept. it's kinda like books turned into movies...actually it's EXACTLY like books turned movies ^^;; I give them props for the good music and mokona's amazingly kawaii voice. I'm not too happy about sakura's "dansel in distress" status though. She's sakura after all; essentially the souls are the same [so they say] but it doesn't quite feel like this sakura is living up to the original's calibur. -_-

The idea of syaoran being the hero is a great idea, to switch it around since sakura is so kick *** in CCS [XD] So is the idea of combining all of clamp's work by saying it's a multi-verse. cross overs rawk. ^^b

Kuro-kun + Fai + Mokona = hilarity

But most of all, i miss syaoran's awkwardness T_T it made the anime/manga much more commical/cute.

lol now to actually answer the main comment at hand; getting bad? I don't think so. the lowest they got was when sakura "changed" that bad guy into a good guy because of her "warmth" that was about as cheesy as that macaroni dinosaur's commericals...and not in a good! >=[ But the recent episodes have more action in them so I say it's making the storyline pick up better.

of course nothing beats good ole fashion CCS hehe because there's no yuki to eat everything in site! T_T

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #45 on: January 23 2006, 04:51 am »
I really don't think the anime is all that bad.

sure its different from the manga and deviates slightly but what anime doesn't?
The manga is better yes, but most manga's are better than anime because more time is taken over each page, in anime, not that much detail is put into every single shot, and its not CLAMP drawing it....

yes the anime is a little slow... but I think its trying to build up tension. CLAMP are going to drag this out as long as they can to keep us fans hanging on for dear life until we all rejoice in its conclusion! ^^
Perhaps this will be CLAMP's final manga?
they want to make it long, and good.

There are parts they could improve on in the anime of course, but I enjoy watching it so much, and appriciate all that it is. :)

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well, since i'm too lazy  to read manga, ussually i'm more familiar with the series!! i dont think TRC is bad as some people used to think..TRC is a nice anime, with even the same characters but still it differs from CCS, well, i know maybe people tend to think and compared it with CCS, but i guess teh plot is different, CCS audience target basically are for children and yeah..anyone can enjoy it too since the anime is awesome, but TRC plot and story are much more for the matured still love it if they like CCS, and from here,this is the difference between them!! i admit the flow of the story was quite slow but this anime was nice in terms  of music and storyline, characters itself...overall, its really anice anime..i've enjoyed season2 just like i enjoy watching the whole previous season!! that's it!! :hello2: whether its going to be worse or not..just wait and see!!

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse
« Reply #47 on: June 15 2006, 01:18 pm »
I've only watched Tsubasa Chronicle in its entire form, and I believe it supplies the excitement that the manga somehow lacks. Oh, and did I mention that I now forgive Animax in spite of its horrible dubbing?

In any case, a comparison between TRC and the anime could be in order to better appreciate the whole series. I don't think TRC is just a mere spin-off but rather a reinvention of the CLAMP characters we are very familiar with.

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As most people say, (even me) the manga is better than the anime. But even so, I still love both manga and anime.

The negative things about the anime are:
1. they are so skinny! In the first episode, when Syaoran dragged Sakura off to get away from the people, she was like, being carried off like a doll! And also, that scene never happened in the manga.
2. the comedy is too little. The anime focuses more on the action and adventure. And that is what annoys me, expecially in Syaoran's case. In the manga, he shows more emotion than in the anime. Facial expression is very important. And well... in the manga, the cute/comical parts are, if not from kuro+fai+mokona, are from syaoran.
An example of this is in the world of that giant lake.
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In the manga, when Syaoran was already out of the lake, Mokona was like, "Syaoran! Sakura is! Sakura is! Sakura is!" and Syaoran goes, "Sakura is?!" Mokona replies, "Sakura is sleeping."
Then when Sakura wakes up, she shouts, "Syaoran is still in the lake!" and she runs off towards the lake, Mokona dangling on her clothes. Syaoran runs after her and takes her by the shoulders from behind saying, "I'm right here!" Read the manga. It's quite hard to explain really. And also in the world of the rabbit-like creatures, I dunno if anyone found this funny, but I was giggling when i read it. Nuts were falling from the sky and Syaoran was like, "A nut?!" and later on, he gets hit on the head with a nut and falls unconcious.
so far those are the things i dont like.

And of course, if there's a negative side, there has to be a positive side. (Universal Balance... ahehehe :sweatdrop:)
The positive side about the anime:
1. the music. The music is very good. I enjoy it a lot. Especially the background music. The insert songs are also great, as well as the opening and ending songs.
2. voice. the anime of course has voice. I think the seiyuu for the characters did well. Though i think fai has a bit of a low voice. i mean, for that happy personality he shows, it could have been a bit more... um... how do i descibe it... um... well the animax dub of Fai is okay, kinda like that. But of course, Daisuke-san did very well as Fai.
3. the action scenes. Action scenes are better in anime since you actually see it moving and everything, unlike in the manga where it's just a drawing. and we all know drawings/pictures dont move. --unless you're in the world of Harry Potter where photos really do move. :keke:

I'm not against the anime or the manga or anything. I love both.

As for the recycling of characters, it's okay with me. Well, it is actually said to be a crossover.
From Wikipedia: 'CLAMP cites that Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC are meant to tie all of their works together yet still stand alone as their own story.'

this is quite long, isn't it? Well, that's basically all I wanted to say...

And TC is not getting worse. I think it's going better. Even if it's just bit by bit...
"no matter how you say it... it still means the same. it still IS the same. it's the same section where you find the... angels/devils... the same section that brings you noise, and most importantly, the FUN. but never, ever forget... TOKI-TOKI. hahaha!"

"millions of worlds, millions of beings, millions of souls, millions of lives. there are billions of wishes out there, but how can they all be granted, when there is only... ONE dimensional witch? and only one branch of her shop too." ^_^

"four different people. four different lives. four different wishes. but only one....... MOKONA." hahaha LOL ^_^

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Yes, it really is getting better. The storyline has picked up its pace without missing anything and I think that's wonderful.

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Yeah. Maybe persons who has seen the latest chapters could think that TRC is "gore" and very bloody. Demo, that's Clamp's style: in a side cute and pink; in the other side, bloody and very tragic. All this is the ingredients of its succes. :)

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I'm not a good anime critic but I think TRC is a great anime ... I don't think is better than CCS ( I loved and I love it) but I like TRC too...I like the characters style a lot... Maybe isn't a very good idea to borrow them  from other anime but even so I think isn't a bad or a worse anime...*my opinion"

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #52 on: August 04 2006, 07:06 am »
it's just you cuz fans wants to see more of sakura and syaoran. ALSO CCS moved it's epsiode by ONE CARD at a time. thats same as TRC which SOME epsiodes are moved by feathers or/and mokona. and i'm happy to see syaoran and sakura again.

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #53 on: September 01 2007, 12:38 am »
The Japanese version is one year ahead of the English translated version.
yea u're kinda right about that......................
.....................but............... ......................
I don't think u'll understand......................

c how the world is when life cannot live on if only................................... ...............

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #54 on: September 01 2007, 04:30 am »
To minimuze the injuries from beatings by all you obsessed fans :hehe: I'll first say that I am a MAD fan of Card Captor Sakura (Tomoyo FOREVER :D), and was thus attractted to Tsubasa Chonicle upon hearing rumours of a sequel. But well...perhaps it is just me but I didn't really find it catch my fancy...

Primary reason was that it became annoyingly obvious how they were writing just to attract viewers. For them, CCS sold, hence the reusing of characters that looked EXACTLY the same, with EXACTLY the same personalities. Also the awfully contrived trailers to the next episode by Mokona...urrgh...

Second reason is the storyline-it's just unrealistically "feelgood"-not that being "feelgood" was bad (CCS IMO was tastefully feelgood), but well like...Sakura can simle and convert a bad guy of many years!? That's just a bit...unrealistic, no?

What do you all think? Is it just me? Or alternatively, do share with me the reasons why you all like the anime so much!

Well I don't like the anime, at all actually,  there are some very few things that are good but mostly I don't like it. I love the manga and to me the anime and manga are so different in many ways so it would take to long for me to write it all down.
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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #55 on: December 02 2007, 08:13 pm »
its just you, buddy..
its just you..............

i will matter what..

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #56 on: December 03 2007, 01:50 pm »
Gotta love the n00bs, bumping up old threads. OY!!!

Anime sucks...manga rocks. Live with that! :D

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #57 on: January 28 2008, 06:00 am »
Perhaps this will be CLAMP's final manga?
they want to make it long, and good.

Nope, they've recently made a new series called Kobato. It's cute and funny. =)

lol now to actually answer the main comment at hand; getting bad? I don't think so. the lowest they got was when sakura "changed" that bad guy into a good guy because of her "warmth" that was about as cheesy as that macaroni dinosaur's commericals...and not in a good! >=[ But the recent episodes have more action in them so I say it's making the storyline pick up better.

lol! I couldn't stop laughing for at least 10 minutes. That was too funny.

Now for my opinion is that the manga is by far the better than the anime (considering now that the anime that BeeTrain showed is done). As many people have said before me the anime doens't really show the deep character developments in the manga and they don't have as much funnys as there is in the manga. I believe that the little mini-fights between Mokona and Fay show what Kurogane's true character is like unlike the character he tries to show off when he first meets Fay, Syaoran, Mokona, and Sakura-chan. The manga most of the time is usually better than the anime and in the anime there are always going to be changes because if they did do word from word and exactly what was done in the anime then there wouldn't be enough time and the anime would go on for all eternity. Also, I think it's also the same with that they don't want to do it exactly like the manga becuase people who have read the manga will know what's going to happen next and to some people that is/might be a bore. I personally like the whole different dimensions and universes and the use of old characters because as Yuuko-san had said in the manga (and anime) that even though you may see a person that looks like someone you know it's might/not be same person because they and them are from a different world. (I also came to the conclusion on my own that the body is nothing but a shell and any soul can posses it. The body is not the same as the soul and will not always be together with that same body).

I don't compare Tsubasa Chronicles with Card Captor Sakura because as said in previous posts it is suppose to be it's own seperate story and universe. The characters are suppose to have the same base qualities because even though they live in different environment and situations the soul is the same. I have never compared Tsubasa Chronicles with Card Captor Sakura because it isn't suppose to be the same, and whoever said that it was a sequel to Card Captor Sakura doesn't really....hmmm....I don't want to sound rude, but they can't read. CLAMP even said themselves that Tsubasa Chronicles was it's own seperate story. (I think I just repeated myself. )  :icon_tongue:

The anime, like i've said before, I don't  like as much as the manga. However, I do have some things I like in the anime. For example. The music in Tsubasa Chronicles was totally amazing. I fell in love with it because it seemed to fit the anime so well and with the manga. There were cute scenes in the anime (some that weren't in the manga) and that made it awesome to sit here at my computer and watch. I loved to see Sakura-chan's many outfits in color and some outfits that weren't even shown in the manga (so even more outfits.  :okay: ) The seiyuu's for each character were perfect. I don't think there could be anymore perfect people to play as their seiyuu's. I foremember that someone said that they thought Fay's voice too low. Well, I think personally, that it's pretty much the perfect voice because Fay is calm and cheery. He's full of mystery (and sad past) that he hides behind that smile of his. It's really like a cover up that he tries to play, but as the series goes on I do beleive he changes into that personality. (they all go through a change of some sort.)

I like how BeeTrain drew Sakura-chan and the different color of her hair and everything and with the other characters. As said before me though, they were way to thin. I was really debating whether all the character in there had that disease where the body is disporotional (where there arms are longer than their legs) and they are like super super thin. I can't remember what that disease is called...I remember when Tsubasa Chronicles came out I was doing a project over that disease so yeah. I couldn't help but think that when I first watched the anime. I'm also dispointed that Mad House didn't do Tsubasa Chronicles as I thought they would. I personally think Mad House is perfect for CLAMP's work because they make it very close like it. (I'm really happy that they did CLAMP in Wonderland 2.)

Overall, I like Tsubasa Chronicles (manga) better than Card Captor Sakura as a whole. Don't get me wrong, I still very much love Card Captor Sakura but I always dreamed and hoped that CLAMP would make a dimensional traveling series and someone close to Sakura-chan being one of the main characters (this was way before Tsubasa Chronicles came out) and when they announced it I was estatic. So yeah, I like it more.

 :sweatdrop: This came out longer than I expected.  :sweatdrop: Sorry!

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #58 on: January 28 2008, 07:33 am »
If Madhouse did TRC and stuck more faithfully to the manga story arcs, especially with the second season, this thread would not even exist (Madhouse did CCS, Tokyo Babylon, X and Chobits for CLAMP).

Sorry,,,there's no comparison between the manga and anime. As mentioned, the musical score from the anime was well done, even  though it was rather repetitive in many episodes.

One last note... the concept of TRC isn't even a new's been done to death as many comic book collectors and fans know, still, the interaction within the CLAMP Universe of TRC did sell me into obtaining all of CLAMP's past work so some good came from it for me.

Final note... CCS > TRC...not a contest :D

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?
« Reply #59 on: January 30 2008, 06:38 pm »
Well I'm sorta understand what you mean
Like I'm a big fan of CCS too I thought the book was cute and funny, so when I heard of Tsubasa being relesed I thought it would be cool too because Syaoran was my fav. character =P
At first I thought Tsubasa was cute (sorta like CCS) It showed they loved each other and stuff..... but later on It sorta just started losing my attenetion  :sweatdrop: Oooh but don't get me wrong I've read alot of them and it can be funny buuut I guess I'm more into alittle more romace than all action and stuff  :P
I still gotta say so far... my fav. TRC is the first one ;)
There's nothing sadder or lonelier
Than a night sky with no stars